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Topic: TAudioConverter (Read 349108 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #750
0.9.7 changes:
Code: [Select]
-Added: [CueSheet] Genre and date tags will be extracted
-Added: [General] Replaced refalac with ffmpeg as alac encoder
-Fixed: [General] Folder tree options weren't used if "Same as Source" button was checked
-Fixed: [CueSheet] Default output file name will be generate from tags instead of wave file
-Fixed: [CueSheet] Value shown in "Title" column in file list was wrong
-Fixed: [CueSheet] Padding applied to extracted duration information was wrong in some cases
-Removed: RefAlac from the package
-Removed: Ads from installers


@Wombat thanks for the suggestion. I can't guarantee it but I'll take a look.
@o-l-a-v thanks.

@francesco do you mean like silence detection?



Reply #752
Hello, Ozok,

The other day, I learnt there's something called DTS-HD and I found that programmes like tsMuxer are able to extract the DTS part and discard the "extended information" without having to reencode. I was also interested to know if converting into AC3, either from the original DTS-HD or from the DTS makes a difference, and I found different opinions. Having said that, I'd like to ask you and know your opinion (and anybody's) about three issues:

1. My first question is more general: transcoding from the DTS-HD makes the AC3 "better" (whatever this word means), considering the DTS-HD contains way more information than the DTS, or it doesn't make any difference considering a lot of data is lost anyway when transcoding into AC3?

2. Someone said in a particular forum that, with some programmes, you have to force the codec to read the whole DTS-HD in order to convert the track to a different format, as otherwise, it only reads the DTS part. I was wondering if Tau would read the whole DTS-HD before transcoding, as I couldn't find information about it.

3. Finally, would you considering adding a button you can click to just demux the DTS part of a DTS-HD? If TAu can do this already, I was unable to find it.

Thank you for your time and have a nice day!


Reply #753
1. My first question is more general: transcoding from the DTS-HD makes the AC3 "better" (whatever this word means), considering the DTS-HD contains way more information than the DTS, or it doesn't make any difference considering a lot of data is lost anyway when transcoding into AC3?

Using the full DTS-HD as the source instead of the DTS core is "better" in the sense that the DTS-HD is closer to the original master than the DTS core. This doesn't mean that you will ever be able to hear the difference between the two, but I would choose the DTS-HD for peace of mind.


Reply #754
Thank you, Octocontrabass,

I think I would also try to transcode from the DTS-HD, although I still wonder if there would be much of a difference, as information is lost anyway when transcoding to AC3. And also, I'm still concerned, as somebody mentioned in a different forum, that the programme must be properly configured to read that extra information contained in the DTS-HD: otherwise, apparently it only reads the DTS part.

I wonder what Ozok and others might think about it.

1. My first question is more general: transcoding from the DTS-HD makes the AC3 "better" (whatever this word means), considering the DTS-HD contains way more information than the DTS, or it doesn't make any difference considering a lot of data is lost anyway when transcoding into AC3?

Using the full DTS-HD as the source instead of the DTS core is "better" in the sense that the DTS-HD is closer to the original master than the DTS core. This doesn't mean that you will ever be able to hear the difference between the two, but I would choose the DTS-HD for peace of mind.


Reply #755
0.9.8 changes (11.01.2015)

Code: [Select]
-Added: [General] An option to switch between codecs and presets
-Added: [General] Presets for AC3, ALAC, FLAC, Mp3, MPC and WMA
-Fixed: [General] A few small bugs
-Updated: Skin component to 9.19
-Updated: WMA and Mp4 tag libraries
-Updated: FLAC to 1.3.1
-Updated: FDKAAC to 0.6.1
-Updated: MediaInfo to 0.7.71


Reply #756
You should add LossyWAV (FLAC, TAK, WV, WMALSL).

Any thoughts?

Also the "*" on Nero AAC Encoder and on Apple Lossless? And maybe add the option for refalac instead of qaac for Apple Lossless?



Reply #757
*Just saw the lossyWAV option. Nevermind that.

You should add an option to remove the source after the conversion, only dBpoweramp of the ones I tried has it and it can be useful sometimes.


Reply #758
I'm trying to extract the different audio streams directly from a DVD with TAC, however, when I add the DVD with the "File" "Add File/Folder/Folder Tree" etc., it takes ages reading things, but then after it's finished, no files are there in the main window for me to select and copy. Any ideas? Should I copy the DVD to the hard drive first? I am trying to add .VOB files.


Reply #759
@ozok, give an example of the profile (* .ini) for qaac (cbr, cbr, vbr, abr), please


Reply #760
for example: "Qaac TVBR 127 - Stereo - 44100Hz.ini "

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #762
How to get encoding to use qaac via Apple Lossless Audio Codec - ALAC - Stereo - 44100.ini preset?

It seems to use ffmpeg version N-72709-g42db4aa Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers


Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #763
How to get encoding to use qaac via Apple Lossless Audio Codec - ALAC - Stereo - 44100.ini preset?

It seems to use ffmpeg version N-72709-g42db4aa Copyright (c) 2000-2015 the FFmpeg developers

I think this project can be considered dead. You'll have better luck using foobar2000 for ALAC encoding with QAAC.

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #764
hi there,
tried emailing but no reply,
could a feature be added where in you are able to delete input files after conversion completes?
it is the only feature I'm missing currently :)

thanks for t audio converter!

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #765
I guess it's safe to assume that TAC is not being actively developed anymore, based on the activity in this thread.
But the feature you requested is already implemented, atleast in v0.9.9 from Fosshub

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #766
I've been getting the error "bass.dll is missing" every time I start TAC.  I close the error twice, and TAC force closes.  If I open TAC again, it opens fine.  I'm on Windows 10.  I've completely uninstalled TAC and reinstalled it and still this problem.  Anyone else or any ideas?
"You can fight without ever winning, but never win without a fight."  Neil Peart  'Resist'

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #767
I've been getting the error "bass.dll is missing" every time I start TAC.  I close the error twice, and TAC force closes.  If I open TAC again, it opens fine.  I'm on Windows 10.  I've completely uninstalled TAC and reinstalled it and still this problem.  Anyone else or any ideas?
i have the same issue but only under w10 , under w7 runs without error
i have the portable installation  , i tried to run as administrator under w10 and i don't get errors
i run version 0.9.9 built 3899 i guess it's the last
hope it could help you

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #768
I read in a post from 2013 that support for CUE sheets was to be implemented and indeed it was. Unfortunately I have an issue with using CUE sheets with this app. Could anyone advise me?

ISSUE: When converting a single large m4b file (audiobook-itunes) to multiple mp3 files using a CUE sheet for Tracks/chapters the first file is always track/chapter 2 and the album column says track 1 all the way through. Is this an error in the program reading the CUE sheet? An error in the CUE sheet or some setting I have to change?


The first part of the CUE sheet is as follows:

FILE "BOOK NAME, SERIES NAME Book 3 (Unabridged).m4b" MP4
  TITLE "Chapter 01"
  INDEX 01 0:0:00
  TITLE "Chapter 02"
  INDEX 01 17:42:73
  TITLE "Chapter 03"
  INDEX 01 42:57:97
  TITLE "Chapter 04"
  INDEX 01 63:21:75

OK. I figured out if I added an initial title line to the top of the CUE sheet it all works. Hope that helps someone else in the future.

FILE "BOOK NAME, SERIES NAME Book 3 (Unabridged).m4b" MP4
  TITLE "Chapter 01"
  INDEX 01 0:0:00
  TITLE "Chapter 02"
  INDEX 01 17:42:73
  TITLE "Chapter 03"
  INDEX 01 42:57:97
  TITLE "Chapter 04"
  INDEX 01 63:21:75

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #769
Thank you for this!
I personally will use it for FDAAC with Spectral Band Replication @ 16bit / 96k ;)

Suggestion allow users to select what codecs are installed.

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #770
Is this project dead?
"You can fight without ever winning, but never win without a fight."  Neil Peart  'Resist'

Re: TAudioConverter

Reply #771
feat request, bugs, and questions:
1- When testing, i often need to convert one file into another file. My main focus is on OPUS. So MP3 or MP4 or AAC to OPUS.
Opus works by decoding the file to a WAV type of file, and then encodes it to OPUS. I'm not sure if it's a plain WAV file, because OPUS documentation seems to indicate some more information on bitrates is entered in the decoded file.
When testing, every time the original (eg: MP3), needs to be re-decoded for every encode I make.
Like, if I want to test out 48kbit OPUS to 64kbit OPUS, it decodes the file twice, once for each encoding.
Is there a way, an option could be included to keep the original decoded file so it can be used for multiple encodings at a time?

2- Decode to RAM.
When I work on a project, I often have large files decoded. (range from 500MB to sometimes a few GB in uncompressed format, aka WAV-format).
I have 32GB of RAM on my pc.
I wondered if instead of writing the decoded file to my HDD or SSD, which causes unnecessary wear, if the file instead could be decoded to RAM; and then from RAM be encoded?
This will save me HDD/SSD wear, and possibly also encoding time.
This should not be an issue, as long as the program checks for available RAM space, before decoding larger files, and wait with decoding other threads until more ram is freed (when an encoding is finished).

This option may not benefit anyone on a 32bit system unless they're encoding tracks, but anyone on a 64bit system with more than 4GB of RAM should have enough for this feat to be implemented.

3- Option Ecode on the fly.
If possible, as a third option, on some encoders,to encode on the fly?
This way, Decoding and Encoding can be done in a single command, bypassing RAM and ROM entirely!
It should speed up encoding time of files considerably (more than 2x with an efficient program), especially when encoding CBR files!!!
Decoded data can be stored to, and read from, L-cache memory, rather than from storage memory; and encoding and decoding can be done in one single command, rather than waiting for a decode to finish before encoding can start.

4- When making an encoding project, and an encoded filename is already in the destination folder, Taudioconverter will not overwrite, nor ask to overwrite the file currently present in the 'to be encoded' folder.
Instead it will just encode, and then discard the newly encoded file.
I ran some checks, and it actually saves the encoded file in another folder, but upon exit, empties the folder, which is the same as discarding it.
I then have to not only notice the error myself, but also re-decode and encode the file, as it's no longer present in the program memory.

Instead it would make more sense if Taudioconverter would check at the beginning if there are any file name conflicts present, and offer the option to 'overwrite' or 'cancel encoding' the particular file that has the filename error.
If during the process, newer files are entered in the folder with a program outside of Taudioconverter, and a filename conflict is present; then it would make sense to queue the renaming of the filename, and either offer a popup near to the end of the encoding requesting between 'overwrite' or 'cancel' or 'rename'; or, TAudioConverter should automatically enter the next filename possible, like what windows does when a filename is already present; by adding '(1)', '(2)', '(3)', and so on.... and add any consecutive number after that if necessary...