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Topic: Dynamic Range plugin (Read 19392 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #50
I went ahead and implemented a simple DR Meter:

Did a few brief tests. On a couple of tracks, yours returns a dB more than foo_dynamic_range . No problem unless it is a symptom of something, I'm just assuming it is roundoff.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #51
foo_dr_meter works great and fast. It would be nice if you could enter the values ​​directly into the tag (e.g. DR_Track and DR_Album).

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #52
foo_dr_meter works great and fast. It would be nice if you could enter the values ​​directly into the tag (e.g. DR_Track and DR_Album).

Check settings under preferences - advanced.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #53
For me it only says album grouping pattern.

Ups. Sorry. Replied too quickly.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #54
I don't have the True Paek Scanner installed, just foo_dr_meter.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #55
I don't have the True Paek Scanner installed, just foo_dr_meter.

Truepeak scanner is a one stop shop. You can use it instead of replay scanner as well. So just one scan and you have all truepeak, replaygain, clipping, lra and dr in your tags. Of course you can disable what you don't want.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #56
Did a few brief tests. On a couple of tracks, yours returns a dB more than foo_dynamic_range . No problem unless it is a symptom of something, I'm just assuming it is roundoff.
I read somewhere the default component resamples everything to 44.1 kHz. My component doesn't do that as that shouldn't be necessary and the PDF paper describing the measurement doesn't speak anything about resampling. Another difference is that the old component clips at least sample peaks to 1.0. I do not clip anything as I consider that incorrect. Though if people disagree I can modify the behavior.

There can be other weirdnesses going on too. The algorithm paper for example tells to split the audio for RMS scanning to blocks that are 3 seconds in length. Then it says that in their example 3 seconds of audio at 44.1 kHz equals 132480 samples. That's 180 samples too much. 44100 * 3 = 132300.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #58
Did a few brief tests. On a couple of tracks, yours returns a dB more than foo_dynamic_range . No problem unless it is a symptom of something, I'm just assuming it is roundoff.
I read somewhere the default component resamples everything to 44.1 kHz. My component doesn't do that as that shouldn't be necessary and the PDF paper describing the measurement doesn't speak anything about resampling. Another difference is that the old component clips at least sample peaks to 1.0. I do not clip anything as I consider that incorrect. Though if people disagree I can modify the behavior.

No disagreement over improved handling, please keep it - I only intended to raise the "are discrepancies to be expected?" question to a 1.0 version.

By the way, I tested CDDA stored losslessly, so it is not about resampling.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #59
It was surprisingly difficult to make Windows use the new style, I couldn't make it work except by programmatically adjusting the dialog size.

If you're using cfgDialogPosition / window placement helper, you need to put apply_to_window after setting the style. IIRC, trial and error got me there. :P

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #60
I did some improvements to my DR Meter implementation, download updated version from

I added the extra info the official component displayed to the result dialog too (per-channel DR, RMS and peak).
And I did some improvements / fixes to the DR value calculation. Turns out the official component reverts to using highest peak when the second highest peak they tell you to use is too low. I saw this causing issues with short and very quiet test signals.
The result dialog also has the dark mode improvement marc2k3 mentioned.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #61
Thnx Case :)

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #62
Great! Thank you Case!
I can finally uninstall foobar 1 I was keeping around just for the dr meter.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #63
Thanks Case

It would be nice if you could consider a silent mode. I have assigned the function to a keyboard key and don't need the result dialog. A progress bar would then be sufficient.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #64
Thanks Case

It would be nice if you could consider a silent mode. I have assigned the function to a keyboard key and don't need the result dialog. A progress bar would then be sufficient.

I second that.

I'd also like that the remove function removes everything you selected truepeak scanner to scan initially. You now remove DR information (which most likely was scanned with the old component), so why not RG info if Truepeak has been selected to overwrite this info upon scanning
Or make it a setting in preferences/advanced/truepeak that the remove function also removes RG (if upon scanning TP also does RG)
It's a bit silly to clutter my context menu with RG only for the removal part.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #65
Thnx Case :)
Agreed!  But to my taste the multichannel and RMS thing gets a bit cluttered.  The new foo_true_peak  results that now include DR, give me everything  I could ask for in one 3-value result:  Track peak, LRA, and now DR, optionally expandable to include album results.  Just a heads-up so fans of foo_dr_meter don't neglect to check that one too.

Edit:  Defender yes it has option to do RP gain:

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #66
@Case Thank you for your work. Thousands of people who rip their CDs always include the output log from the Dynamic Range Meter plugin in their rips. For this reason they must have an old version of fbk2 installed (32-bit) with an old plugin. Could you add to the plugin an option to export the log in the format as we have known it for years?

Sample output log

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #67
@Case, would it be possible to add all features of DR Meter (per-channel DR, RMS and peak) to True Peak Scanner? The output log placed in the folder with actual audio files (as in old component) would also be very much appreciated (I would love to see every measurement in it, including LRA, Clippings and Peakstamps).

How does this plugin (and True Peak Scanner) behave with files containing several streams (like bluray m2ts with more than one version of the album - ex. stereo, instrumental, DTS, AC3, THD...)? Will it measure the first stream (or which one?) or is it possible to measure all streams (changing the stream with stream-selector and measure them all one by one and getting different results not owerwriting the previous ones)? And if it is possible, how to write such tags with your external tags? In case of SACD-iso we can write an xml containing two sets of tags/measurement (one for stereo and one for 5.1) (I know that those are different, not two streams but separate sets of "audio files").

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #68
Edit:  Defender yes it has option to do RP gain:

Yes. I know :-)

But it has not the option to clear RG values when you choose the truepeak remove context menu option.
Which is the only reason I still need Replaygain context menu and I want to get rid of it.

I do not use the built-in RG scanner at all anymore.
Reason is that it is either less precise (if you do not enable the the true peak scan option in replaygain settings or less efficient/slower.

If you do RG scan with with comparable precision (which actually can only be achieved with truepeak auto 8x) as the standalone truepeak scanner is a lot slower AND you still have to run a separate scan for LRA+DR and clipping positions.

If you are using truepeak scanner, it won't get any slower when you enable RG, LRA, DR or scanning for clipping positions.
I attached my test results.


Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #69
@Case Thank you for your work. Thousands of people who rip their CDs always include the output log from the Dynamic Range Meter plugin in their rips. For this reason they must have an old version of fbk2 installed (32-bit) with an old plugin. Could you add to the plugin an option to export the log in the format as we have known it for years?

Sample output log

It would be great if you would reconsider and add an log option for your DR Meter component @Case.
Used the 'Copy' function and pasted in the contents into a txt file and it was a mess. Not worth the time/effort to try and get a okey looking log file manually.

A log looking similar to the 'DR Meter Results' window would be great to get. The only thing thats missing imo is the track number infront of the track name.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #70
It would be nice if you could consider a silent mode. I have assigned the function to a keyboard key and don't need the result dialog. A progress bar would then be sufficient.
Option added.

But to my taste the multichannel and RMS thing gets a bit cluttered.
Added option to turn off all the extra info.

Could you add to the plugin an option to export the log in the format as we have known it for years?
Log option added. I did my best to mimic the formats. The log uses different syntax for single files.

Download new version:

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #71
@Case Thnx a LOT for adding the Log option :)

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #72
I forgot to comment:
Used the 'Copy' function and pasted in the contents into a txt file and it was a mess. Not worth the time/effort to try and get a okey looking log file manually.
The Copy button copies unicode text separated by tabs, it can potentially be useful for further analysis in Excel of similar spreadsheet. The data gets formatted as a nice table there.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #73
Thank you  :)

The update makes life a little easier and more convenient again.

Re: Dynamic Range plugin

Reply #74
Log option added. I did my best to mimic the formats. The log uses different syntax for single files.
Thank you  :)