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Topic: Which lossy format are you using? (Read 117929 times) previous topic - next topic
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Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #125
I have 60 gigs of personal cds archived as .ape files, compressed at the high compression setting. I then use the excellent dbpoweramp audio converter to encode the .ape files to any lossy format I may need at the moment, usually aps mp3 for making mp3 cds for my portable. This way for me, the whole quality issue is moot.
you will make mp3's for compatibility reasons.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #126
At first I ripped at alt preset standard, then I stepped up to extreme and then I went on to insane.

I did a recent rip into MPC Insane and compared it to my MP3 insane rip, the MPC files sound better to me, they seem to carry more precision and enable you to hear the individual instruments clearer (especially drums).

Oh and ofcourse the MPC Insane file size is quite a bit smaller than the MP3 Insane file size :].

Wow. Placebo was never so tangible.
You gotta tell me how you make yourself believe what you can't hear.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #127
LC-AAC/HE-AAC  is my most preffered lossy compression.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #128
I went ahead and threw in a vote for AAC.

I've actually been agonizing for the past few days over whether I want to stick with AAC or switch over to MPC.  I finally ABX'd two samples and determined that AAC is transparent for me at lower bitrates than MPC, so I can get bigger bang for my buck with AAC. 

I'm fairly new to all of this, so chances are I will continue to agonize for at least a week before settling on a final decision.
I just discovered Opus. Holy mackerel!

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #129
I've actually been agonizing for the past few days over whether I want to stick with AAC or switch over to MPC.  I finally ABX'd two samples and determined that AAC is transparent for me at lower bitrates than MPC, so I can get bigger bang for my buck with AAC.

Remember that MPC was not designed to be good at low bitrates (<128kbs). It has something to do with it being a subband codec. Try doing a search to learn more. AFAIK this type of codec is theoretically (and practically) better at high bitrates... hence its popularity around here.

You could save yourself some agonizing and first make an archive with a lossless format. Then you can transcode to a lossy format fairly easily (compared to ripping) with no quality loss. If you feel you made the wrong choice (about the lossy format) no big deal, just transcode.  Of course you’ll need lots of space… got a DVD burner?

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #130
trying out Wavpack hybrid mode for archiving currently. For my website I am leaning toward MPC -q5 or Ogg-Vorbis; not even going to touch MP3 anymore.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #131
I recently switched from mpc to aac

- hardware compatibility
- can't hear difference

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #132
At first when I got into sound and compression formats, I liked mp3Pro(OMG!).  But now I am ogg all the way, I love how at low bit rates it sounds great and plus its open source.
And iRiver is supporting it(got my first mp3 player from them).

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #133
MP3 --alt-preset for now.  But all the albums have been flac'd with cuesheets so if I change my mind later the source is there.  Given I started this to get my cassette collection onto cds/computer I really dont need more quality atm.


Back to lurking

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #134
I've seen the clear champion was mpc here

How do you put those files on your portables?

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #135
This poll is nearly 2 years old. Several voters changed their choice in codecs since.And there's no way for forum members to update their votes. So, I would recommend you don't take it too seriously.

And no, MPC has no portable support, unless you consider some quasi-mythical chinese player that nobody ever saw working with MPC

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #136
And no, MPC has no portable support, unless you consider some quasi-mythical chinese player that nobody ever saw working with MPC

But technically, if it works, it still has portable support

It'd be better to say that it has no practical portable support for the majority of people.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #137
But technically, if it works, it still has portable support

Well, problem is, nobody ever tested it. We only have the developer's word.

Also, it's worth wondering if it supports some of MPC's best features like gapless playback, APE tags, replaygain...

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #138
But technically, if it works, it still has portable support

Well, problem is, nobody ever tested it. We only have the developer's word.

Also, it's worth wondering if it supports some of MPC's best features like gapless playback, APE tags, replaygain...

Right.  But since we don't know, we can't say that it does and can't say that it doesn't, for sure

Just a little nitpick..

As for the second matter though, it's pretty much par for the course that portable players don't support the entire feature set of a given format.  One of the downsides to portables compared to the type of software players that are available really...

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #139
hey, i just made a portable out of pudding that plays back musepack - but you can't see it.

does that count?

...seriously, tho - i think someone needs to verify this (does someone have access to the portable other than the developer?) --> otherwise it seems to me to qualify as vaporware


Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #140
Myself are using MPC for compressing lossy, for me the desission is made
from the decoded resoult, and there the mpc format sounds and looks better
than mp3. (high bitrate) (i don`t own a portable.)
Not that am burn from lossy, but it shows how the encoder treats the input.
I think the only reason mp3 is leading this poll, is for portable usage,
but never the less, ogg should have more votes.
Beside, i think a valid additional question is: "For what purpose do you compress music."

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #141
I mainly use OptimFrog Dualstream, because I need to transcode to low quality mp3 for portable use but I can't afford lossless cause it's too big. Many of my old rips that I don't really have time to rerip that are mp3 APS or for the oldest ones wma 7/8 @ 128 kbps. About wma, I can't figure out how I could think that it was transparent. Placebo is really magic.
Stupidity is root of all evil.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #142
Flac/ape lossless, transcoded to ogg vorbis (aotuv b2 q4.25) or mp3 lame aps for portable use

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #143
I voted Lossless, even though I use AAC pretty much.
But Apple Lossless is my favorite at the moment, because it has software and hardware support that I need! 

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #144
This poll is nearly 2 years old. Several voters changed their choice in codecs since.And there's no way for forum members to update their votes. So, I would recommend you don't take it too seriously.

Perhaps it is time for a new poll then?  "Lossy Codec Poll Reloaded"

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #145
Time for a new poll alright I think.

MP3 (LAME preset extreme) is definately my codec of choice now.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #146
I remember an early version of the MPEG4 General Audio Input plugin for winamp that had a TON of tags, I wish I still had it. The latest ones only have the generic tags. It's not like I share my music with anyone, anyway.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #147
I have settled on AAC with the Compaact! encoder for my audio webstuff and 'lossy' does not exist in my vocabulary for anything not web related that I personally encode.

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #148
Only on this forum will you see MPC the most used format, most people here are a bit obsessed with perfect quality I think.

doesn't look that way at present. i didnt' think MPC was that close a second

Which lossy format are you using?

Reply #149
MPC --xtreme has been my format of choice lately, but I used to use (and sometimes still do use) Vorbis GT3b2 -q6.  Recently started playing around with Ahead's AAC at the extreme preset.  I listen to some fairly difficult music to encode and really they all sounded fine, but I just like perfect quality, well at least to my ears.
Nero AAC -q0.45