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Topic: foo_uie_lyrics3 (Read 916873 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2200
He wrote the code for it and it's not open-source, if that's what you mean.

I need to report a bug/crash that I found while using the plugin. Is Veksha still active on these forums?

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2201
Can I report a bug/crash for MultiSource Plugin on this thread? Will it be seen?

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2202
Can I report a bug/crash for MultiSource Plugin on this thread? Will it be seen?

This would be the best place to report it.  You could also send a message to him with the report. 

There isn’t much activity on LSP3 or Multi Source, so don’t expect quick responses. 

Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2203
Forwarded post from 2024-05-14


I'm having issues with the foo_multisource 0.56 component.
My install is foobar 2.2 x86 always newest beta running foo_ui_lyrics3 0.6. Also newest c++ runtime library versions 14.40.33810.

Lately I have increasing crash errors upon exiting foobar and almost always having visual c++ runtime errors while starting foobar which mostly only runs after trying to start 4/5 times in a row. It was kind of acceptable for me because I'm always testing (maybe less stable) stuff, but now the amount of crashes were becoming unbearable.

So today I started debugging by removing one component after another to isolate the cause for this almost constant startup bug. After having removed some 20 different components including foo_ui_lyrics3 (actually the third one I removed), I removed foo_multisource and all of a sudden I did not experience exit or startup errors anymore.

I reloaded my full skin including foo_ui_lyrics and multisource and back where the exit/startup errors.
Then I removed foo_ui_lyric3 but kept multisource ... still exit/start crashes. After removing multisource no more errors.

Reloaded full skin one more including foo_ui_lyrics and multisource and back where the exit/startup errors.
Then removed multisource but kept foo_ui_lyrics3 ... no errors.

Please investigate


Re: foo_uie_lyrics3

Reply #2205
veksha : greetings and I hope you are still interested in tweaking foo_multisource 2.1!  It appears that the "Deezer" source has been broken for a while, could you fix it?  Also, would it be possible to add "LRCLIB" ( to your API-based search sources?

Thanks for your attention and any help!