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Topic: library filtering (Read 1945 times) previous topic - next topic
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library filtering


my favourite library view is the "by directory structure" one. but: filtering (via the filter field at the bottom) takes at least 10 to 20 times longer than in any other view (by album, by artists, etc.). i can't see why. any ideas?

[my library consists of ~98GB, 19.000 files in 2000 directories.
fb 0.9.5b3, winxp, amd athlon xp 2000+, 1gb ram.]

thanks, nathaniel.

library filtering

Reply #1
need more information?
is it a feature, not a bug?
do you have absolutely no clue?
is it a reported problem?

i mean, why did no one answer? *puzzled.

library filtering

Reply #2
need more information?
is it a feature, not a bug?
do you have absolutely no clue?
is it a reported problem?

i mean, why did no one answer? *puzzled.

No clue. It's instantaneous on my playlist of 36K+ tracks. Running Foobar 0.9.5b3 on Vista 64.
That's so plausible, I can't believe it.