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Topic: Can't pause during mp3 stream playback. (Read 1068 times) previous topic - next topic
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Can't pause during mp3 stream playback.

- foobar 2.0 (32bits) - last version
- Small mp3 correctly coded file serviced by simply HFS
- fb2k grabs it super quickly but when fb2k un-pauses, it requires again the full resource with a simple GET (no range of any kind). I've tried with servers that all do accept-bytes and got the same => fb2k restarts the track from zero. In summary, I can' pause *and resume* a mp3 that is streamed by a HTTP server.

Re: Can't pause during mp3 stream playback.

Reply #1
If there is no content length, foobar2000 assumes remote MP3 resource to be a live radio stream. You can't really pause these.
I'm not changing this behavior. Please fix your server.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.

Re: Can't pause during mp3 stream playback.

Reply #2
Just for clarity, I'm using foobar2k for my own (all free) applications as one of my key validation vehicle, not as a listener, hence some questions that might be a bit unusual.

The problem I was seeing only with 2.0 and not 1.6 was (mainly) due to the fact that I accidently removed the "allow HTTP seeking" in 2.0 and it was preventing fb2k from pausing even with content-length.

Now, I'm surprised by your answer because I do think that no content-length, especially with UPnP is not a cause for treating resource a webradio and not pausing, or is indicative of a wrong server.

- a HTTP 1.1 server can use chunked-encoding and in that case there must be no content-length
- a server might be transcoding a file on the fly and does not know the file size in advance. The file can be huge
- in my case, it's a bridge between different domains and it does transcoding, so I really can't know the size

Just plain HTTP would allow to do range-request and that would still allow pause/resume if the server can handle these (especially if it says "accept-range: bytes", it should). Also, in UPnP/DLNA, there are various mechanism where the server tells if the content is seekable. It can have a duration and/or have the DLNA_ORG flags that contains FLAGS and PN for this purpose. There is also a "connection stall" flag that indicate the client it can leave the connection open while pausing.

So to me, closing and then re-issuing a GET with no range when there is no content-length seems an un-necessary restrictive approach (even in a non-UPnP case which I agree is a different problem by itself). The server can always ignore the range request and provide the resource from where it wants (or do a 416). No content-length is really no a valid indicator of webradio/live streaming, IMHO.

Just for clarity, I'm not criticizing fb2k or do any sort of "request", it's just a dev-to-dev conversation as someone that use and likes fb2k a lot.

[edit]: one difference I've noted between 1.6 and 2.x is that mp3 files, when no HTTP seeking is allowed, in 1.6 were l showing position/duration. In 2.x, they just show position (progress)

Re: Can't pause during mp3 stream playback.

Reply #3
Something also I forgot to ask: fb2k "probes" mP3 files when there is a content-length (and it is authorized to do HTTP seek). Is there a specific reason for that?


Re: Can't pause during mp3 stream playback.

Reply #4
Just for clarity, I'm using foobar2k for my own (all free) applications as one of my key validation vehicle, not as a listener, hence some questions that might be a bit unusual.
Good to see it getting a refactor.


Re: Can't pause during mp3 stream playback.

Reply #5
Something also I forgot to ask: fb2k "probes" mP3 files when there is a content-length (and it is authorized to do HTTP seek). Is there a specific reason for that?
Missing Xing header, so guessing duration