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Topic: foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer) (Read 12448 times) previous topic - next topic
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foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer)

hi there,
i dont know if something similar exist so i made a small foobar2000 miniplayer which displays current track information and provides standard controls (play, pause, next track...) as well.
the miniplayer stays always on top so you can do whatever you want without bringing foobar in front or handle with hotkeys.

here some pictures:


#   make a backup from your foobar2000 settings

1.    open foobar2000 and go to "file -> preferences" (or hit ctrl+p)

2.    go to "default user interface"

3.    under "playback state display formatting - window title"
   write this: "$if(%ispaused%,*paused* ,)[%artist%] - [%title%]" (without the quotation marks)

4.    under "playback state display formatting - status bar"
   write this: "%album%        | %codec% | %bitrate% kbps | %samplerate% Hz | %channels% | %playback_time%[ / %length%]" (without the quotation marks)

5.   next go to "keyboard shortcuts"

6.   add following shortcuts:
   key: alt+c | global: no | action: playback next
   key: alt+x | global: no | action: playback previous
   key: alt+v | global: no | action: playback random
   key: alt+y | global: no | action: playback pause
   key: alt+arrow key down | global: no | action: playback volume down
   key: alt+arrow key up | global: no | action: playback volume up
   key: alt+arrow key left | global: no | action: playback back by 10 seconds
   key: alt+arrow key right | global: no | action: playback ahead by 10 seconds

Done! foobarControl should work properly.

foobarControl saves his windows position automatically on exit.

Script made with AutoHotkey.

virustotal check here:

sorry for my poor english.


foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer)

Reply #1

I was just looking for exactly this. Either the timing is perfect, or there is something similar existing. Can't deny the latter sounds more probable.

Seems to be a bit of a hazzle to get it running, eh? I'm too lazy for all those steps. Isn't all that a job for the extension itself?

Looking forward to hear from you!

foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer)

Reply #2

I was just looking for exactly this. Either the timing is perfect, or there is something similar existing. Can't deny the latter sounds more probable.

Seems to be a bit of a hazzle to get it running, eh? I'm too lazy for all those steps. Isn't all that a job for the extension itself?

Looking forward to hear from you!

i will looking into it and hopefully make the setup more user friendly.

foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer)

Reply #3
Thanks for this can I use it with my own theme? It looks easy to configure to me :S

foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer)

Reply #4
Thanks for this can I use it with my own theme? It looks easy to configure to me :S

not sure if every theme is supported. just follow my instructions and try it by yourself.


Re: foobarControl (foobar2000 miniplayer)

Reply #5
How can I make this work? I followed the instructions and nothing happens.