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Topic: Displaying track length (Read 1561 times) previous topic - next topic
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Displaying track length


I'm trying to set up an Album List that sorts tracks by their length - %length% is only showing MM:SS values, and nothing above 59:59. Is there an alternative variable for HH:MM:SS?

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #1
The easiest way to sort by total length is the %length_seconds% field, which would display Beethoven's 9th as 4,181.
Neither an audiophile, nor album snob. Why do ratings threads always have a poster saying 'I don't believe in rating music'?
Record Label Icons: 600x600 pngs appropriate for any color background:

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #2

%length_seconds% works - the many tracks I have over a hour long are now showing - 9,300 for Robert Rich's 'Somnium Part 1'

I'd prefer it to be HH:MM:SS

That means %length% is not showing hours:


The length of the track formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds, rounded to the nearest second. Old version: %_time_total%

%length_ex% doesn't show the hours either.

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #3
$iflonger(%length_ex%,9,,  )%length_ex%

See , but it doesn't sort right when length hits an hour. Windows' collation strategy (don't blame fb2k) seems to sort as numbers until there is a second ":" in there, when the spaces kick in to fool it.
Beware that Windows' sorting is locale-dependent, and sometimes changes. YMMV.

Other tricks to fool sorting into doing the right thing ...,124956.0.html , with link to other thread at the bottom.

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #4

%length_seconds% works - the many tracks I have over a hour long are now showing - 9,300 for Robert Rich's 'Somnium Part 1'

I'd prefer it to be HH:MM:SS

That means %length% is not showing hours:


The length of the track formatted as hours, minutes, and seconds, rounded to the nearest second. Old version: %_time_total%

%length_ex% doesn't show the hours either.

Use %length% in the display and use %length_seconds% to sort on.

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #5
Rather than editing myself ... there is something wrong here.

%length% is only showing MM:SS values, and nothing above 59:59.
I just tried the most recent beta out-of-the-box, and yes it shows hours if it is an hour or above.

Care to clarify?
* How does your fb2k display a track that is > 1 hr? Mine shows Mike Oldfield: Amarok as
1:00:02 under out-of-the-box "Duration", and 1:00:02.200 for %length_ex". For an 11 hr track, it shows 11:<etc>.
* But for tracks under 1 hour, there is no hour. So, do you want a 1 second track to show with hours as 00:00:01?
If so, you probably need to extract the length (in characters!) of the string and pad up with nothing or 0 or 00: or 00:0.  (Edit: and you will have to check that everything has a length. But if everything does, and if you have nothing long enough to bother about the 24 hours, then shouldn't $replace($right(00000%length%,8),000,00:) work?)

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #6
In the Album List screen, the hours do not show with %length%

In the playlist screen they show fine.

Re: Displaying track length

Reply #7
Hours show just fine for me.

Porcus already described what you need to do if you want padding for tracks shorter than 1 hour.


Re: Displaying track length

Reply #8
Ah - I get you. Windows is just seeing a string. I'll pad it out.