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Topic: A file's album art was causing foobar2000 to crash on startup (Read 692 times) previous topic - next topic
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A file's album art was causing foobar2000 to crash on startup

1. Added album art to a file and it was failing every time so I had to kill f2k from taskbar.
2. I added album art by drag-drop from chromium. Somehow it got added.
3. Causing foobar2000 to crash
4. I had to find the file and remove the album art using MP3Tag.
5. If anyone wants to reproduce the problem. The Album art that caused the problem -

Re: A file's album art was causing foobar2000 to crash on startup

Reply #1
Can't replicate a problem. If there is a crash submitting the crash info or posting the crash log/minidump here would be most helpful.
If there are no crash logs to post, telling which foobar2000 version you are using and what file format you are adding the art into would be the helpful for anyone trying to replicate or fix the problem.

I suspect it's a third party component crashing. If there are no crash logs, it might make sense to check Windows Event Viewer and the Application logs there. It's possible the crashing component is indicated in an error message logged there.