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Topic: foo_scheduler (Read 457783 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #250
Then can i still get the old version somewhere ?

Because I have the same problem as Andreas since I installed Windows 7 with Foobar2000 and the latest Scheduler-component. Waking up doesn't work for me, but i think shut down does work.

I have only one other component installed (apart from the basic components): Columns UI.

Thanks a lot!


Reply #251
Then can i still get the old version somewhere ?

Because I have the same problem as Andreas since I installed Windows 7 with Foobar2000 and the latest Scheduler-component. Waking up doesn't work for me, but i think shut down does work.

I have only one other component installed (apart from the basic components): Columns UI.

Thanks a lot!

Take a look at the first page of this topic.


Reply #252
I will look more carefully before i ask the next time


Reply #253
It's good to have you back with this component! Thanks a lot.


Reply #254
Seems that Windows 7 brings new problems to foo_scheduler. Mixer volume isn't read right, date-time event is broken under certain conditions... So the development of the 4th version has been started. It's going to be a freeware version as it has been before. Of course new features will be implemented. I just need some free time!


Reply #255
Take your time.

Thanks for everything so far.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #256
So the development of the 4th version has been started. It's going to be a freeware version as it has been before.

Thank you very much, Andrew.

foo_scheduler is one of my mostly needed plugins.
This is HA. Not the Jerry Springer Show.


Reply #257
Hi andrew!
Thanks so much for your plugin!
All the other crap appz were successfully deleted 
All I need is foo_scheduler 

It's difficult to find free time and even more difficult to spend this time on developing something just for fun...

If you mentioned your paypal adress, i would donete for your motivation 


bug report:
I use Win Vista 64 Pro.
It doesn't wake up from so called "save energy mode" which probably means standby.
So i have to keep my computer running til the morning. ^^
It also doesn't start foobar when it's closed.

Any idea?


Reply #258
I use Win Vista 64 Pro.
It doesn't wake up from so called "save energy mode" which probably means standby.
So i have to keep my computer running til the morning. ^^
It also doesn't start foobar when it's closed.
Any idea?

The same happens sometimes with my Windows 7 x64. All I can advise is to wait for the new version


Reply #259
Oh, wow, only noticed the new version now.  Removing dependency from 'playback follows cursor' was the greatest possible improvement for me


Reply #260
I am on W7 and have the same issues - just stopped working and no clue why.

Suggestion for those who need sleep -wake up functions -

Get and create simple scripts to control pause-play function.  I found this using intelliremote which is a great product.

Use the Windows Task Scheduler to activate the script

This method even does one more feature that I have been begging forever for - PAUSE!

And using some logic you can test is playing and set multiple pause only points throughout the night.

Now if you are rewriting foo_scheduler, here is a function set I think would be amazing: 

A pause after xx minutes from last play after xx:xx time at night. So after midnight if I start playing again, the sleep counter is reset automatically.  Then a resume from pause for wakeup in the am is needed as well.


Reply #261
any chance for "restart foobar and autoplay"? would be great when you change OUTPUT device and want to automated restart after current track ends


Reply #262
Restart foobar is available in keyboard shortcuts, and autoplay option in "preferences > playback"
You don't need to restart foobar for output change to take effect - just press stop then play


Reply #263
Seems that Windows 7 brings new problems to foo_scheduler. Mixer volume isn't read right, date-time event is broken under certain conditions... So the development of the 4th version has been started. It's going to be a freeware version as it has been before. Of course new features will be implemented. I just need some free time!

Andrew your work on this plugin is excellent, I use this plugin during the week and it works very good (I dont use windows 7)
Anyway the plugin does not consider daylight savings time, so today I woke up 1 hour earlier . I think the way you do it is to calculate the time until next event and then do a thread sleep. A simple way to solve this would be to check again if the time is correct. I can help you with the development if you would like that. is this plugin developed in VCC?

Luis Rosa


Reply #264
Anyway the plugin does not consider daylight savings time, so today I woke up 1 hour earlier .

Really strange, it's the responsibility of OS to manage waitable timers correctly.

I can help you with the development if you would like that.

After I finish the development of the 4th version, probably I will publish the source code, so you'll be able to help


Reply #266
if I make one alarm daily and reschedule it after it happened it wont start sometimes. It is not clear to me why is that.


Reply #267
if I make one alarm daily and reschedule it after it happened it wont start sometimes. It is not clear to me why is that.

Try the old version if it works better.
I'm using the old one as I still got problems with the new version.
Windows 10 Pro x64 // foobar2000 1.3.10


Reply #268
Hey there, I've been getting a crash every time I have scheduler wake my computer from sleep lately, but I am NOT using windows 7 (I'm using xp). If anyone has any ideas, they would be much appreciated, here's the log:

Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: E0434F4Dh, flags: 00000001h, address: 7C812A5Bh
Call path:
Code bytes (7C812A5Bh):
7C812A1Bh:  8B 45 0C 56 8B 75 14 83 E0 01 85 F6 89 45 B4 C7
7C812A2Bh:  45 BC 09 2A 81 7C 0F 84 99 00 00 00 8B 4D 10 83
7C812A3Bh:  F9 0F 0F 87 4D 1D 03 00 85 C9 89 4D C0 74 07 57
7C812A4Bh:  8D 7D C4 F3 A5 5F 8D 45 B0 50 FF 15 08 15 80 7C
7C812A5Bh:  5E C9 C2 10 00 85 FF 0F 8E 36 93 FF FF 8B 55 FC
7C812A6Bh:  89 55 0C 0F B7 16 8B 7D F8 8A 14 3A 88 11 8B 78
7C812A7Bh:  0C 0F B6 D2 66 8B 14 57 66 3B 16 0F 85 A3 89 03
7C812A8Bh:  00 8B 50 08 66 8B 5A 04 38 19 0F 84 A1 89 03 00
Stack (0013F884h):
0013F864h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0013F874h:  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000
0013F884h:  0013F910 E0434F4D 00000001 00000000
0013F894h:  7C812A5B 00000001 80004005 79E7B494
0013F8A4h:  0013F8BC 02000038 00000001 0013F8C0
0013F8B4h:  79E7E17F 0000012F 790FE0E0 0013F8D0
0013F8C4h:  79F07282 7A777134 0000012F 0013F8E0
0013F8D4h:  79F0726A 0013F938 79F071AC E0434F4D
0013F8E4h:  00000001 00000001 0013F910 1B15FB70
0013F8F4h:  01CF241C 00182E50 00000000 00043000
0013F904h:  00000000 00000001 00182E50 80004005
0013F914h:  0013F494 00000001 00000001 0013F8F0
0013F924h:  0013F494 0013F9F0 79FC15DC 62F67380
0013F934h:  00000000 0013F9FC 79F0A629 01CF241C
0013F944h:  00000000 00000000 1B15FBB4 0013FA20
0013F954h:  01CF241C 01CD2F28 0AF47CC5 79E71988
0013F964h:  FFFFFFFF 00000000 00000001 0013F980
0013F974h:  00000000 00182E50 00000000 0013F950
0013F984h:  0013FA20 0013F954 01CF241C 0013F958
0013F994h:  01CD2F28 0013F9FC 0013FA48 0013FA04
EAX: 0013F888, EBX: E0434F4D, ECX: 00000000, EDX: 00000029
ESI: 0013F914, EDI: 00182E50, EBP: 0013F8D8, ESP: 0013F884
Crash location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RaiseException" (+00000052h)

Loaded modules:
foobar2000   loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
ntdll loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
kernel32 loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
COMCTL32 loaded at 773D0000h - 774D3000h
msvcrt   loaded at 77C10000h - 77C68000h
ADVAPI32 loaded at 77DD0000h - 77E6B000h
RPCRT4   loaded at 77E70000h - 77F01000h
GDI32 loaded at 77F10000h - 77F57000h
USER32   loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
SHLWAPI   loaded at 77F60000h - 77FD6000h
SHELL32   loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1D5000h
ole32 loaded at 774E0000h - 7761D000h
shared   loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
COMDLG32 loaded at 763B0000h - 763F9000h
uxtheme   loaded at 5AD70000h - 5ADA8000h
MSCTF loaded at 74720000h - 7476B000h
foo_abx   loaded at 00A60000h - 00A91000h
foo_ac3   loaded at 00AC0000h - 00AEF000h
foo_audioscrobbler   loaded at 00B10000h - 00B40000h
WS2_32   loaded at 71AB0000h - 71AC7000h
WS2HELP   loaded at 71AA0000h - 71AA8000h
foo_autoplaylist loaded at 00B60000h - 00B92000h
foo_cdda loaded at 00BC0000h - 00C01000h
foo_converter loaded at 00C30000h - 00C97000h
foo_dbsearch loaded at 00CC0000h - 00D1C000h
foo_dockable_panels   loaded at 00D40000h - 00D73000h
foo_dop   loaded at 00DA0000h - 00E81000h
SETUPAPI loaded at 77920000h - 77A13000h
gdiplus   loaded at 4EC50000h - 4EDF3000h
QUARTZ   loaded at 74810000h - 7497C000h
OLEAUT32 loaded at 77120000h - 771AC000h
WINMM loaded at 76B40000h - 76B6D000h
foo_dsp_continuator   loaded at 00F50000h - 00F68000h
MSVCP80   loaded at 7C420000h - 7C4A7000h
MSVCR80   loaded at 78130000h - 781CB000h
foo_dsp_crossfader   loaded at 00F90000h - 01043000h
foo_dsp_delta loaded at 01070000h - 0108E000h
foo_dsp_std   loaded at 010B0000h - 010F9000h
foo_facets   loaded at 01120000h - 011A1000h
MSIMG32   loaded at 76380000h - 76385000h
foo_fileops   loaded at 011D0000h - 01216000h
foo_freedb2   loaded at 01240000h - 01280000h
foo_infobox   loaded at 012A0000h - 012DE000h
foo_input_dts loaded at 01300000h - 01365000h
foo_input_monkey loaded at 01390000h - 013D5000h
foo_input_shorten loaded at 01400000h - 0142E000h
foo_input_std loaded at 01450000h - 0157D000h
foo_jesus loaded at 015A0000h - 015C1000h
foo_lnk   loaded at 015E0000h - 015F9000h
foo_masstag   loaded at 01620000h - 01670000h
foo_mouse_gesture loaded at 01690000h - 016B9000h
foo_musicbrainz   loaded at 016E0000h - 0173C000h
WINHTTP   loaded at 4D4F0000h - 4D548000h
foo_navigator loaded at 018C0000h - 018F1000h
foo_new_file_stamper_mod (2) loaded at 01920000h - 01949000h
foo_playlist_attributes   loaded at 01970000h - 019B4000h
foo_playlist_manager loaded at 019E0000h - 01A26000h
foo_pqview   loaded at 01A50000h - 01A6C000h
foo_prettypop loaded at 01A90000h - 01ADF000h
mscoree   loaded at 79000000h - 79046000h
msvcm80   loaded at 7C4C0000h - 7C53D000h
mscorwks loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h   loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
mscorjit loaded at 79060000h - 790B6000h
rsaenh   loaded at 0FFD0000h - 0FFF8000h
foo_random   loaded at 04020000h - 0405F000h
foo_rgscan   loaded at 04060000h - 040BB000h
foo_run   loaded at 040D0000h - 040FE000h
foo_scheduler loaded at 04120000h - 0418F000h
POWRPROF loaded at 74AD0000h - 74AD8000h
foo_scrobblecharts   loaded at 041B0000h - 041E3000h
WININET   loaded at 771B0000h - 77256000h
CRYPT32   loaded at 77A80000h - 77B14000h
MSASN1   loaded at 77B20000h - 77B32000h
foo_softplaylists loaded at 04210000h - 0422A000h
MSVCR90   loaded at 78520000h - 785C3000h
foo_stopaftercuralbum loaded at 04250000h - 0426F000h
foo_textdisplay   loaded at 042C0000h - 042FF000h
foo_uie_biography loaded at 04300000h - 0434A000h
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod loaded at 04370000h - 043C6000h
foo_ui_std   loaded at 043E0000h - 044B5000h
foo_vis_projectM loaded at 044E0000h - 04551000h
OPENGL32 loaded at 5ED00000h - 5EDCC000h
GLU32 loaded at 68B20000h - 68B40000h
DDRAW loaded at 73760000h - 737A9000h
DCIMAN32 loaded at 73BC0000h - 73BC6000h
foo_vis_shpeck-beta   loaded at 04D60000h - 04D8E000h loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h loaded at 7ADE0000h - 7AF7C000h   loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
mswsock   loaded at 71A50000h - 71A8F000h
DNSAPI   loaded at 76F20000h - 76F47000h
mdnsNSP   loaded at 16080000h - 160A5000h
DSOUND   loaded at 73F10000h - 73F6C000h
VERSION   loaded at 77C00000h - 77C08000h
Iphlpapi loaded at 76D60000h - 76D79000h
WINTRUST loaded at 76C30000h - 76C5E000h
IMAGEHLP loaded at 76C90000h - 76CB8000h
wdmaud   loaded at 72D20000h - 72D29000h
msacm32   loaded at 72D10000h - 72D18000h
MSACM32   loaded at 77BE0000h - 77BF5000h
midimap   loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD7000h
KsUser   loaded at 73EE0000h - 73EE4000h
rasadhlp loaded at 76FC0000h - 76FC6000h
hnetcfg   loaded at 662B0000h - 66308000h
wshtcpip loaded at 71A90000h - 71A98000h
Secur32   loaded at 77FE0000h - 77FF1000h
wsock32   loaded at 71AD0000h - 71AD9000h
winrnr   loaded at 76FB0000h - 76FB8000h
WLDAP32   loaded at 76F60000h - 76F8C000h
sensapi   loaded at 722B0000h - 722B5000h
RASAPI32 loaded at 76EE0000h - 76F1C000h
rasman   loaded at 76E90000h - 76EA2000h
NETAPI32 loaded at 5B860000h - 5B8B4000h
TAPI32   loaded at 76EB0000h - 76EDF000h
rtutils   loaded at 76E80000h - 76E8E000h
msv1_0   loaded at 77C70000h - 77C93000h
USERENV   loaded at 769C0000h - 76A73000h
urlmon   loaded at 7E1E0000h - 7E280000h
IMM32 loaded at 76390000h - 763AD000h
xpsp2res loaded at 20000000h - 202C5000h
DBGHELP   loaded at 59A60000h - 59B01000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 7C812A5Bh, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RaiseException" (+00000052h)
Address: 79E7B494h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "LogHelp_TerminateOnAssert" (+0000217Ch)
Address: 79E7E17Fh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "InstallCustomModule" (+00000103h)
Address: 790FE0E0h, location: "", loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
Address: 79F07282h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000241CEh)
Address: 7A777134h, location: "", loaded at 7A440000h - 7AC2A000h
Address: 79F0726Ah, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000241B6h)
Address: 79F071ACh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000240F8h)
Address: 79FC15DCh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "CorExeMain" (+00007F95h)
Address: 79F0A629h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+00027575h)
Address: 79E71988h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Address: 79F0A582h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000274CEh)
Address: 79362F76h, location: "", loaded at 790C0000h - 79BF6000h
Address: 79F0A66Ch, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCLRFunction" (+000275B8h)
Address: 7B40E68Ah, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 7B237E00h, location: "", loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC6C000h
Address: 004F6598h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A355348h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Address: 79E880DFh, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "InstallCustomModule" (+0000A063h)
Address: 01AD24C4h, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01A90000h - 01ADF000h
Address: 004F6598h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7A095373h, location: "mscorwks", loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3FF000h
Symbol: "GetCompileInfo" (+00006831h)
Address: 00443BFEh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 01AD24C4h, location: "foo_prettypop", loaded at 01A90000h - 01ADF000h
Address: 004F6598h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F8FA9h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7C802500h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "ReleaseMutex" (+00000059h)
Address: 004B75F7h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00444D5Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F97BCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004B6D60h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004449F8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F6598h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F97BCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0049B960h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 10002589h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 004D3F28h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F6598h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BA1F0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F97BCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FE40h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D3F5Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D48734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 00413568h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D0DC0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F97BCh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004B7749h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FFB5h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D48734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D48816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D48830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D489CDh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000127h)
Address: 0042FF96h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 77D4DAEAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 04446AC8h, location: "foo_ui_std", loaded at 043E0000h - 044B5000h
Address: 77D70467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D489F0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000014Ah)
Address: 77D48A10h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D40000h - 77DD0000h
Symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+0000000Fh)
Address: 0042DA6Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 10002589h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 00D4DAEAh, location: "foo_dockable_panels", loaded at 00D40000h - 00D73000h
Address: 0042E4F7h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D1214h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD304h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD304h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00520064h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004DD2E8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C9106F0h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000011Ch)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B0000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 004AAC33h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A52D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004AAC33h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A9088h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 10002589h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 1002A000h
Symbol: "uPrintCrashInfo_SetDumpPath" (+000000C8h)
Address: 004D3AE8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BE721h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D3AE8h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0042E736h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A34A1h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A349Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C5B14h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C3860h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A52D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A349Bh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A34AFh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004C3860h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004BEB19h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004A4EBAh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0114D0B8h, location: "foo_facets", loaded at 01120000h - 011A1000h
Address: 004A52D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 7C816FD7h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000049h)
Address: 0114D0B8h, location: "foo_facets", loaded at 01120000h - 011A1000h
Address: 7C839AA8h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "ValidateLocale" (+000002B0h)
Address: 7C816FE0h, location: "kernel32", loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8F4000h
Symbol: "RegisterWaitForInputIdle" (+00000052h)
Address: 004A4F25h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004E0049h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F0044h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004B0063h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004E0049h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F0044h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004D002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00500069h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 0044002Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 00410072h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004E0049h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h
Address: 004F0044h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 0052B000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.5.5
Windows 5.1

Additional info:
Masstagger 1.6  (foo_masstag)
MusicBrainz Tagger 0.2  (foo_musicbrainz)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.8   (foo_rgscan)
Gapless Crossfader (Intel SSE)  (foo_dsp_crossfader)
Biography View  (foo_uie_biography)
mouse gesture host 0.4.1  (foo_mouse_gesture)
foo_stopaftercuralbum 0.2  (foo_stopaftercuralbum)
Continuator 0.6.1  (foo_dsp_continuator)
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.3  (foo_cdda)
New file stamper 1.0.0 [Dec 21 2008 - 01:05:11]  (foo_new_file_stamper_mod (2))
Run services 0.3.4  (foo_run)
Standard Input Array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
foobar2000 core  (Core)
Playlist Manager 1.0  (foo_playlist_manager)
Audioscrobbler 1.3.15  (foo_audioscrobbler)
DTS decoder 0.1.7  (foo_input_dts)
Scheduler 3.53  (foo_scheduler)
Shpeck - Winamp vis plugins wrapper 0.2.4 beta 2  (foo_vis_shpeck-beta)
freedb Tagger 0.6  (foo_freedb2)
iPod manager  (foo_dop)
File Operations 2.1  (foo_fileops)
Playlist Attributes 0.2.0 [Oct  7 2009 - 23:57:35]  (foo_playlist_attributes)
Facets 2008-02-25  (foo_facets)
Autosave & Autobackup 5  (foo_jesus)
Converter 1.1.2  (foo_converter)
Pretty Popup 1.2.4  (foo_prettypop)
Dockable Panels 1.0.7b [Mar 28 2007 - 09:18:48]  (foo_dockable_panels)
Track info panel mod 0.8.0 beta [Jan  5 2007 - 13:36:12]  (foo_uie_trackinfo_mod) Chart Player 0.2.3  (foo_scrobblecharts)
Navigator 0.6  (foo_navigator)
Text Display UI Element 1.0 RC 3  (foo_textdisplay)
ABX Comparator 1.3.3  (foo_abx)
LPCM <--> delta-PCM converter 0.1.1  (foo_dsp_delta)
Monkey's Audio Decoder 2.1.3  (foo_input_monkey)
Default User Interface 0.9.5  (foo_ui_std)
Soft Playlists 2009-11-23  (foo_softplaylists)
Database search 1.3.1 beta 11  (foo_dbsearch)
Shell link resolver 1.1  (foo_lnk)
Standard DSP Array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
Shorten decoder 0.4.2a  (foo_input_shorten)
Special file info box v2.0.0  (foo_infobox)
projectM visualization  (foo_vis_projectM)
Randomized playlist entry 1.2.3  (foo_random)
AC3 decoder 0.9.1  (foo_ac3)

[!--sizeo:1--][span style=\"font-size:8pt;line-height:100%\"][!--/sizeo--]Moderation: Codeboxed.[/size]


Reply #269
Blame foo_prettypop.
Full-quoting makes you scroll past the same junk over and over.


Reply #271
Great plugin!

What's the chance for implementing support in the Delay action to specify both minutes and/or seconds in an upcoming version?


Reply #272
With the 1.0 betas, does this no longer wake the computer up?  Anyone else having that issue?  It'd also be nice to know which of these it _can_ turn back on from.

Turn of hard disks?
Hibernate? (no)


Reply #273
Woke up from hibernate just fine this morning for me (with 1.0b4).


Reply #274
I'm having trouble with the Suspend function in Win XP.

I am finding that it will bring up the preparing to standby screen then go blank but the computer is still running and will not respond to keys or power button.

This has never been an issue with any of the other programs that I use regularly to put the computer into standby.

I have tried both Foobar and 1.0b5 and both 3.53 and 3.54 foo_scheduler with the same results.

Any help would be appreciated