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Topic: Some radio streams fail to play in 2.1 preview (Read 882 times) previous topic - next topic
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Some radio streams fail to play in 2.1 preview

Hi, I noticed that some radio streams fail to play with an object not found error in 2.1, even though they play correctly in a browser. Example stream (this one worked in 2.0): I'm using preview 2023-11-07 (32-bit).

Re: Some radio streams fail to play in 2.1 preview

Reply #1
This plays for me:

Some streams require a "token" to play, and that token might change oevr time.

(I only have 2.1 right now, the short URL plays in other players)

My URL no longer works, the tokens expire, you need to play the stream in the browser and copy the new token. Maybe a bug/regression will be fixed eventually.

Re: Some radio streams fail to play in 2.1 preview

Reply #2
This regressed from attempt to fix another issue (spaces vs HTTP redirects). Will be fixed shortly, thanks for reporting.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Re: Some radio streams fail to play in 2.1 preview

Reply #3
Fixed in foobar2000 v2.1 preview 2023-11-09. Thank You.