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Topic: foobar2k & win2003 (Read 2560 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobar2k & win2003

foobar doesn't  exit properly in win2003 (std)
after closing it's window i still can see his process in task manager.

foobar2k & win2003

Reply #1
The issue of fb2k not closing properly has been brought up before. The problem was caused by one of several 3rd party plugins. Please use the search function.

foobar2k & win2003

Reply #3
foobar doesn't  exit properly in win2003 (std)
after closing it's window i still can see his process in task manager.

Look at this thread:

Search function really is a great tool......


i'm using win2k at home so I've deceided problem is in win2003

(ok i can't write such difficult sentences in english  )