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Topic: Playback randomly stops... (Read 4164 times) previous topic - next topic
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Playback randomly stops...

I'm going batty here. Foobar 0.6 (unicode/windows xp) is randomly stopping playback for no particular reason that I can figure out. When the song stops it's as if someone has paused it, but I have to push the play/pause button on my multimedia keyboard (microsoft natural multimedia blue) TWICE to get it to start playing again.

When the playback stops the timer also stops counting up, so it's not "muted" or anything.

I have "stop on read error" or whatever the thing is turned off, but it doesn't change anything on OR off.

Sound card is a Sound Blaster Audigy running Audigy 2 drivers (perfectly successfully, I might add). I have a 5.1 speaker set, and it is set correctly and working in the Creative applications. Precision is set to 24-bit fixed-point, with everything else basically defaults. Sound output method is Directsound.

I have no plugins that are not available directly off the main foobar site, and all are the newest versions available as of 5:00 MST April 29 2003.

Active DSPs are: Attenuator, Equalizer, Convert Stereo to 4 Channels, and Soft Clipping Limiter. The same behaviour is observed when clipping and the attenuator are removed.

Winamp 2.90 with the MAD plugin and 24 bit mode (decode and wave output) works just peachy.

Thanks for any advice for fixing this irritating problem!

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #1
Maybe it's your hotkey mapping or even the mapping with the multimedia keyboard.

Verify that the hotkeys aren't mapped to a key combination that would pause the track. You might want to substitute a regular keyboard for the multimedia keyboard and see if the problem remains.
Master of Fate. By Fate Mastered

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #2
I have the same problem with a2: but no mm keyboard.

In my case playing stops when I make a dialup connection: i've got an intel ham chipset based internal modem and playing stops exactly when the modem starts dialing.
Vital papers will demonstrate their vitality by spontaneously moving from where you left them to where you can't find them.

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #3
I have the same problem with a2: but no mm keyboard.

In my case playing stops when I make a dialup connection: i've got an intel ham chipset based internal modem and playing stops exactly when the modem starts dialing.

Are you using DirectSound as well? It may be that some other audio device is interfering with FB. Ensure that your DirectSound output plugin is going straight to your audio device, instead of the "Primary Sound Device", or for KS/waveOut the same trick, with different wordings, and that could possibly work. Some modems have sound drivers for input/output, I've noticed.

I dunno. This may have no positive effect, either. Really peculiar.

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #4
I have the same problem with a2: but no mm keyboard.

In my case playing stops when I make a dialup connection: i've got an intel ham chipset based internal modem and playing stops exactly when the modem starts dialing.

mine jumps when i start to dial, using directsound in winamp and foobar. but it doesnt stop completely:S

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #5
Hmm, I have no modem. The only cards in my computer are my video card and sound card, the rest is built in (and therefore hasn't changed).

The problem seems to have gone away using the OpenAL plugin, but that created a bunch of other problems related to Creative's crappy OpenAL support (don't ask, I'm not bothering with it). I went back to Directsound and haven't been having the problems since, but I don't think I've set it back to 24-bit output!

I've ALWAYS had the multimedia keyboard, and I haven't changed any settings between when it was working and when it stopped working- therefore, unless foobar 0.6 introduced some change in default key mappings etc it shouldn't be a problem- besides, it screws up even when I am away from the machine for a long time and couldn't have possibly pressed a key.

I will upgrade to 0.61a and see if the problem is still there...

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #6
The problem is from KS. That is the same reason I don't use KS (playback stops/pauses when modem dials out, needing two pushes of pause) and it seems Atlantis has it too. Use DirectSound instead...

edit: btw something must be hogging all your pci bandwidth for a sec or something for that to happen..

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #7
I was NOT using Kernel Streaming when the problem was happening; I was using Directsound. Anyway, it seems to have disappeared with 0.61A... both using Directsound, and Kernel Streaming (which I am now using, because it sounds great).

Playback randomly stops...

Reply #8
The problem seems to have gone away using the OpenAL plugin, but that created a bunch of other problems related to Creative's crappy OpenAL support (don't ask, I'm not bothering with it).

Oh, I ask you, please tell me what kind of problems you have with the OpenAL output, maybe we can sort them out. Thank you !