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Topic: Refacets bug 2.1 2023-10-11 onwards (Read 959 times) previous topic - next topic
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Refacets bug 2.1 2023-10-11 onwards

Bug when scrolling in the Refacets UI element. Open the application, immediately scroll down the refacets list. When I go to select an item in the list, it resets back to the top of the list and I have to scroll back down and select again. Workaround is to select an item in the list before scrolling down the list. In 2023-09-28 I can open the application, scroll down, and select an item correctly without it jumping back to the top.

Re: Refacets bug 2.1 2023-10-11 onwards

Reply #1
I can confirm this happens to me in 2023-10-13 Windows x64.
I had previously requested that Refacets remembers the selections from the previous session, like Facets does, which would also hopefully fix this bug.

Re: Refacets bug 2.1 2023-10-11 onwards

Reply #2
I can also confirn this behaviour is not present in 2023-09-28.

Re: Refacets bug 2.1 2023-10-11 onwards

Reply #3
Confirmed, thanks for reporting.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Re: Refacets bug 2.1 2023-10-11 onwards

Reply #4
Fixed in today's.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.