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Topic: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)? (Read 4040 times) previous topic - next topic
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Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Hey everyone!

Hope you all are doing great.

I'm new/noob here.

I'm looking for a reliable tool or service to download free tracks in 320kbps, preferably as close to the original quality as possible. I'm not sure which platform or software would be best for this, so any recommendations would be really appreciated!

Thanks in advance for your help!

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #1
So, you're asking us to find you a service where you could download free mp3 songs?

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #2
There are plenty of free albums and tracks on and they do offer CBR 320 Kbps as format.
WavPack 5.7.0 -b384hx6cmv / qaac64 2.83 -V 100

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #3
You are going to get a lot of mp3s on a free basis, but propably not those that you want.
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #4
First off, your question is very vague.
What do you mean by free tracks? Ones that are actually free of charge to own a copy of? If so, there isn't a single centralised tool for that - it depends on how and where the specific artist distrubutes their work - be it BandCamp, Soundcloud, own website, torrents, or any other possible means.

In case you mean music that is normally paid - well, if you want it for free, then you'd have to resort to piracy which is something you're going to research on your own if you want to.
Random digital audio nerd girl
A potato

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #5
"royalty-free" is a search word, methinks.
Be cautioned that several sites for DJ beats etc. do offer their music royalty-free for listening - their business model is to charge you license for playing to an audience.

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #6
I think this is the wrong forum. You should go to the underbelly of the internet to find what you are looking for :)

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #7
This is not a warez forum. Ask elsewhere.

Re: Best Tool for Downloading EDM Tracks in 320kbps (Original Quality)?

Reply #8
By the way (s)he's taking so long to reply, they've already fired this question off everywhere - here on the "normal" internet and there.
• Listen to the music, not the media it's on
• The older, the 'lossier'