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What encoder do you want featured as 6th competitor?

l3enc (anchor)
[ 47 ] (28.1%)
Lame (anchor)
[ 66 ] (39.5%)
Winamp (normal competitor)
[ 54 ] (32.3%)

Total Members Voted: 206

Topic: Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully) (Read 31211 times) previous topic - next topic
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Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #25
we do it for them anyway. i wanted to participate in your MP3 test but i didn't have the time, at the time. i plan on making time for this test as i have tried very hard to make my opinion heard and would like to contribute,

its a shame that my first serious test will be so difficult. oh well.

Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #26
its a shame that my first serious test will be so difficult. oh well.

No, it won't.

I'm tired and I'm stressed.

These tests are not fun anymore, it's only politics I deal with and everyone wanting their own desires fullfilled, fuck the rest.

I stay in the middle taking the heat and trying to juggle everybody's request.

Never before I had to create polls for my tests, we could always agree on a common ground that satisfied most participants. This time I had to create three, and none of them with significant and usable results, mind you.

I started doing this out of personal interest and to further knowledge in these areas, but I feel that both of these are becoming moot points.  Organising and choosing samples has now taken a second place to sitting center stage in tired arguments about formats and methodologies, and with that the amount of time and effort I put in is just not reaping the rewards I hope for.  In my opinion, testing is becoming more obscure, now that the major tests have been conducted and audio formats have not made vast leaps in the last 3 months, I will either be repeating myself or going down narrow and uninspiring avenues with further tests.

So, I plan to conduce the multiformat test next month, the dial-up bitrate test on April, and then I plan to retire from the testing scene. I hope if the demand is still high, somebody else can assume the role of coordinator and continue to provide illuminating results.

Anyway: since the poll here is more or less tied, simply there will be no 6th codec. IMO it's also for the better, since the test will be much less fatiguing this way.

Sorry if that decision is unpleasant to some.

Best regards;

Roberto José de Amorim.

Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #27

I think this test will go just fine with no 6th codec.  Simple is better.

And you deserve more appreciation than you ever hear.  A few others have stepped up and offered to run tests, and many have participated in tests as well, but no one has dedicated themselves to proving the capabilities of encoding formats here as much as you and ff123 have.

No one should ever forget that.

Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #28
I agree wholeheartedly with what ScorLibran just said .
Happiness - The agreeable sensation of contemplating the misery of others.

Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #29
It's time you relaxed buddy, let the world digest all the useful results you have overseen and improve from there  If somebody complains and asks for a 32kb test between 9 competitors you can rightfully suggest they do it themselves!
< w o g o n e . c o m / l o l >

Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #30
I would like to see how audio compression has advanced since the first mp3 encoder.

Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #31
I trust Roberto, voted for l3enc. Well, if Winamp wins the poll, I hope it will still be fun!
@Roberto: don't let them take you down! You are doing a great job of finding a compromise for everyone.


Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #32
Read the thread, dudes!
Anyway: since the poll here is more or less tied, simply there will be no 6th codec. IMO it's also for the better, since the test will be much less fatiguing this way.

I think this is a good desicion. It is, of course much, better than an anchor that would be (nearly) as troublesome to detect as the AAC competitors.


Last AAC listening test poll (hopefully)

Reply #33
Anyway: since the poll here is more or less tied, simply there will be no 6th codec. IMO it's also for the better, since the test will be much less fatiguing this way.

hm i am not happy with this but its your test...

maybe for the next time there could be a forum software update installed which allows multiple choice polls, if possible
and you simply ignore all comments and simply let the poll speek for itself

well as a last statement i really think its a failure not to include winamp, cause imho it has the potential to become one of the most popular aac encoders, simply because it comes with a popular tool (i dont think that more people will use real or compaact for aac encoding)
I know, that I know nothing (Socrates)