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Topic: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3 (Read 54152 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #100
Ignore that error when you get it, which is common.
I have to admit i created my folders and dont really need to create new ones for my library so i'm not testing that functionality. Still, i'm surprised it's common. Can you describe the situation in which you have this error ?

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #101
Well, I might as well keep talking to myself here in the middle of the night, but something is seriously off with sorting the playlists. Now that I finally finished organizing my over 600 playlists into folders (with nothing in the root folder), sorting works both ways...until it doesn't. Meaning that sorting a folder ascending might look like it's sorted in alphabetical order, but suddenly there's a jump. Look at this (this is a snippet from my Artists folder):

It actually starts at the beginning of the list at Astral Projection, then goes alphabetically to almost to the end of playlists starting with G (skipping some playlists no, actually that entire 12 Moons - Asia 2001 section should be in alphabetical order at the beginning of the folder, before Astral Projection) then jumps back to Asia 2001 and it actually goes in reverse alphabetical (descending) order until 12 Moons, then continues again from Gus Till in what seems like a proper alphabetical order until the end of the folder. This doesn't happen with all folders though (at least as far as I can tell) and how the playlists are actually sorted varies quite randomly (or at least not following any pattern I can figure out).
Another weird side effect of sorting is that sorting one folder has a high possibility to cause another random folder to go into a random sorting order. And when you go and sort that folder it messes up another folder and so on and so on.
I do not have that many playlists and my folders usually hold just a few playlists so it works well for me. I'll take a look tonight and will let you know.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #102
Ignore that error when you get it, which is common.
I have to admit i created my folders and dont really need to create new ones for my library so i'm not testing that functionality. Still, i'm surprised it's common. Can you describe the situation in which you have this error ?

mouse operation.
Playlist/folder: right click, drag & drop

In my case it almost never crashes now.
But I'm surprised some people are still crashing.
SHURE SRH1840, SENNHEISER HD660S2, SENNHEISER HD620S, SENNHEISER HD 490 Pro Plus, beyerdynamic DT 1990 PRO, HiFiMAN Edition XS, Bowers & Wilkins P7, FiiO FT5, 水月雨 (MOONDROP) 空鳴 - VOID, Nakamichi Elite FIVE ANC, SONY WH-ULT900N (ULT WEAR) (made a Upgrade/Balanced Cable by myself)

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #103
New version :
Playlist Organizer (Jscript Panel 3)

- implemented a search functionality : Triggering it using shift, closing it using shift again. Search starts at the third character.
@frogworth : let me know what you think and how to improve it (i need to make sure the scroll goes to the selected item).

This is pretty awesome, @etip! Thanks.
Now that I see how you're triggering it - tap shift once, enter text - I can see that actually a search for anywhere within a playlist title could actually be super cool.
Not sure how many other users will use this, but I really like it.

I would like the panel to scroll the active playlist into view, yes please!
I'll keep using it a bit and see if anything bugs me, or anything else comes to mind.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #104
thanks for the feedback, another thing is if you delete a char in the inputbox, using backspace (by example), i dont think the search happens. I'll check that out tonight.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #105
thanks for the feedback, another thing is if you delete a char in the inputbox, using backspace (by example), i dont think the search happens. I'll check that out tonight.

Ah yes, for me it seemed like backspace just didn't work. I didn't want to mention as it's easy enough to hit shift twice and start again...

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #106
In my case it almost never crashes now.
But I'm surprised some people are still crashing.
@paul Eye : can you please give a bit of context for these crashes you experienced ?

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #107
New version :
Playlist Organizer (Jscript Panel 3)

Version changes
- font list includes size 8
- search functionality improved with :
  • the ability to search within a playlist name
  • the backspace key works
  • Inputbox color will change to green is search is successfull (and not this is not customisable)
  • the selection will now jump to the searched playlist


@Paul Eye :
I've looked at 2 things :
What you called the "Selected playlist clashes with the top bar in some cases"
I didnt manage to find the source of the issue (hopefully yet) but i was able to reproduce.

And the sort functionality.
I was not able to reproduce the issue, i created a big folder with 30 playlists, put some random numbers in front of some, and the sort works as designed, both ways.

Regarding the selection bar not centered around the playlist name, i'm not sure i can do anything about it as it kind of is dependant of the font you choose. Can you try the Segoe UI for me and let me know if it's well centered ?

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #108
Thanks for the latest update, @etip!
The search itself is working very well.
But I'm personally finding that backspace still doesn't work?
Also, the view for me doesn't successfully scroll to the selected playlist - it seems to mostly jump right to the bottom of my panel.
Anything I can do test/demo this? I can take a peek at the code in a few days but not right now.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #109
Thanks for the font size 8 option :)

I've looked at 2 things :
What you called the "Selected playlist clashes with the top bar in some cases"
I didnt manage to find the source of the issue (hopefully yet) but i was able to reproduce.

Okay, good to know.

And the sort functionality.
I was not able to reproduce the issue, i created a big folder with 30 playlists, put some random numbers in front of some, and the sort works as designed, both ways.

Hmm, that's strange. I don't know if the sorting issue has something to do with how many playlists a folder contains, but as I said, it seems completely random how the sorting works (and doesn't). Now suddenly my "Artists" folder with 268 playlists sorts neatly in ascending/alphabetical order, and that folder with playlists currently prefixed with numbers 01-13 refuses to sort in ascending order no matter how many times I try both asc and desc sorting, it just stays stuck at 13->01 (I know it's not much of a hassle to sort it manually but still it doesn't solve the underlying issue). My "Labels" folder with 107 playlists now sorts almost in asc/alphabetic with just a few stray entries at the top sorted descending.
I wish I could help more but as this is quite random this is all I can do.

Regarding the selection bar not centered around the playlist name, i'm not sure i can do anything about it as it kind of is dependant of the font you choose. Can you try the Segoe UI for me and let me know if it's well centered ?

It's exactly the same if I change to Segoe UI. Something I noticed is that the red drag and drop bounding box that appears then you drop a playlist into a folder is properly sized and aligned. Where does it get its values from? (just a thought)

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #110
In my case it almost never crashes now.
But I'm surprised some people are still crashing.
@paul Eye : can you please give a bit of context for these crashes you experienced ?

It's quite rare now, but if it happens it's the same as reported earlier, right click a playlist/folder. I'll let you know if it happens again, but as stated it's not a big hassle to just reload the script :)

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #111
What you called the "Selected playlist clashes with the top bar in some cases"
I didnt manage to find the source of the issue (hopefully yet) but i was able to reproduce.
Okay, good to know.
Found it, i'll post a fix later today

Thanks for the latest update, @etip!
The search itself is working very well.
But I'm personally finding that backspace still doesn't work?
Also, the view for me doesn't successfully scroll to the selected playlist - it seems to mostly jump right to the bottom of my panel.
Anything I can do test/demo this? I can take a peek at the code in a few days but not right now.

yes the jump is funky. i'll investigate.
Can you describe the backspace ? can't you edit the search text with (it deletes the previous char) or it doesnt search when you hit the backspace button ?

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #112
yes the jump is funky. i'll investigate.
Can you describe the backspace ? can't you edit the search text with (it deletes the previous char) or it doesnt search when you hit the backspace button ?

Hm, that's weird. For me, backspace doesn't work at all. I'm on a Mac in Parallels, but it should be transparently mapping "delete" to Backspace. Delete (i.e. forward delete) does work - i.e. back arrow and then delete!

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #113
frogworth, can you test this in a fresh panel.
Code: [Select]
function on_key_down(vkey) {
console.log("on_key_down", vkey);

function on_char(code) {
console.log("on_char", code);

When hitting the backspace on windows, it displays this in the Console...

Code: [Select]
on_key_down 8
on_char 8

Can you confirm if both lines are printed and the same?

If it does work, try loading Smooth Playlist Manager from the Samples button. Hit F2 (or you use the right click menu) to rename any playlist and see if backspace works there??

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #114
Hi @marc2k3,
OK, so bizarrely, nothing is logged when I hit Backspace!
Left arrow, delete, everything else gets logged.

I even just went and added an explicit mapping for the Mac keyboard's "delete" key to "Backspace", but it's still not logged!

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #115
Well I'm afraid nothing can be done by me to work around this. It seems to be an incompatibility with Parallels?? All my component does is pass on windows messages completely untouched. I assume backspace works everywhere else it's supposed to??

If you're using using DUI, it might be interesting to test CUI or vice versa??

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #116
If you're using using DUI, it might be interesting to test CUI or vice versa??

I haven't gotten my head around CUI - after decades using foobar2000 lol, so I probably should! I'll give it a go.
I'll look into this also, maybe someone's come across it in another context.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #118
Playlist Organizer (Jscript Panel 3)

Version changes :
- bug fixes : Display of a selected folder/playlist in the header area (@paul eye : It should be ok now)
- The focus will now jump correctly to the searched playlist. @frogworth : let me know if it works


Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #119
It's better, but in a few cases it doesn't get it quite right.
Hard to define - sometimes it just has the folder in view, sometimes it's a few items below the selected folder.
Also, sometimes I get a runtime error:
Code: [Select]
Unable to get property 'lvl' of undefined or null reference
File: L:\Dropbox\foobar2000\profile\pl_organizer\pl_organizer.js
Line: 77, Col: 4
In this case I was typing the start of "peter gabriel". May have something to do with the underlying index of that playlist? I do have a lot of playlists in the Artists folder!

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #120
Tbh, @etip I would strongly prefer to remove the up and down arrows at the top and bottom of the panel, giving more vertical space, and replace with a scrollbar, which I saw does exist in some Jscript Panel 3 samples.
I realise this isn't your preference though.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #121
Tbh, @etip I would strongly prefer to remove the up and down arrows at the top and bottom of the panel, giving more vertical space, and replace with a scrollbar, which I saw does exist in some Jscript Panel 3 samples.
I realise this isn't your preference though.
I'd prefer a standard scrollbar too, since all my other panels that need one have one.

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #122
- bug fixes : Display of a selected folder/playlist in the header area (@paul eye : It should be ok now)
Yep, that's fixed now, thanks :)

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #123
Regarding the up/down buttons, if I scroll to the bottom, leaving only the up button visible, then collapse a folder such that everything fits, the up button doesn't go away.
Fwiw I'd prefer scrollbar too :)

Re: Playlist Organizer (aka foo_plorg) replacement on Jscript Panel 3

Reply #124
Playlist Organizer (Jscript Panel 3)

Version changes :
- Created a save & restore function under the customization menu in the header area. This will allow to archive the text file that manages the sort & folders configuration and to restore it anytime.
- Rewrite of the Delete function : I realized that when a folder was deleted, the playlists of any subfolders were badly tagged in the configuration file. If you think you had done that (deleted a folder that has subfolders in it), you may want to make sure the text file is ok.

Regarding the scrollbar, i took a first glance the other day and understood it may be complicated to integrate it. I'll try though.