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Topic: Bug:foobar2000 mobile 1.6.1 - can't transfer anything except music files via FTP (Read 2402 times) previous topic - next topic
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Bug:foobar2000 mobile 1.6.1 - can't transfer anything except music files via FTP

Hey.. i believe this is a new bug. I always have a cover.jpg in every Album folder and i used to be able to transfer that one to my phone via the Foobar2000 mobile FTP server just fine.

But in 1.6.1 it seems to only allow music file types. E.g. .opus and .mp3 work. As soon as i try any other file the server just disconnects me.

Code: [Select]
[21:58:14] [L] MLST cover.jpg
[21:58:14] [L] 550 /Music on Internal Storage/1234/cover.jpg cannot be listed
[21:58:14] [L] PASV
[21:58:14] [L] 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,9,102,184,143).
[21:58:14] [L] Opening data connection IP: PORT: 47247
[21:58:14] [L] STOR cover.jpg
[21:58:14] [L] 150 Opening BINARY mode data connection for cover.jpg
[21:58:14] [L] Connection Lost: (Duration: 2 minutes 19 seconds)
[21:58:14] Transferred 0 Files (0 bytes) in 0,21 seconds (0 Kbps)
[21:58:14] [L] Transfer Failed: cover.jpg (256 KB of 397 KB) in 0,03 seconds (2,05 Mbps)

Workaround is to rename the file to something like cover.jpg.mp3, transfer it and then rename it again on the phone.
While that is annoying for adding single albums, it's impossible for larger transfers.

Re: Bug:foobar2000 mobile 1.6.1 - can't transfer anything except music files via FTP

Reply #1
I can't replicate this problem on Android or iOS. Works fine here on both systems with FileZilla.

Re: Bug:foobar2000 mobile 1.6.1 - can't transfer anything except music files via FTP

Reply #2
Very strange. Maybe it's caused by the Samsung-ified Android version i have then?

But for some reason i can't find anything about other people having that problem.. i can't be the only one.

Re: Bug:foobar2000 mobile 1.6.1 - can't transfer anything except music files via FTP

Reply #3
Make sure you grant foobar2000 full storage access permissions. Then remove any library folders and re-add.
If this doesn't help, in Advanced Settings, disable modern folder picker, remove folders and re-add again, using legacy custom folder picker.

Some Android configs detect that fb2k is a music player so it doesn't need to see or touch anything that isn't a music file. I've seen this before. This is one of the reasons why I'm pushing for full storage access - everything else is plainly broken.
Microsoft Windows: We can't script here, this is bat country.


Re: Bug:foobar2000 mobile 1.6.1 - can't transfer anything except music files via FTP

Reply #4
That did it. After disabling the system folder picker and re-adding my Music folder it actually asked to give fb2k file permissions which it didn't do before.

I can transfer album covers via FTP once again. Yay.

Thanks for the help and sorry for assuming that it was a fb2k bug.. it just fit perfectly to the 1.6.1 update time frame for some reason.