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Listening Tests / Re: Problem with schnofler's ABC/HR Tool
Last post by Case -There is a newer ABC/HR tool bundled with the various listening tests performed here on Hydrogenaudio. But I didn't see any functional difference between that rarewares version and the one with newer version number. Both manage to load my test config and play the samples.
Listening Tests / Re: Problem with schnofler's ABC/HR Tool
Last post by Klymins -24
FLAC / Re: Best WAV to FLAC encoder software
Last post by salpro -Flac encoding is included, among others.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Dynamic Range plugin
Last post by Case -I googled for a couple of random different third party implementations and scanned the file with them. These tools gave DR0 too for the track.
The DRMeter filter in ffmpeg managed to give result close to the old tool, DR of about 0.56. I see ffmpeg uses histrogram, though not in the way described in the document. And it uses highest clipped peak even though the variable is handily named second peak.
Trying to confirm how well ffmpeg's filter fares generally I tried it on a random 16 minute track. It failed to give any results.
I'll see what I can do to improve things once I have the right amount of time and motivation.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_outinfo
Last post by Bigisland -Cheers
Listening Tests / Re: Problem with schnofler's ABC/HR Tool
Last post by Case -I have tried so simulate problem scenarios by removing the files referenced in test config, that gives a proper error about missing file. Tried nulling the config file, that gives a proper error. Tried removing the test file references from config file, that too gave a different error. Tried leaving internet sourced marking to the .jar file, that didn't cause any launch issues.
I can't reverse engineer the steps Klymins has taken to make things not work.
General - (fb2k) / Re: Found bug in component "ASIO Output" foo_out_asio v2.2.4
Last post by Case -29
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Dynamic Range plugin
Last post by Case -30
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: Dynamic Range plugin
Last post by regor -Not sure if that's expected behavior or a bug. Do you need the track?