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Topic: Album Art Downloader XUI (Read 2187649 times) previous topic - next topic
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Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2550
Do you know why albumart.exe and aad.exe get different results? I tested it and while I'm satisfied with albumart.exe, aad.exe gets result that lie within the specified parameters but show wrong pictures. I use google and added "cover" to the album title. This makes albumart.exe find almost only the real covers, but aad.exe doesn't find the real covers.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2551
Do you know why albumart.exe and aad.exe get different results?
Could you post the command line that you are using for aad? It might be something to do with escaping " characters, if you are literally adding "cover" to the album title.

If they have been given the exact same terms and filter settings, albumart.exe and aad.exe will generally find the same covers - they use the same scripts. Of course, if the website being searched doesn't always return the same results for the same search, though, then AAD won't either!


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2552
"c:\program files\albumartdownloader\aad.exe" /artist "%artist%" /album "%title% cover" /path "c:\temp\covers\downloaded\%artist% - %title%.'%'extension'%'" /sources GoogleImage /minsize 300 /maxsize 1500 /minaspect 0,95 /covertype front,unknown

Even without minaspect, which I believe is not available in the GUI (not sure at the moment), I got different results between aad.exe and the GUI.

Edit: What I posted here is my final foobar2000 run command though. But I think my first manual command line tests also downloaded different pictures.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2553

Yes, minaspect is only available through aad.exe, there's no GUI for it. The command line certainly looks correct to me, but having tried it with a few queries I get the same results from both aad.exe and albumart.exe. Is there a specific search that isn't working for you? For testing, could you remove the minaspect parameter so we can eliminate it as a source of different behaviour. If you just replace aad.exe with albumart.exe in your command line, do you then get correct results?


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2554
Hello every one!!!
How can i force the program to save the images inside the mp3's?
It found a lot of images for every mp3, BUT save it in same folder as a *.jpg files.
This is NOT convinient.
The album art Must be saved inside the mp3, is'n t in it?
Album Art XUI is GREAT !!! BUT !
this small detail KILLS all result of tons of programming years!

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2556
By which tuxman means that it is not necessary to embed album art inside the file's metadata. Many (if not most) software media players look for album art as a separate file first before looking for embedded data.

If you are using a hardware media player that requires album art to be embedded, there are several programs that can do this for you.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2557
By which tuxman means that it is not necessary to embed album art inside the file's metadata. Many (if not most) software media players look for album art as a separate file first before looking for embedded data.

If you are using a hardware media player that requires album art to be embedded, there are several programs that can do this for you.

Which software for example?
I using itunes, ipod, iphone, n
Many times i copy cut paste my mp3 s between folders.
Thats worth to copy also the album art jpgs with mp3, thats so difficult and boring.
It must be inside of mp3's (embedded)

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2558
The first one that comes to mind is Mp3tag.

You can also use the iTunes interface to embed album art.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2559
^i'd definitely recommend using mp3tag over itunes. with mp3tag, you can do a batch job with a whole collection at once.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2560
Hi there, I have just started using Album Art Downloader and I think it is a fantastic programme. However, I had a question about using the Foobar Browser. Is there a limit to how many folders that the browser can search in at one time? If I search the entire library in the browser, it is not displaying all my albums but only some of them. There are definitely music files in the other folders. This happens even if I try to limit the number of folders by filtering in Foobar; it will always miss some folders. Thanks in advance for any suggestions.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2561
Is there a limit to how many folders that the [Foobar] browser can search in at one time?

The Foobar browser doesn't deal in folders, it deals in Playlists and Albums. There is no limit to the number albums enforced by Album Art Downloader, but I suppose it's possible that Foobar limits the number returned - I've never encountered this, though. Is it correctly displaying all your playlists? Does it happen if you use a specific playlist, or only the "Entire Library" list? Is it always specific albums that are not returned, or different ones each time you try?


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2562
Is there a limit to how many folders that the [Foobar] browser can search in at one time?

The Foobar browser doesn't deal in folders, it deals in Playlists and Albums. There is no limit to the number albums enforced by Album Art Downloader, but I suppose it's possible that Foobar limits the number returned - I've never encountered this, though. Is it correctly displaying all your playlists? Does it happen if you use a specific playlist, or only the "Entire Library" list? Is it always specific albums that are not returned, or different ones each time you try?


Thanks for the response.  I actually don't use playlists in Foobar (I just switched from Mediamonkey).  So I have been using the "Entire Library" search option.  Yes, it is specific albums that are not returned.  The reason I thought it was related to the number of albums is because if I edit the Foobar library to remove some albums, some of the ones that would not be returned before will then be returned.  Perhaps I should try creating playlists and use that option to see if the same thing happens. Also, is there a specific folder structure I should be using. I currently have folders A-Z and then the individual albums in a separate folder within the corresponding letter.  So for example, T > 2Pac - Greatest Hits > FLAC files

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2563

That's odd. Maybe my library is just not big enough to notice the effect, but when I use Entire Library it's doesn't miss any out for me. If you discover any more information about this, please do let me know.

For folder structure, if you're using the Foobar browser, then it shouldn't matter what folder structure you are using as it will simply ask Foobar what folder the track is in, and use that as the album folder. If you don't want the images stored in that folder directly (in your example, you might want the image stored in "2Pac - Greatest Hits" rather than in "FLAC files") then you can use a relative path to save the image as, like "..\Folder.%extension%".


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2564
I am having a small issue with AAD .. my config is below.

"C:\Program Files\AlbumArtDownloader\AlbumArt.exe" /ar "%artist%" /al "%album%" /p "$replace(%_path%,%_filename_ext%,)Front.jpg"

It is that it will not replace a .png (also .jpeg files) file with the specified Front.jpg downloaded.

I have to go to "Manage Attached Pictures" and remove the old one .. and add the new one manually.

The new file is there .. but I have to do the above before it will display.

Wondering .. if I can use a better config to fix this issue.
Just a guy who likes to tinker.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2565
it will not replace a .png (also .jpeg files) file with the specified Front.jpg downloaded.

You can use "Front.%extension%" instead of "Front.jpg", which will save the image with the correct extension based on the file type. That way if you download a png file it will be saved as Front.png.

However, if your problem is that you have an existing Front.png file, and you want that to be automatically deleted when you download a new jpg file, then that's not going to happen, sorry.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2566
Ok .. thank you.

I am going to delete all the .png and .jpeg files, that will simplify things. I will make the extension change too. However I know it will not fix the embedded ones. I am ok with it .. as really I have fixed most of them manually already.
Just a guy who likes to tinker.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2567
What's the best way to configure this program to download album artwork automatically and accurately?  I know that you can set it to automatically download from the Queue Manager, but I'm having a hard time getting it to do so accurately.  What it chooses to download all hinges on the settings you use under Options.  What are the best settings to use here?  I'm currently filtering by the image size (a minimum of 300px and a max of 900) and only have the front cover checked.

Also, what are the best sources to have checked?  If you check everything, I'm finding that it often comes up with tons of results but a higher percentage that are inaccurate.  If I only select one or two it doesn't always have the album I'm looking for.  I'm wondering if there are certain sources that are better to use.  I'm assuming it downloads the first result if set to automatically download?

One annoying thing I'm finding is that if you have any extraneous information in your album tags, it often doesn't come up with any search results.  For instance, if my album tag says "Rubber Soul [2009 Remaster]" I'm finding that there aren't many results.  If I remove the text in brackets I get a lot more results.  If I'm trying to download automatically, I don't want to have to manually edit the search terms (and I don't want to change my tags).

I don't have time to read the whole thread, so forgive me if any of this has been covered.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2568
thx for the great program!

one thing i discovered:
when treating compilations from different artists with different tracks from different albums it downloads a front.jpg for each song, always overwriting the last one it downloaded.

for example:
\the eighties compilation\debbie harry - call me
\the eighties compilation\marc almond - tainted love

will result in loading front.jpg for blondie, and in the next step it downloads
front.jpg for marc almond.

is there a fix for that?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2569
What's the best way to configure this program to download album artwork automatically and accurately?
It's always going to be a trade-off between automatically and accurately. And quality, although you don't mention that as a requirement for you. The best sources depend on what sort of music is in your collection, and what size of image you want. For medium-sized images and a mainstream collection, Amazon is usually a good first bet.

When automatically downloading, yes, it will use the first result that matches the criteria you've set, and then move on to the next album.

Unfortunately what you deem to be extraneous is down to personal preference. It's entirely possible that the 2009 Remaster of Rubber Soul would have a different album cover to the original. Only you can decide that you don't, in fact, care, and would be happy with any album cover for Rubber Soul.

So, basically, if you want something that you can just point at your albums and say "fetch all the art for them" without further interaction, you are probably going to end up with some poor quality and outright wrong covers. If you want to do better, you're going to need to put some manual effort in.

when treating compilations from different artists with different tracks from different albums it downloads a front.jpg for each song, always overwriting the last one it downloaded.
There is some support for Various Artists albums. This only works with the file browser, and runs as a second pass after searching all your album folders. It looks through all the 'albums' (artist/title pairs) it's added then when there are several with the same title but different artists, that have all been found in the same folder, it will replace them all with a single "Various Artists" album of that title.

If you are using the Foobar browser then make sure you have an %album artist% tag set, and it will use that.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2570
Hello every body.
an addition to my/your last post:
i use foobar2000 on my portable usb stick to play some songs i like, if i'm not on my home computer.
now i see, that AAD will save data on every computer i visited and play songs (and download some covers)
do you mind to save data in the AAD-programs folder? (relative path, without a fixed harddrive-letter)?
A better day.

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2571
I have mostly electronic music and since most of those genres aren't album orientated I never really bothered to fill in the album tag (usually I'll only have a (few) song(s) from a single or EP, instead of complete albums).

So I'm looking for a way to download the album art of songs without an album tag? Using the artist & title, which will give a list of the albums/EPs/singles that have the song, from which the used can select the album art to download.

In case this isn't possible, do any of you know of an app/script that can find the album based on artist & track title? Than I'll run that program first & then the Album Art program afterwards.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2572
So I'm looking for a way to download the album art of songs without an album tag? Using the artist & title, which will give a list of the albums/EPs/singles that have the song, from which the used can select the album art to download.

Album Art Downloader will just pass the search terms on to the sites it searches, so if there is any source that would be able to find albums by track name and artist then it will work. Google Images is probably your best bet.


Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2573
So I'm looking for a way to download the album art of songs without an album tag? Using the artist & title, which will give a list of the albums/EPs/singles that have the song, from which the used can select the album art to download.

Album Art Downloader will just pass the search terms on to the sites it searches, so if there is any source that would be able to find albums by track name and artist then it will work. Google Images is probably your best bet.


Thanks, I can find stuff with Google Images but it's usually not the (right) album art. I mostly listen to underground house music from 1996-2002 and was able to find most releases on discogs from where I manually downloaded the album art. Any other ideas?

Album Art Downloader XUI

Reply #2574
Thanks, I can find stuff with Google Images but it's usually not the (right) album art. I mostly listen to underground house music from 1996-2002 and was able to find most releases on discogs from where I manually downloaded the album art. Any other ideas?

Sorry, no. Unless discogs can find the album based on the song name and artist, then you're probably out of luck for an automatic solution, or anyone else has any ideas?
