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Topic: Anything like Deskband for x64 avaiable? (Read 1215 times) previous topic - next topic
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Anything like Deskband for x64 avaiable?

Hi folks,

I've been running a 32-bit version of Foobar (1.5.4) with Deskband for a number of years. Ran winget today and it updated Foobar to 2.1.2 x64, which is great, except Deskband doesn't run on x64. I really love the functionality of Deskband and if it won't run on 2.1.2,  and I can't find some similar compact control bar that will, I'll probably stick with Foobar 1.5.4 until something becomes available.

Can anyone recommend anything? Thanks for your thoughts!

Re: Anything like Deskband for x64 avaiable?

Reply #2
Thanks Marc,

If you're referring to Foobar itself, I have both 32 & 64 bit versions running side by side right now. Would like to dump the legacy 32 bit version if I can find something like Deskband for x64.

Any recommendations?

Re: Anything like Deskband for x64 avaiable?

Reply #4
Flowin is 64-bit. You could always make your own mini-foobar in a transparent / always-on-top floating window. For easy stuff put a 'Toolbar Header' in there, or if you want more fancy stuff, dock it with any amount of JSP3 scripts like 'Text Display'. This took me about three minutes to make :D -


(I guess I could've added album art, too, but you get the idea. EDIT: Strange the forum is showing the picture zoomed up a bit, the window itself was actually smaller than the above)


Re: Anything like Deskband for x64 avaiable?

Reply #5
Ha, I think you're a little over my head there, but thanks for taking the time to respond.

Looks like I'll just bid sweet adieu to x64 then until an update happens at some point after the Ukraine war (hopefully).

Thanks all!