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Topic: best resampler (Read 6846 times) previous topic - next topic
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best resampler

Reply #1
Take a look here

Personally, I use the PPHS.

If age or weaknes doe prohibyte bloudletting you must use boxing

best resampler

Reply #2
If it has to be between SSRC and SRC, use the former. The latter colours the sound distinctly (I had to fight off a deluded audiophile, whose strength was in Open Source anyway, on HWZ forums).

But if you're looking to resample during playback because of a flaw with soundcard drivers (notably, Creative's), use PPHS for its next-to-nothing CPU usage.

best resampler

Reply #3
If it has to be between SSRC and SRC, use the former. The latter colours the sound distinctly (I had to fight off a deluded audiophile, whose strength was in Open Source anyway, on HWZ forums).

But if you're looking to resample during playback because of a flaw with soundcard drivers (notably, Creative's), use PPHS for its next-to-nothing CPU usage.

I don't have creative's card.

SRC seems to be the best for me.

best resampler

Reply #4
I just want to point out that the use of resamplers is only needed if a) your soundcard does not support 44.1 khz native input and b) does have badly implemented resamping itself. Using resamplers in other cases is simply a waste of computing powers and will definitely not improve the sound quality in any way.

Personally I am still surprised how many people use resamplers these days. And I can simply not imagine that all these people still use ancient creative cards with broken resampling.

best resampler

Reply #5
Music definitely sounds best if the card's internal sampling frequency is used. For cards  which use fixed internal resampling to 48khz, use resampling, otherwise the card will downsample internally to 44khz and it will sound worse.

best resampler

Reply #6
*must resist TOS#8 nazi-tendencies...*
I am arrogant and I can afford it because I deliver.

best resampler

Reply #7
...Also please note that even though having a soundcard/chip which internally resamples badly, then it will only be badly percievable on test signal like udial.ape but NOT on real music however...

Like the fb2k FAQ states, then only enable it if you can actually ABX the difference on REAL music!

best resampler

Reply #8
SRC seems to be the best for me.

That's because you can hear how it colours the sound, and you like the colouration.
Aim for transparency, my man, or else you may as well go back to vacuum tubes.

best resampler

Reply #9
I don't have creative's card.

SRC seems to be the best for me.

that DAC should handle 44.1 source just fine.  Instead, try setting Output to 24bit in fb2k if you haven't already, instead of dithered 16bit.

Pre X-Fi Creative and AC97 cards benefitted from software resampling.  X-Fi cards have the new hardware resampler that is very good, and tests show it performs better than most software resamplers.  (About on par with CoolEdit Pro)
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Flac yuo in teh ASIO!