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Topic: LyricsDB discussion (Read 439585 times) previous topic - next topic
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LyricsDB discussion

Reply #600
Well, yet about lyrics... As I'm hearing an album, all the lyrics is shown are good, except one.

I've tryied to re-write the tags through the freedb to another set of songs but it still shows me the wrong lyrics.

Can someone help me to change a lyric of an .FLAC file?

The files I've downloaded to manage lyrics, I guess, are foo_uie_lyrics3 and foo_lyricsdb.

About the files I'm plying, I can upload them to some 4shared, if someone needs that.

And a doubt: is it correct that, if a file doen't keep any lyric, when foobar2000 plays this music the foobar goes to search a lyric for it through the Internet? Ot it just plays what is already inside the file?

Last but absolutely not least, pls excuse my horrible english.

Thank you.

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #601
Nobody?! Pls?

LyricsDB discussion

Reply #602
You don’t need both foo_uie_lyrics3 and foo_lyricsdb; foo_uie_lyrics3 can access the lyric database used by foo_lyricsdb ( as well as other databases.

You can set foo_uie_lyrics3 to search for lyrics on the internet when the lyrics are missing but only if the online databases are included in the search sources – to configure open the lyrics3 preferences page that’s on the right click menu. To change the lyric in the flac file set lyrics3 to search the online databases you wish and on the lyric saving tab set the save method as save to tag. Play the song and on the right click menu choose next lyric until a lyric you like appears. Then right click and choose save to forcibly replace the previous saved lyric. This should work provided the file is tagged with the correct artist and title. Be aware that lyrics3 can also search for lyrics saved locally as files and such a lyric might appear if local file search is configured before the tag search. Alternatively you can right click the flac file and select properties. There you can delete the lyric manually and replace it manually if you wish.