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Topic: DSP Switcher issue (Read 1199 times) previous topic - next topic
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DSP Switcher issue

Took me a while to figure the DSP Switcher dropdown toolbar is an internal component.

I'm encountering the following issue. If I manually change tracks (either bly clicking on another track in the playlist or using the prev/next buttons in the toolbar) or playlist, the dropdown loses the selected preset (goes blank) and the currently selected preset is de-activated. I've no idea what exactly happens with the DSP chain, all I can see in the spectrogram component is that the LFE channel goes silent, but the number of channels stay the same. What I do see is that the other 7 channels seem to acquire the output of the LFE channel, as these start to show output in the low frequencies which otherwise would have gone to the LFE channel. This happens regardless of which preset is currently selected, and these differ enough to be fairly sure it's not one of the DSP components causing this.

I don't have a preset configured that would not use the LFE channel but still outputs 7.1 so beats me what happens internally, all I know is I have to choose the preset again.

Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #1
Some other 3rd party component must be interfering if it's switching on track change?? IIRC components exist that can switch on title format pattern changes?? If it happened on switching playlists then maybe playlist attributes??

Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #2
Some other 3rd party component must be interfering if it's switching on track change?? IIRC components exist that can switch on title format pattern changes?? If it happened on switching playlists then maybe playlist attributes??
It only happens when I change tracks manually, never when it just goes to the next track in normal play mode. So that excludes interference from another component, and I don't use Playlist Attributes. 

Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #3
Something similar has also been happening to me for ages, on v1.6 in random occasions. 

Never bothered to report or test what was going on, but seeing the thread... In my case the DSP switcher just goes blank but the actual DSP is working fine (and if I open the preferences panel, all dsps steps are there, it just does not associate it to the saved preset). It does not happen necessarily on manual track change, and I have not been able to reproduce it with specific steps. I have playlist attributes installed, but zero use of it to set DSPs or anything like that, and right now  the problem seems to appear randomly on my side.

Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #4
In my case the DSP switcher just goes blank but the actual DSP is working fine (and if I open the preferences panel, all dsps steps are there, it just does not associate it to the saved preset).
That's what I see happening, the dropdown goes blank and audibly it does indeed sound almost as if it's still active, The DSP configuration section looks like the selected one is still active, if it weren't for the fact that all speakers suddenly produced more bass and my subwoofer goes silent. Which is als clearly visible in the spectrogram component. What puzzles me is that I don't have any preset where the LFE channel would be disabled. @marc2k3's suggestion of Playlist Attributes made me look at my component list again, since I don't use that one maybe another might be the culprit.

I did still have both the Enhanced and standard Playback Statistics components and the Bookmarks component installed even though I stopped using those a long time ago. I also had the Discord Rich Presence and jscript panel component installed but don't use these either anymore. After removing those it seems to have solved this issue.  So, it seems one of these was indeed interfering.

I removed them all at the same time, so don't know which exactly. I'll test further when I have more time. am babysitting the grandson a.t.m.

Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #5
Just to add: I've avoided updating Playlist Attributes since April because an issue I reported in newer versions was never properly addressed. The bug was that sometimes on track change it would change my DSP preset, which was supposed to have been fixed in the newest version but absolutely was not. I can confirm that the behavior does not happen on the older version I use, which is 1.0.3. Maybe that is what is causing regor's problem?

Additional information:
I never used Playlist Attributes for changing DSPs. In fact, literally the only feature I use it for is "Stop After Focused Track", but the newer versions somehow started changing things without any input from me.
Think millionaire, but with cannons.

Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #6
I tested the SDK api for switching presets and if you supply it with an index equal or greater than the preset count, it can make the toolbar switcher go blank. So some component must be doing that. I'm pretty sure fb2k would not do that by itself.

And FWIW, I know it's not my own JScript Panel component. This method can switch presets...

but it has range checks to prevent a bad index being supplied.

edit: you could argue that fb2k itself should reject such updates but I can't be bothered. :P


Re: DSP Switcher issue

Reply #7
Will try removing the component, since I only used it to switch playlist locks which can be done with SMP too. Can not think of any other component doing that, and for sure no SMP script on my side is applying a DSP.

If don't see the problem anymore, will report it here. Thanks for the hints to both