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Topic: REACT 2 Released (Read 1333829 times) previous topic - next topic
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REACT 2 Released

Reply #425
I was wondering, is the ReplayGain calculated off of 89db (just for the tags)?
From the REACT wiki page:
If you want to adjust the album gain from 89.0 dB when applying to the audio, set adjustment in dB here.
I believe the default is:

Code: [Select]

... or, an album gain of 92dB.

Also is there anyway to get metamp3.exe to work by itself? I was trying to use it to write ReplayGain tags to files that didn't have them. I tried using Foobar but foobar doesn't write tags that Winamp can read.

I tried using the windows console to go to the directory (album) that needed tags and tried to run metamp3 out of that just like REACT2 does (by running "C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe --replay-gain *.mp3" out of the dir that needs tags) but it didn't quite work. It wrote the replaygain tags but messed up the rest of the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tags.
It will work absolutely fine from the command line.  It may be worth taking a look at the metamp3 thread to see if you have encountered a known bug.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #426
FLAC and MP3 images simultaneously?

I want to archive my CD collection as FLAC images and then keep MP3 individual tracks for use on my portable DAP.  However, if the album requires gapless playback, I'd like to have an MP3 image instead of individual tracks, since my DAP doesn't support gapless playback.

How can I create FLAC and MP3 images with REACT (as opposed to a FLAC image and individual MP3 tracks)?

Thanks for any help.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #427
schnittlich: I can't see why this version should be different than v1.0 in this respect. It should still support multiple instances (although I haven't tested myself). Please retest and report.


Has anyone succeeded in running multiple instances of React v2?  No matter how hard I try to hide the first instance from the second (run second instance from second install directory as a different user without permission to access most of the files of the first...) the two instances always manage to load the same .ini file and then one of them won't execute the compression script properly.

It would be nice to use both cd drives at once. (Double productivity!)


EDIT:  Nevermind.  Did something in a different order and it now seems to work.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #428
FLAC and MP3 images simultaneously?
If you intend to produce FLAC images with MP3 tracks most of the time, but FLAC images with an MP3 image on ocassion, I think my mod may be of help.

Either way, I would suggest that you set a variable in your INI - either using my mod, or by editing the INI by hand, and adding:


... to the "UserSettings" section.

You could then, by amending the LameMP3 variable under "UserTrackFormats" and the MP3Image variable, switch between producing MP3 tracks and an image.  With a little config editing obviously.

What's your plan with the cuesheet?  Would you hope to amend the file reference?  Are you embedding it?  As well as keeping it or solely?  You may need to use SED to create a copy of the FLAC cuesheet and point it to the MP3.

All very do-able though.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #429

I'm having a small file naming problem with REACT. I have a cd of various artists, which I'm ripping. My problem is that some of the file names of the tracks that I have ripped are incomplete. In the tracks themselves, the ones that are incomplete have two artists or more on them, and I've chosen to name these track First artist name & second artist name - Track number - track title. But for some reason, the file output is just First artist name, with no & second artist name - Track number - track title present.

Any help would be appreciated. 


REACT 2 Released

Reply #430
Let me guess, you are ripping to tracks, not images?

Take a look at post 387 for one resolve (config edit), and post 405 for another (my mod).
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #432
So I had React2+EAC working fine on my XP Machine. I bought a new Acer recently (with Vista) and I copied my EAC profile and my REACT2 directory over. I made sure React was setup. Everything works fine except my .flac and .cue files are ending up as .wav.flac and .wav.cue which didn't happen before. What did I miss? Thanks!


REACT 2 Released

Reply #433
Just a note to REACT users that they should not upgrade to EAC 0.99 prebeta 1 and still expect REACT to work as it should.

I have yet to perform any tests myself, but I have already noted one change that will confuse REACT: one user has reported that the log file is now named "<artist> - <album>.log", rather than just "<album>.log".  This will, of course, mean that REACT can no longer find the log file.

It's very possible that there are other changes that will confuse REACT.

All testing welcomed, so that we can report such changes to Tycho.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #434
So I had React2+EAC working fine on my XP Machine. I bought a new Acer recently (with Vista) and I copied my EAC profile and my REACT2 directory over. I made sure React was setup. Everything works fine except my .flac and .cue files are ending up as .wav.flac and .wav.cue which didn't happen before. What did I miss? Thanks!
Open "EAC Options" > "Directories" and make sure that "Use this directory" is checked.

IIRC, if it is not, REACT will not automagically amend the image filename and submit the Save As dialogue.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #435
Just a note to REACT users that they should not upgrade to EAC 0.99 prebeta 1 and still expect REACT to work as it should.
the log file is now named "<artist> - <album>.log", rather  than just "<album>.log". This will, of course, mean that REACT  can no longer find the log file.
NB: I amend the REACT source to look for "<artist> - <album>.log" and my image config worked fine, so maybe that's it; however more testing is obviously required...
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #436
Just a note to REACT users that they should not upgrade to EAC 0.99 prebeta 1 and still expect REACT to work as it should.
the log file is now named "<artist> - <album>.log", rather  than just "<album>.log". This will, of course, mean that REACT  can no longer find the log file.
NB: I amend the REACT source to look for "<artist> - <album>.log" and my image config worked fine, so maybe that's it; however more testing is obviously required...
A workaround for people like me who don't know how to do that is adding the "Pausing For The Logfile" code to the REACT-image.cfg file as described in and create the log manually with EAC after the extraction is finished. Not elegant but it works.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #437
For a FLAC image within the REACT-image Config file, I was able to make REACT2 work with EAC v0.99pb1 by changing the eaclog tag section to read --tag-from-file="eaclog=@basename@.log" instead of the default --tag-from-file="eaclog=@eaclog@"
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

REACT 2 Released

Reply #438
For a FLAC image within the REACT-image Config file, I was able to make REACT2 work with EAC v0.99pb1 by changing the eaclog tag section to read --tag-from-file="eaclog=@basename@.log" instead of the default --tag-from-file="eaclog=@eaclog@"
If you name your images "<artist> - <album>", as I'm sure many of us do, this is a nice workaround.

I'm happy to upload an amended EXE, that would work with both this and earlier version of EAC, but I don't want to step on Tycho's toes.  I also don't really want to just upload my mod with the new functionality, as I'd feel like I was forcing people to use my mod. Dilemma!
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #439
For a FLAC image within the REACT-image Config file, I was able to make REACT2 work with EAC v0.99pb1 by changing the eaclog tag section to read --tag-from-file="eaclog=@basename@.log" instead of the default --tag-from-file="eaclog=@eaclog@"
If you name your images "<artist> - <album>", as I'm sure many of us do, this is a nice workaround.

I'm happy to upload an amended EXE, that would work with both this and earlier version of EAC, but I don't want to step on Tycho's toes.  I also don't really want to just upload my mod with the new functionality, as I'd feel like I was forcing people to use my mod. Dilemma!

Actually, I use "[Year] Album" for my name scheme. When using REACT with the new EAC version, my log file renames to whatever I enter as "ImageNaming" in the REACT.ini file.

Hopefully, as before, Tycho will be OK with the mod. Seems to me it's always best to use a program as intended. If you build it, they will download it! ;-) Thanks Neil

EDIT: Spelling
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

REACT 2 Released

Reply #440
Hmm.  After a little more testing it seems the log file isn't flatly named "<artist> - <album>.log", it simply follows the same format as the image and cuesheet.

Therefore, if you use:

Code: [Select]
ImageNaming=$artist$ - [$year$] $album$

.. the log file will follow the same format.

With that in mind using @basename@ is the best solution by far.

Edit:  LMAO!  Three minutes too late!
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #441
Hmm.  After a little more testing it seems the log file isn't flatly named "<artist> - <album>.log", it simply follows the same format as the image and cuesheet.

Therefore, if you use:

Code: [Select]
ImageNaming=$artist$ - [$year$] $album$

.. the log file will follow the same format.

With that in mind using @basename@ is the best solution by far.

Edit:  LMAO!  Three minutes too late!

Hi Neil,

You are still our best resource when trouble arises; 3 minutes late or not. ;-) Thanks again for spending the time to find a solution.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

REACT 2 Released

Reply #442
I've configured eac and accurate rip and it works great, i got confidence 200 on alanis morisette CD.
I then went and installed and configured react which also works great however the accurate rip box doesnt popup with the confidence info after the rip, is this normal? how do i change that?
Sorry if this has already been asked, its a big thread..

REACT 2 Released

Reply #443
You are still our best resource when trouble arises; 3 minutes late or not. ;-) Thanks again for spending the time to find a solution.
Thanks for the kind words Dirk. 

Well, rightly or wrongly, I've uploaded 2.0.ssb12 for people to test.  It's a bit late, so I haven't had much chance to test, but it all seems fine.  I need to check it with an older version of EAC, to ensure that it still works with the old-style log file naming as well.  It should do.

Changes for 2.0.ssb12:
  • Works with new- and old-style log files - for both image and track rips
  • Will only rewrite INI file on major or minor version change, not a new build (i.e.: will not rewrite INI if version stays as
Edit: Uploaded b12.  I shouldn't have been so swift to get b11 up.  I realised this morning that using basename would no work for track rips, which use the format "<artist> - <album.log".  b12 will now first check whether we are ripping to image or tracks, and set the log file name accordingly.  It will therefore check for "<basename>.log" and "<album>.log" for image rips, and "<artist> - <album>.log" and "<album>.log" for track rips.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #444
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, if not, I'm sorry.

I'm trying to setup eac to use react to rip an image to flac and split the tracks to mp3.
The problem only happens when I try to rip a CD with various artists. The image and the mp3's are created ok, but the filenames for the mp3's are having a strange behavior, i.e. only the track numbers appear, no names...

Can anyone help me?


REACT 2 Released

Reply #445
I don't know if this is the right place to ask this, if not, I'm sorry.

I'm trying to setup eac to use react to rip an image to flac and split the tracks to mp3.
The problem only happens when I try to rip a CD with various artists. The image and the mp3's are created ok, but the filenames for the mp3's are having a strange behavior, i.e. only the track numbers appear, no names...
It's definately the right place to ask.

A description of how the tracks listing looks in the EAC main dialogue (post a screenshot if it's easier - use a service like, and a copy of your react.INI may help.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #446
Well, rightly or wrongly, I've uploaded 2.0.ssb12 for people to test.  It's a bit late, so I haven't had much chance to test, but it all seems fine.  I need to check it with an older version of EAC, to ensure that it still works with the old-style log file naming as well.  It should do.
In case anyone is concerned: I have now tested with image and track rips using EAC 0.95 beta 4 and 0.99 prebeta 1, and 2.0.ssb12 will correctly identify the log file in all situations.

I'm now using EAC 0.99 prebeta 1 with 2.0.ssb12.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #447
Hi Neil,

Though sb12 works fine now with the logfile, I now seem to have a problem with the naming of albumart. REACT is passing the artist & album info to albumart.exe, and the jpg file is named "%album%.jpg".
The REACT batch file though, is now looking for the ImageNaming name for the jpg file, which in my case is "[Year] Album". Hence, I always have a failure embedding album art into my FLAC image.

Your sb10 file works correctly, but sb11 & sb12 do not. Did your logfile change also change the naming of the albumart @cover@ file name, as well?
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

REACT 2 Released

Reply #448
Yes, it did.

The image naming will follow that of the 0.99 prebeta 1 log file, i.e.: "<basename>.jpg" for images or "<artist> - <album>.jpg" for tracks.

I assumed that this made the most sense, but as someone who does not use album art I am not the best person to make that decision!

If you can explain how you think it should work I am more than happy to make the amend.

Is it best if it just stays as "<album>.jpg"?
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #449
Yes, it did.

The image naming will follow that of the 0.99 prebeta 1 log file, i.e.: "<basename>.jpg" for images or "<artist> - <album>.jpg" for tracks.

I assumed that this made the most sense, but as someone who does not use album art I am not the best person to make that decision!

If you can explain how you think it should work I am more than happy to make the amend.

Is it best if it just stays as "<album>.jpg"?

I don't have a problem per se with using ImageNaming for the jpg file. My problem is how do I get the jpg file name to match the @cover@ naming scheme? Does REACT pass the file naming scheme to albumart.exe? If so, then it would need to pass ImageNaming as the file name and not <album>.
Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"