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Topic: Lyra V2 - a better, faster, and more versatile speech codec (Read 2178 times) previous topic - next topic
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Lyra V2 - a better, faster, and more versatile speech codec

Since we open sourced the first version of Lyra on GitHub last year, we are delighted to see a vibrant community growing around it, with thousands of stars, hundreds of forks, and many comments and pull requests. There are people who fixed and formatted our code, built continuous integration for the project, and even added support for Web Assembly.

We are incredibly grateful for all these contributions, and we also heard the community's feedback, asking us to improve Lyra. Some examples of what developers wanted were to run Lyra on more platforms, develop applications in more languages; and for a model that computes faster with more bitrate options and lower latency, and better audio quality with fewer artifacts.

That's why we are now releasing Lyra V2, with a new architecture that enjoys a wider platform support, provides scalable bitrate capabilities, has better performance, and generates higher quality audio. With this release, we hope to continue to evolve with the community, and with its collective creativity, see new applications being developed and new directions emerging.

The results are spectacular.

Re: Lyra V2 - a better, faster, and more versatile speech codec

Reply #1
Since we open sourced the first version of Lyra on GitHub last year, we are delighted to see a vibrant community growing around it, with thousands of stars, hundreds of forks, and many comments and pull requests. There are people who fixed and formatted our code, built continuous integration for the project, and even added support for Web Assembly.

We are incredibly grateful for all these contributions, and we also heard the community's feedback, asking us to improve Lyra. Some examples of what developers wanted were to run Lyra on more platforms, develop applications in more languages; and for a model that computes faster with more bitrate options and lower latency, and better audio quality with fewer artifacts.

That's why we are now releasing Lyra V2, with a new architecture that enjoys a wider platform support, provides scalable bitrate capabilities, has better performance, and generates higher quality audio. With this release, we hope to continue to evolve with the community, and with its collective creativity, see new applications being developed and new directions emerging.

The results are spectacular.
All it needs now is an encoder