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Topic: Wrapped-SMP (Read 347 times) previous topic - next topic
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    An implementation of ListenBrainz for foobar2000 using Spider Monkey Panel, which allows to retrieve/set feedback for tracks within foobar2000 library and create playlists based on user or site-wide recommendations statistics. To get statistics for previous years, Enhanced Playback Statistics and Playback Statistics must have been installed on that period.


    • Computes statistics from the library by:
      • Listening behavior
      • Genres/styles
      • Musical categories (chart)
      • Tracks
      • Listens
      • Artists
      • Regions (if World-Map-SMP is installed)
      • Sound town (if World-Map-SMP is installed)
      • Mood stats (chart)
      • BPM stats (chart)
      • Key stats (chart)
    • Outputs a report in Latex format. Compilation in PDF.
    • Playlists recommendations:
      • Top Favourite Songs
      • Discovered Songs (during the year)
      • Top Artists
      • Top Genres
      • Top Countries
      • Suggested Genres (you may like) (ListenBrainz)
      • Suggested Artists (you make like) (ListenBrainz)
    • Fully Wine - Unix - non IE SOs compatible.
    • Configurable UI and accessibility design: most of the UI is configurable (size, colors, position, draggable buttons).
    • All the UI is managed within menus, so it may be used with a narrator (for blindness).


    • Skip Count: To get some extra track stats.
    • World-Map-SMP: Script required if region related statistics/playlists are desired.
    • ListenBrainz token: To get playlists suggestions, with it will be less probably to reach rate limits using the public API.
    • ExifTool: Binary used to clean all metadata from images used on report.
    • Pingo: Binary used to optimize images used on report (will greatly reduce file size).

    Compatible with (toolbar):


    See _TIPS and INSTALLATION (txt) and the Wiki. Not properly following the installation instructions will result in scripts not working as intended. Please don't report errors before checking this.

    Download latest release (or nightly releases) at github:[/list][/list]