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Topic: Error opening m4b file that has MP4 cues. (Read 449 times) previous topic - next topic
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Error opening m4b file that has MP4 cues.

I recently tried to open an Audible book m4b file and got this error:

Unable to open item for playback (Error parsing cuesheet: expected WAVE, MP3 or AIFF, got : "MP4" (line 1)):
"N:\MP3\Audio Books\Kevin J Anderson~\Saga of Seven Suns Series\0.1 - Veiled Alliances\Veiled Alliances A Prequel Novella to the Saga of Seven Suns (Unabridged).cue"

I can open this file with with my Media Player Classic program so I know the file itself is not corrupted.  I'm guessing your software doesn't know how to handle the MP4 designation.

Any suggestions on how to get this to work?  My goal is (as always with Audible stuff) is to convert the book to MP3 files that will work in my car.

Thank you!!


Re: Error opening m4b file that has MP4 cues.

Reply #1
Cue sheets are sadly abused for things they were never meant for. That MP4 filetype designation is explicitly against the specs. There are sanity checks in foobar2000 to make sure things it loads are valid and workable.

A future version may make the sanity checks less strict, but for now you should be able to get your audio working by editing the .cue file with a text editor (notepad will do). For each lines starting with "FILE" change the filetype at the end from invalid "MP4" to "WAVE".