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Topic: foo_scheduler (Read 457801 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #275
I use integrated speakers in LCD monitor. They doesn't play if monitor is turned off. I want to use foo_scheduler as alarm clock at morning. When i go to bed, i put computer to standby. Computer will wake up at the morning and music will start play, but i doesn't hear anything because monitor won't turn on. When i try wake up computer from standby mode manually (by pressing a key), monitor will turn on. So, can you integrate such a feature for turning monitor on after waking up into foo_scheduler? Without that feature is foo_scheduler useless for me  My OS is Windows 7. I used foo_scheduler with pleasure on WXP but in this time i used external speakers so there wasn't problem. Unfortunately they are gone now and integrated one are enough for me.


Reply #276
So, can you integrate such a feature for turning monitor on after waking up into foo_scheduler? Without that feature is foo_scheduler useless for me  My OS is Windows 7. I used foo_scheduler with pleasure on WXP but in this time i used external speakers so there wasn't problem. Unfortunately they are gone now and integrated one are enough for me.

Ok, I'll see what can be done in this situation.


Reply #277
Any update on my issue? =)
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #280
It was an update, that it will be fixed, hopefully in the next version.
All I wanted to know.

I'm still using the older version, that one works flawless.

Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #281
Seems that Windows 7 brings new problems to foo_scheduler. Mixer volume isn't read right, date-time event is broken under certain conditions... So the development of the 4th version has been started. It's going to be a freeware version as it has been before. Of course new features will be implemented. I just need some free time!

would/could one of the new features be the ability to set a timer, like after x minutes execute an action? i'd love it if i could set foobar to pause after 15 minutes.

thanks for the component


Reply #282
Seems that Windows 7 brings new problems to foo_scheduler. Mixer volume isn't read right, date-time event is broken under certain conditions... So the development of the 4th version has been started. It's going to be a freeware version as it has been before. Of course new features will be implemented. I just need some free time!

would/could one of the new features be the ability to set a timer, like after x minutes execute an action? i'd love it if i could set foobar to pause after 15 minutes.

thanks for the component

You can, kind of.  It takes a little extra work but just create an event for now and the action list should have delay 15 minutes.  The only part he'd need to implement would be to allow a pause rather than just start/stop.


Reply #283
You can, kind of.  It takes a little extra work but just create an event for now and the action list should have delay 15 minutes.  The only part he'd need to implement would be to allow a pause rather than just start/stop.

I'd say, create a menu item event.
Pause/unpause has been implemented in 4.0 (which is still under construction )


Reply #284
Hi, just to want to thank you for this great script, Andrew!

It's the component I use mostly    I even made a couple of buttons for each event and the configuration page to save time in navigating through the menu.

It's almost perfect, but I'd like to see one more feature, as requested few times before: Some kind of display, status bar or similar to show the remaining time and/or the currently active event.

Until now I mostly use it as a sleep timer when I go to bed, but I'd also like to wake up with my favourite songs.
The wake up from hibernation/standby doesn't work for me. I tried date/time events after "suspend" or "hibernate", but the screen stays black.
As for my understanding, it is not possible to wake up from hibernation, since the computer is powered off and the only way to start it again is the (O/l) button.
Maybe I have to set up the BIOS, but I got a notebook and there's not much customization in the settings.
I'm not sure, but I guess, there's been some software I used that worked and woke up the system from standby or hibernation. But that's long time ago and I don't remember anything.

Any ideas anyway?


Reply #285
It's almost perfect, but I'd like to see one more feature, as requested few times before: Some kind of display, status bar or similar to show the remaining time and/or the currently active event.

I remember, don't worry. As for hibernate, it's possible to wake up computer from this mode. The only thing you need is a motherboard that supports this feature. It seems that yours doesn't.


Reply #286
I remember, don't worry.

Wow, thanks for the quick response. I'm glad to hear that 

As for hibernate, it's possible to wake up computer from this mode. The only thing you need is a motherboard that supports this feature. It seems that yours doesn't.

Hmm, probably... I'll take a look at the BIOS and manual of my notebook.


Reply #287
As for hibernate, it's possible to wake up computer from this mode. The only thing you need is a motherboard that supports this feature. It seems that yours doesn't.

Hmm, probably... I'll take a look at the BIOS and manual of my notebook.

You said that some software had worked... Then maybe the hardware isn't a reason, maybe OS configuration doesn't allow to wake up. If you are using Windows 7 take a look at option "Sleep/Allow wake timers" in Advanced Settings of Power Options. It may be disabled for your current power profile. Don't know whether such option exists in previous versions of Win.


Reply #289
foobar crashed and the crash report showed foo_scheduler 3.5.4 as a possible culprit.  Anyone else seen this?

Yeah, I've seen this. Well, I've released 3.55 with a few bug fixes. Use 3.53 or 3.55 while the 4th version is being under construction.


Reply #290
foobar crashed and the crash report showed foo_scheduler 3.5.4 as a possible culprit.  Anyone else seen this?

Yeah, I've seen this. Well, I've released 3.55 with a few bug fixes. Use 3.53 or 3.55 while the 4th version is being under construction.

sounds good, I'm excited.


Reply #291
I've been looking for something like this scheduler and this is just great! I posted earlier this day that I couldn't get it to work but It's working now!
Thx for a great plugin!


Reply #292
Firstly thanks for the intention to implement Pause/Unpause. It's really great! It's kruto!    Waiting impatiently.

would/could one of the new features be the ability to set a timer, like after x minutes execute an action? i'd love it if i could set foobar to pause after 15 minutes.

Of course, this is already implemented -> 1) 15:00 Start ... 15:15 stop. 2) start, delay 15 min, stop.
How about pause after 15 tracks?
I understand that this may cause a conflict with the time rules... Let it be with low priority.

I'm go on (may be it's easy realized, who knows).
How about events? For example:
8:00 --> action GoWork (Set volume, set playlist "lstWork", start, after 5 tracks cause event "Relax")
on event "Relax" --> action GoRest (set playlist "lstRest", start, after 2 tracks cause event "Load")
on event "Load" --> action GoWork

And one more wish: Remember position in (each) playlist, which was stopped/paused last time. Track number... or even track time.

Thanks for good plugin.


Reply #293
When using the hybrid sleep mode in Windows 7, scheduler will not take up my computer. If I disable hybrid to use Hibernate, it works just fine.
I have tried to update both Foobar(from 0.9 to 1.0) and Scheduler to the latest version without luck.



Reply #294
When using the hybrid sleep mode in Windows 7, scheduler will not take up my computer. If I disable hybrid to use Hibernate, it works just fine.
I have tried to update both Foobar(from 0.9 to 1.0) and Scheduler to the latest version without luck.

Maybe "Sleep/Allow wake timers" in Advanced Settings of Power Options isn't set when you enable hybrid mode.


Reply #295
Any update, ETA, etc.?  Not to be impatient but it's always nice to hear something


Reply #297
Thank you very much!
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #298
4.0 is ready! See the first page!


Reply #299
Thank you!

Will try it out.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10