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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1422293 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #75

your save path make it crash...$replace(%path%) evaluate to "", that's not what you want.
Put "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder" instead.
I'll to have to prevent from malformed titleformat script though...

That works, but it names the file folder_1.jpg. How do I get it just to name it folder.jpg?

for now you can't because there might be several files...folder_2.jpg, folder_3.jpg etc if you enable fetch of all art. Just add "-$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder_1.jpg" in your foo_albumart config and that should do the trick.


Reply #76
Just released v0.26 which fixes a few bugs of 0.25


Reply #77
Shows promise, this database even has some asian songs (very limited). But I'd just like to say thanks for making it we appreciate it!


Reply #78
for now you can't because there might be several files...folder_2.jpg, folder_3.jpg etc if you enable fetch of all art. Just add "-$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder_1.jpg" in your foo_albumart config and that should do the trick.

To be honest, that's kind of a pain, and not very elegant. It'd be nice to see a fix for this in an upcoming version. Thanks for the update though -- foodiscogs is amazing.


Reply #79
I'm getting this error message in foobar2000_v0.9.4.2:

Failed to load DLL: foo_discogs.dll
Reason: Invalid ordinal.

Any ideas on what may be causing this?
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #80

As per the first post, make sure that you use libcurl and zlib1 that are in the archive.  Even though I had a later version of zlib1 I had to use it, otherwise, I received "Invalid ordinal".




Reply #81
Hah, it still does it!  Tagging this release gives me:

TRACKNUMBER:  1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7



Reply #82
Thanks for the fast update

Working smoothly except in a case of multi-artist release like this, 'album artist' tag is not written. Didn't test this with earlier version so not sure if its intended or a bug.

Shows promise, this database even has some asian songs (very limited).

Discogs is as large as its users make it so go ahead and contribute some releases.

EDIT: Found a bug. Every time I restart foobar some mappings reset to defaults (maybe all). Tag mapping editing panel still shows the old settings


Reply #83
Is it safe to start tagging my whole collection with your plugin or are there going to be some major changes? I like to know this because I'm not planning to retag it again when your plugin changes again cause this will take a lot of time.


Reply #84
EDIT: Found a bug. Every time I restart foobar some mappings reset to defaults (maybe all). Tag mapping editing panel still shows the old settings

I second this bug.  It looks like you forgot to read the functional settings from the saved settings at startup.


Reply #85
EDIT: Found a bug. Every time I restart foobar some mappings reset to defaults (maybe all). Tag mapping editing panel still shows the old settings

I second this bug.  It looks like you forgot to read the functional settings from the saved settings at startup.

Strange, redid some tests here, everything work fine. Are you able to reproduce lost settings consistently ? for example changing a setting, hit OK (or apply), quit fb2k, relaunch and you losed the setting ?

Is it safe to start tagging my whole collection with your plugin or are there going to be some major changes? I like to know this because I'm not planning to retag it again when your plugin changes again cause this will take a lot of time.

It's quite safe and there won't be incompatible changes now. It can still be considered as beta for the moment so if you're afraid of that you can wait some more.

Thanks for the fast update

Working smoothly except in a case of multi-artist release like this, 'album artist' tag is not written. Didn't test this with earlier version so not sure if its intended or a bug.

Yes, for now compilation is detected to 1 only if Artist = "Various" which is not the case in this release.
As there is not deterministic way to determine if a release is compilation (except the obvious "Various" case which is used for 95% of compilations), in next version I'll put a checkbox for it so you can force it.

edit: didn't see you talked about "album artist", not "compilation". For "Album Artist" this can be determined automatically


Reply #86
Strange, redid some tests here, everything work fine. Are you able to reproduce lost settings consistently ? for example changing a setting, hit OK (or apply), quit fb2k, relaunch and you losed the setting ?

The settings reset every time i restart foobar. However its easy to restore my own settings by opening the mapping panel and hitting OK, since my old settings are still stored there.

Could you make the matching system optional please. It messes up albums if track lengths differ from discogs


Reply #87

Strange, redid some tests here, everything work fine. Are you able to reproduce lost settings consistently ? for example changing a setting, hit OK (or apply), quit fb2k, relaunch and you losed the setting ?

The settings reset every time i restart foobar. However its easy to restore my own settings by opening the mapping panel and hitting OK, since my old settings are still stored there.

This matches my experience.  I will try to document it in more detail later.


Reply #88

As per the first post, make sure that you use libcurl and zlib1 that are in the archive.  Even though I had a later version of zlib1 I had to use it, otherwise, I received "Invalid ordinal".




Thank you! I read about libcurl, but didn't realize that it pertained to zlib1 too. I must of missed that while reading the 4 pages of posts.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"


Reply #89
Could you make the matching system optional please. It messes up albums if track lengths differ from discogs

The matching based on track length is foobar'ed in 0.26, ie buggy, hence the messed mapping. I just corrected it and know it works as it should . Probably a good idea to be able to disable auto-matching though.

Will try to make 0.27 available tonight. Thanks to people who report bugs!

The settings reset every time i restart foobar. However its easy to restore my own settings by opening the mapping panel and hitting OK, since my old settings are still stored there.

Found it! will be corrected in 0.27


Reply #90
V0.27 is out, see first post as usual for changes. Hopefully this version will be good until next week-end!
With this version you don't need libcurl.dll/zlib1.dll anymore, if it's not used by another plugin you can delete them (be careful).


Reply #91
- 'album artist' still not written on every release with multiple artists. (working ones 250323 338567, not working 238793 600329 576739)
- Track lengths were written to end of tracks on release 7237

Feature requests:
- Make the fields editable
- Custom button support through context menu

Thanks for your work with this. Really appreciate it


Reply #92
- 'album artist' still not written on every release with multiple artists. (working ones 250323 338567, not working 238793 600329 576739)
- Track lengths were written to end of tracks on release 7237

Feature requests:
- Make the fields editable
- Custom button support through context menu

Thanks for your work with this. Really appreciate it

Discogs has got to standardize their shit, that's ridiculous.  Track lengths with periods?


Reply #93
- 'album artist' still not written on every release with multiple artists. (working ones 250323 338567, not working 238793 600329 576739)

fixed. I like bugs that easy to fix

- Track lengths were written to end of tracks on release 7237

will fix it. As mquander noticed points in track length should not happen

- Make the fields editable

Any concrete example of situation you'd like to edit discogs data ?

- Custom button support through context menu

Can you explain more, I did not understand


Reply #94
Any concrete example of situation you'd like to edit discogs data ?

Main reason would be this new ANV system (good example A variety of names for same artist messes up searches, foo_browse etc. Also Discogs is full of typos but they don't bother me that much, might someone else.

Can you explain more, I did not understand

Sorry never mind. Didn't notice adding discogs menu commands to buttons is already possible


Reply #95
Your parser chokes on this, but I don't blame it.


Reply #96
Main reason would be this new ANV system (good example A variety of names for same artist messes up searches, foo_browse etc. Also Discogs is full of typos but they don't bother me that much, might someone else.

The parser alerady detects ANV to discard "*" appended to them, although I don't make use of this info for anything else. What I thought some time ago and would be could in the case of the artist being an ANV, let the user choose between the ANV or the Non-ANV name of the artist. Even a configuration settings to automaticcaly use the non-ANV artist name could be done. Anyway there's no harm to make the fields editable (except track names) and i'll think about it.

Now I have a question for you people. If foo_discogs could use foo_custominfo to store tags (customizable per tag) would you use that ? for which use scenario and which tags ?
I see more iconvenient to storing using foo_custominfo, especially because it's usable only with foobar and if you loose the database you loose the tags

Your parser chokes on this, but I don't blame it.

nice find! no wonder the parser goes berserk!


Reply #97
This doesn't seem to get an "Album Artist" tag.  Shouldn't it?  (Nevermind that the artists are all fake aliases of Bogdan anyway.)


Reply #98
This doesn't seem to get an "Album Artist" tag.  Shouldn't it?  (Nevermind that the artists are all fake aliases of Bogdan anyway.)

Fixed in upcoming version. Actually you have Album Artist written if the main artist is made of several artists, or if Album="Various" or if in the tracklisting there's at least a track with two artists.  This is not the case for this release so the last test is more like "has a least a track with *one* artist"


Reply #99

This doesn't seem to get an "Album Artist" tag.  Shouldn't it?  (Nevermind that the artists are all fake aliases of Bogdan anyway.)

Fixed in upcoming version. Actually you have Album Artist written if the main artist is made of several artists, or if Album="Various" or if in the tracklisting there's at least a track with two artists.  This is not the case for this release so the last test is more like "has a least a track with *one* artist"

Aha, I understand.  Thanks for the clarification.