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Topic: Transferring foobar2000 settings (Read 668 times) previous topic - next topic
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Transferring foobar2000 settings

Is there any way to copy setttings from one foobar2000 installation to another, i.e. playlists, preferences, converter settings, visualisation settings?

I'd be transferring from v1.6.13 to the latest available.

Re: Transferring foobar2000 settings

Reply #1
Upgrading should handle it automatically. If you have a standard install, your current settings live in %appdata%\foobar2000. The first time you run fb2k 2.0 or later, it will create a new folder %appdata%\foobar2000-v2 and it will import settings leaving the original files untouched.

If you have a portable install, just point the installer at the old folder and again it should be automatic. But there will no backup so I'd make your own first to be extra safe.

If you use 3rd party components then you can't easily migrate from 32bit->64bit. You have to track down all your needed components and install them manually. Of course not all have been updated. Sticking with 32bit fb2k 2+ is easiest for most.


Re: Transferring foobar2000 settings

Reply #2
Many thanks for the quick response, much appreciated.