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Topic: MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000 (Read 156938 times) previous topic - next topic
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MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

  • Corrects deficiencies of room acoustics (multipoint compensation).
  • Corrects acoustic imperfections of speakers.
  • Optimized for maximum accuracy of the correction.
  • Corrects both amplitude and phase components of frequency response.
  • Quells resonance peaks of frequency response while leaving the deep notches to prevent large excursions of the speaker diaphragm. Avoids the muddy sound of conventional linearizing equalizers.
  • Manually adjustable level of compensation allows one to reach the maximum transparency of the sound.
  • Supports high sample rates.
  • Applies 64-bit signal path throughout.
  • Works with USB measurement microphones (e.g. MiniDSP UMIK-1) or standard measurement microphones (e.g. NADY CM100 or Dayton Audio EMM-6).
  • Supports microphone calibration files.
  • Applies a patented method of frequency response correction.


MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #1
This looks magnificent.  I looked into room EQ some years ago, but the whole process was so complicated, I never got round to it.  I did buy a Radioshack Sound Level Meter for this purpose though.  Any chance I could use it with this plugin (or a future version)?

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #2
Why is the plug-in an .exe? No thanks.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #3
The plug-in is packed into an 'exe' installer because it includes a Help manual. The  package also includes a standard Windows uninstaller, so you can easily remove all installed files from your PC.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #4
This looks magnificent.  I looked into room EQ some years ago, but the whole process was so complicated, I never got round to it.  I did buy a Radioshack Sound Level Meter for this purpose though.  Any chance I could use it with this plugin (or a future version)?

Yes, you can use it as a measurement microphone with Room EQ. Try to find a calibration (correction) file for your model and copy it to the Documents -> MathAudio Room EQ folder. It will improve the accuracy of your measurement.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #6
Avast AV detected uninstall.exe as malware.
"I hear it when I see it."

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #7
From the icon, it appears to be a bog standard NSIS uninstaller. From what I've found from basic searching, to sign the uninstaller, you need to compile your own uninstaller and sign it, then bundle that with the installer instead of scripting it to generate one on the fly.

I'm calling false positive due to unsigned code.

Also, just extracting the component will not work, because it appears to be nothing more than a VST wrapper, as the installer also places the equalizer VST in a separate directory, alongside the documentation and the uninstaller.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #8
Avast AV detected uninstall.exe as malware.

uninstall.exe doesn't contain any malware. This is a false positive error of AVAST.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #9
I got the plugin installed and working.

I did some measurements and got a reasonable looking frequency response.

Unfortunately, I do not hear any difference between the Bypass and Room EQ positions (both with music and sinusoidal tones) 


MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #10
You can extract it with 7-Zip (or 7-Zip Portable) and use just the DLL.

This method will not work because foo_room_eq.dll depends on other Room EQ files that are located in another directory. It was not practical to install all Room EQ files into the "components" directory of Foobar2000 because it could create some delay on startup of Foobar2000 (Foobar2000 checks all files in its "components" directory one-by-one every time when you start it up).

Room EQ applies well known and very reliable NSIS installer/uninstaller which is used in thousands of software products around the world. Just use it and don't worry: Room EQ does not contain any malware.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #11
I got the plugin installed and working.

I did some measurements and got a reasonable looking frequency response.

Unfortunately, I do not hear any difference between the Bypass and Room EQ positions (both with music and sinusoidal tones)

It is impossible. Play music and move the vertical slider up and down in the Room EQ mode. You will hear noticeable changes in timbre and volume of the sound.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #12
I got the plugin installed and working.  I did some measurements and got a reasonable looking frequency response.  Unfortunately, I do not hear any difference between the Bypass and Room EQ positions (both with music and sinusoidal tones)
It is impossible. Play music and move the vertical slider up and down in the Room EQ mode. You will hear noticeable changes in timbre and volume of the sound.

Sorry, I misunderstood the function of the vertical slider. Now I see that the frequency response is corrected for the part above the white line only.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #13
Sorry, I misunderstood the function of the vertical slider. Now I see that the frequency response is corrected for the part above the white line only.

Yes, Room EQ removes everything above the dashed line while leaving the notches below the dashed line. This is one of the most important features of this plug-in. Conventional room correction systems often try to “equalize everything”. As a result, they create large excursions of the speaker diaphragm at certain frequencies. The large excursions of the speaker diaphragm create non-linear distortion and the sound becomes “dirty”. The vertical slider of this plug-in allows you to choose between “full” and “partial” types of correction.  Consequently, you can get the best possible sound. 

Please note that the sound of your speakers becomes more silent when you remove the room resonances. Don't forget to move left the “Bypass signal volume” slider to make the volume of the bypass signal equal to the volume of the processed signal. After that you will be able to correctly compare the quality of the processed sound with the quality of the original sound.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #14
A new version of the plug-in has just been released. The new version includes a custom target curve feature. This new feature can be used for drawing your own reference frequency response.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #15
A new version of the plug-in has just been released. The new version includes a custom target curve feature. This new feature can be used for drawing your own reference frequency response.

Hi k2k, fantastic work!

To top it off, maybe you could offer correction curves for a few cheap stock microphones (Best Buy, etc.). Would be more than willing to pay $1 a piece.
For example, here's a quite popular one:

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #16
Hello, I have a Behringer ECM8000 microphone. I let it calibrate and got a correction file like these.
Can the software read ASCII (text) microphone correction files with file extensions like .sen/.mic/.cal etc. ?

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #17
Hi k2k, fantastic work!

To top it off, maybe you could offer correction curves for a few cheap stock microphones (Best Buy, etc.). Would be more than willing to pay $1 a piece.
For example, here's a quite popular one:

Your example mic is not so cheap. Just compare its price ($35) with the price of a professional calibrated measurement microphone like EMM-6 ($48) or UMIK-1 ($75).

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #18
Hello, I have a Behringer ECM8000 microphone. I let it calibrate and got a correction file like these.
Can the software read ASCII (text) microphone correction files with file extensions like .sen/.mic/.cal etc. ?

Yes, Room EQ can read ASCII (text) microphone calibration files if you save them with the extension .CAL or .FRD.

Use "Save As" in your browser to save the text of the calibration file as a text file (e.g. calibration.txt). After that change the file type from “txt” to “cal”: open the text file in Notepad, click File – Save as -  Save as type – All Files, then type the new name (e.g. in the “File name” edit window and click the “Save” button.

Copy the calibration file to the Documents -> MathAudio Room EQ folder. Then exit Foobar2000 and start it once again. The name of the calibration file will be shown at the top right corner of the Room EQ graphical area.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #20
Room correction mode, foobar when playing a song, I hear a beep every 5 to 10 seconds.
Es it possible

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #21
Hm. Anyone know whether the IMM-6 ("I", not "E") is good for anything? Small and practical to bring around ... and when a few friends have borrowed it I can just buy another one.

This mic is designed to be used on iPhones and Android phones, not on a PC. If you want to use it with your PC, you will need to use an adapter cable to go from TRRS (4 wires) to TRS (3 wires). Besides, you will need to use the Mic Input of your PC, which can be less accurate than the Line Input. You may want to look at Dayton Audio UMM-6 or MiniDSP UMIK-1 instead.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #22
Room correction mode, foobar when playing a song, I hear a beep every 5 to 10 seconds.
Es it possible

There are two versions of the Room EQ plug-in: Room EQ for Foobar2000 and Room EQ VST. Room EQ for Foobar2000 is free and works without any beeps. Room EQ VST is designed to be used with professional audio workstations (DAW) and it is not free (demo beeps). You can use Room EQ VST with Foobar2000, but you don't need to do it because Room EQ for Foobar2000 includes all features of Room EQ VST. Just install Room EQ for Foobar2000 and you will have no beeps.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #23
You can extract it with 7-Zip (or 7-Zip Portable) and use just the DLL.

This method will not work because foo_room_eq.dll depends on other Room EQ files that are located in another directory. It was not practical to install all Room EQ files into the "components" directory of Foobar2000 because it could create some delay on startup of Foobar2000 (Foobar2000 checks all files in its "components" directory one-by-one every time when you start it up).

Room EQ applies well known and very reliable NSIS installer/uninstaller which is used in thousands of software products around the world. Just use it and don't worry: Room EQ does not contain any malware.

It's not because of worries, I am sure I can trust you. I don't install anything (unless I really really need to), always make or use portable versions. This way I fully use ONLY one drive and keep the OS drive (SSD) clean and at the maximum of speed and efficiency and it's better for backup purposes, the folder/drive is just one.

MathAudio Room EQ for Foobar2000

Reply #24
It's not because of worries, I am sure I can trust you. I don't install anything (unless I really really need to), always make or use portable versions. This way I fully use ONLY one drive and keep the OS drive (SSD) clean and at the maximum of speed and efficiency and it's better for backup purposes, the folder/drive is just one.

MathAudio Room EQ is not able to slow down your system. However, if you want to keep everything under your control, you can use the following manual method of installation:
1. Download mathaudio-room-eq-for-foobar2000.exe from
2. Open it with 7-Zip.
3. Copy foo_room_eq.dll to the "Program FIles (x86)\foobar2000\components" folder (Windows x64) or "Program FIles\foobar2000\components" folder (Windows x32/x86).
4. Open the "$SHELL[17]" folder and copy the "MathAudio" folder with all its content to the "Program FIles (x86)"  directory (Windows x64) or "Program FIles" directory (Windows x32/x86).
Please note that you will need to manually delete all these files if you will want to uninstall the plug-in.