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Topic: Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video (Read 1809 times) previous topic - next topic
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Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video

Hi guys. I know nothing about video. I just want to make some music videos for Youtube with photos and tracks. I want to merge one picture with one audio and export it in MP4. So this is just a static image in a video format.

I have only mp3 320 kbps CBR 44.1 kHz audio files but in render settings I see by default AAC 320 kbps 48 kHz.
Should I change audio settings to 44.1?
I read that for a video its better to use 48, but can resempling affects the sound quality?

And also what encoding video setting is better in this case CBR or VBR? Its VBR by default.

Re: Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video

Reply #1
What software are you using to merge the image and the sound track into MP4?  Chances are the default settings will be plenty good enough.

Be aware that YouTube might sound copyright alarms when you upload.
It's your privilege to disagree, but that doesn't make you right and me wrong.

Re: Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video

Reply #2
What software are you using to merge the image and the sound track into MP4?  Chances are the default settings will be plenty good enough.

Be aware that YouTube might sound copyright alarms when you upload.

Im planning to upload my own old music :)
Im using Adobe Premiere Pro.
I can choose 44.1kHz in the audio render settings but if Youtube will resample it to 48kHz anyway (Idk much about it) then maybe I should resemple it by myself.

Re: Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video

Reply #3
I wonder, doesn't YouTube convert anyway? If so, what about just trying the following:
ffmpeg -i picture.jpg -i mp3file.mp3 -codec copy outfile.mkv
and then try upload the outfile.mkv and see what happens?

Re: Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video

Reply #4
YT will convert the audio to AAC and Opus.  Opus is always 48kHz and offered in several bitrates.  It appears YT's AAC keeps the original sample rate for it's ~128K (and ~256K music/premium) offerings, and half of the original sample rate for <64K. 

Edit:  YT's copyright alarms are crazy.  Apparently this video was flagged, even thought it's just a string of random non-word vocal samples

Some people have claimed their own work was flagged by YT.


Re: Converting mp3 44.1kHz to AAC 48 kHz for a video

Reply #5
YT's copyright alarms are crazy.
That's well-known. White noise:
And HA is of course cat-friendly:

Some people have claimed their own work was flagged by YT.
Oh, and even worse:
Universal licensed (non-exclusively) his work, and then flagged him.