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Topic: SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist) (Read 271023 times) previous topic - next topic
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SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #300
Make sure the parent folder is included in the search patterns under preferences, display (e.g., ..\cover.jpg).
This would also eliminate the need for additional copies in the disc subfolders.

Works! Thank you =)

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #301
Is it possible to disable the auto columns width resize?

Explaining why you need this might improve your chances.

I have other program which is always on top in the lower right corner. As it's height is about half of the screen, it will block part of the playlist. But if I decrease the width of foobar, then I will have to cut some panels in the upper half of foobar.
I know I can put a empty panel in the right hand side of the platlist but surely it will be better if I can disable the auto resize.

Thanks anyway~

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #302
Will it ever support higher resolution scroll devices, such as my laptop's touchpad or my desktop mouse? It seems to require a minimum of 120 units of movement to even do anything.

(My desktop mouse is a Logitech G9x, and with Setpoint and Flow Scroll installed, and AutoIt 3 running the script on my site, it will enable high precision unsmoothed scrolling in all applications.)

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #303
This component is excellent, thank you

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #304
I'm assuming the answer is no, but is there any way to right align text in a header or subgroup? I've tried $tab() and every other thing I can think of.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #305
Hi, I'd like to request adding an option to disable Artist automatic showing in line with track names, when there is an Album Artist. One can easily implement showing it in the subgroup (as I did), and then having this information showing up for individual tracks is pointless and distracting. Probably some users wouldn't like to see the specific Artists at the expense of this distraction when they have an Album Artist available, even if they don't implement showing the Artist in the subgroup, just to have a cleaner view of the playlist.

Thank you for your most valuable work! 

Edited to correct the initial confusion of Album Artist / Artist

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #306
The Artist name you are seeing is likely the %trackartist% field that is autogenerated if %artist% and %album artist% both contain data and the data differs in value. Sounds like your configuration has a column named artist/track artist, right click on the column, deselect and replace with the provided default column named %title%. You can view the documentation for further details

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #307
The Artist name you are seeing is likely the %trackartist% field that is autogenerated if %artist% and %album artist% both contain data and the data differs in value. Sounds like your configuration has a column named artist/track artist, right click on the column, deselect and replace with the provided default column named %title%. You can view the documentation for further details

Wow! Indeed, didn't notice it was title / track artist! Thanks, pal!
Problem solved. Now it's simply perfect ;-)

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #308
1)  I can't get "Front" Album Art to display if the songs inside a group have different embedded images.  It'll instead display the Fallback No-Art image.  Is it possible to change this behavior, e.g. so that it displays the Front artwork of the first track in the group?

2)  Is it possible to change the height between groups?  I want to reduce the white space.

3)  Is it possible to get any Column to have 2+ Rows like the "Columns" setting in "SimPlaylist > Groups"?

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #309
When I add a few songs from Library to Playlist by drag-and-drop they are added in some strange order (I couldn't get the sorting pattern), not as they are sorted in Facets at the moment.
For example, I want to listen some artists favorite songs - I select this artist in Facets, then click on Played Count column header to sort them, then select let's say 20 top songs and drag them into playlist. When I do it songs are added in random order, so first one may be the song with 5 plays, 2nd - with 40 plays, 3rd - with 20 plays etc, not in decreasing order (40 -> 20 -> 5 -> ...) as they were displayed in Facets.
I don't know whether it is issue of Facets or SimPlaylist, which I use, but I hope someone could help me to find how to fix it, if it is possible.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #310
When I add a few songs from Library to Playlist by drag-and-drop they are added in some strange order (I couldn't get the sorting pattern), not as they are sorted in Facets at the moment.
For example, I want to listen some artists favorite songs - I select this artist in Facets, then click on Played Count column header to sort them, then select let's say 20 top songs and drag them into playlist. When I do it songs are added in random order, so first one may be the song with 5 plays, 2nd - with 40 plays, 3rd - with 20 plays etc, not in decreasing order (40 -> 20 -> 5 -> ...) as they were displayed in Facets.
I don't know whether it is issue of Facets or SimPlaylist, which I use, but I hope someone could help me to find how to fix it, if it is possible.

Solution has been found here

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #311
After I installed and used the playlist, the stars worked fine.  But upon rebooting and since then, the stars have been replaced with blocks, as if I somehow lost the font.  Does anyone know how to fix this?

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #312
Things happen. Go into preferences>Default user interface>colors and font and confirm you have a font that will show stars.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #313
I'm using the default settings for font, so it has none of the boxes checked.  I've tried overriding the font in the playlist with several fonts but all show boxes.  It will randomly show back up with stars correctly.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #314
I'm using the default settings for font, so it has none of the boxes checked.  I've tried overriding the font in the playlist with several fonts but all show boxes.  It will randomly show back up with stars correctly.

Windows problem, only known solution is to reboot until blocks are gone

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #315
A question and a request:

1. I'm sure it's been answered as a no somewhere already, but I did try searching first... is there any way to remove the alternating per line background colours? I don't understand why this is not optional?

2. Frank, please share the title formatting code for the "Rating (database)" column. I'd like to change the colour emphasis on that column, but I can't do so unless I create the column myself, and I have no idea how the code works.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #316
Many thanks for these plug-ins!  - Simplaylist (+ Facets) has made foobar2000 a real delight to play with. (Sometimes I even play music with it, too)

I just signed up to make an aesthetic suggestion -

Any chance you can remove that 1px border around the inside of the Playlist? (Same goes for Facets, I guess). After all, tabs are usually supposed to blend in with their contents. Columns UI for example (on the right) has an option for "Edge Style: None", and I think it looks much better. (Though I'm not sure if the border is part of the tabs, or the playlist, or perhaps related to Win7 visual styles).

In any case, thanks again for the great work.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #317
^i use EsPlaylist and WSH panel mod (made by different developers) in default UI and they both have user options for the three grey, sunken and none edge styles. i guess it should be possible for anyone to implement it.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #318
Thanks for this great playlist!

I'd love the option to play a file in the playlist using midle-click instead of double click, if it's possible to implement.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #319
Frank, if you're out there (I sortof doubt it), I'd realllllly appreciate an option to stop the fading of text within brackets. Firstly because I use brackets to denote the year in my grouping, and then because brackets appear in song titles, and even artist names.
Currently any grouping row with sunn O))) as the artist just complete loses all content past the name. It's a bit frustrating.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #320
Frank, if you're out there (I sortof doubt it), I'd realllllly appreciate an option to stop the fading of text within brackets.

Well, just so you know, there is a work-around mentioned somewhere in either this thread or Facets.

Go into the Preferences > SimPlaylist / Facets, and wherever you have %artist%, %album%, and %title% fields, replace them with this line instead -


- changing the %title% part to whatever the field is. That should remove the fading for most layouts. (Though I agree it should NOT be on by default, for rounded brackets at least).

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #321
Well, just so you know, there is a work-around mentioned somewhere in either this thread or Facets.

I'm using it. Unfortunately it doesn't work with unmatched parentheses. The artist here is sunn O))), and those closing parentheses dim the text so much that everything after it is too pale to read.

This is a really annoying aspect of an otherwise fantastic playlist replacement, unfortunately.


SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #322
Hmm... the opening and closing brackets need not match to trigger the dimming effect. I've not noticed that before. It's unfortunate. That $replace() script only made it worse in my experiments.

Can you post the code you're using for grouping as well as the content of the relevant tags for the file? There's bound to be a workaround.

The simplest solution is to use something other than parentheses, brackets or braces to bookend tag contents for display.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #323
Can you post the code you're using for grouping as well as the content of the relevant tags for the file? There's bound to be a workaround.

The simplest solution is to use something other than parentheses, brackets or braces to bookend tag contents for display.

Thanks BenB. Well, this is my grouping:

Code: [Select]
$if($and($and($greater($len(%BAND%),1),$not($strcmp(%BAND%,%artist%))),$not($and($greater($len(%album artist%),1),$not($strcmp(%album artist%,%artist%))))),%album artist% - >>'['%date%[-%INDEX%]']'<< $replace($replace($replace($replace($replace($replace(%album%,'(','>>('),')',')<<'),'[','>>['),']','<<]'),'{','>>{'),'}','<<]'),$replace($replace($replace($replace($replace($replace(%album artist%,'(','>>('),')',')<<'),'[','>>['),']','<<]'),'{','>>{'),'}','<<]') - >>'['%date%[-%INDEX%]']'<< $replace($replace($replace($replace($replace($replace(%album%,'(','>>('),')',')<<'),'[','>>['),']','<<]'),'{','>>{'),'}','<<]'))

The if statement at the beginning is checking whether it's either various artists or a single-artist album which nevertheless has different track artists.
The main stuff goes on after that - I have
as my basic pattern.

One of the albums which are problematic is this one:

Code: [Select]
Artist Name : sunn O)))
Track Title : «multiple values» Sin Nanna; It Took The Night To Believe; Cursed Realms (Of The Winterdemons); Orthodox Caveman; CandleGoat; Cry For The Weeper; Báthory Erzsébet
Album Title : Black One
Date : 2007

It should display as:
sunn O))) - [2007] Black One
but instead of course the brackets gradually fade out, and then neither the square bracketed year nor album title are visible at all.

For "normal" albums the workaround for the grouping ensures that the square brackets are not dimmed and so everything just looks normal.

SimPlaylist (foo_simplaylist)

Reply #324
It should display as:
sunn O))) - [2007] Black One
but instead of course the brackets gradually fade out, and then neither the square bracketed year nor album title are visible at all.

Strange, I renamed some of my artist tags out of curiosity, and the full "sunn O))) - [2007] Black One" displays just fine for me - no dimming whatsoever. Using the same work-around I posted above. Perhaps you could try it without the nested $replace(s)? (I think you only need one)

Another thought, was if you want to change your tags, there is an alternate set of parenthesis in the character map, that appear to not be effected by the dimming. At least there is for the default "Segoe UI" font, and they look the same. (Not ideal though because with a different font they might not display at all)

EDIT: Ah, also your replace code for the closing brackets is wrong, should be ]<< instead of <<] -


Again, this is what I'm using -
