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Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Marin30 -
and later on trying to remaster the recording to have a better sounding experience...

...should I apply any noise removal or other effect or export it straightforward?
There is special software for removing vinyl clicks & pops but I'm on Windows so I can't suggest anything.

Audacity has 4 tools ("effects"):

 - Regular Noise Reduction uses a "fingerprint" of noise-only and it's for reducing constant background noise (like bum or hiss).   If the noise is bad, "the cure can be worse than the disease" so you'll have to try it.

 - Click Removal is automatic.

 - Repair is manual.  You have to find and zoom-in on the defect.

 - You can also zoom-in and manually re-draw the waveform.

I find a lot of older records to be a bit "dull sounding" (rolled-off highs).    So, I'll often use a little EQ to boost the highs.

When you're done you can run the Amplify or Normalize effect to "maximize" for 0dB (or near 0dB) peaks.

When I say settings, I was referring to Sample Rate & Bit Depth...

 ...Do you suggest me to go 24/44 or 16/44?
We think the analog-to-digital converter in your turntable is 16-bits, and that's generally better than human hearing and way better than vinyl.   You don't magically improve quality by up-sampling.  It would be like copying DVD or VHS to Blu-Ray.

By default, Audacity converts everything to 32-bit floating point which is better/easier for processing.    You can export to whatever format you want.

...I read somewhere that 24/44 was suggested in order to reduce noise.
The "real noise" comes from the analog record.

There is something called quantization noise and it's worse at lower bit-depths.    But under normal listening conditions you can't hear it at 16-bits or higher.  You CAN hear it at 8-bits.

Should I set any of those to Dither or should I set Dither as None?
As a practical matter it won't make any difference. 

You're "supposed to dither" when you down-sample.    You're not down-sampling so you can set it to 'none".

Dither is added noise that's supposed to sound better than quantization noise, but you can't normally hear either one (at 16-bits or higher).    And you already have analog record noise that's worse so it's "self dithered" and it doesn't make sense to add a tiny-bit more noise.

I am planning to export in WAV format.
The possible downside to WAV is that metadata/tags (embedded album/artist/title/artwork, etc.) is not well-standardized for WAV.   All of the other popular formats are better for metadata.     If you want lossless, FLAC is lossless compression, it's better for metadata, and your files are almost half the size.   But of course, you player needs to support FLAC (not a problem if you are using a software player on your computer).    Apple ALAC is also lossless compression.

should I expect a difference between L & R channels, or since I am recording from analog to digital both channels should be very similar in terms of frequencies?
Yes, left & right are different.   Assuming music - Usually the main vocals (and the bass) are in the "phantom center" (identical in both channels).   The other sounds are panned left-to-right across the virtual soundstage to simulate/approximate the arrangement of the band/orchestra.

Hey, thank you very much for the well detailed explained information :)
May you please tell me the name of the Vinyl Click Removal tool? Is it free or do I have to pay for it? I can install it in my friend's PC (which is Windows) and try to remove clicks.

Vinyl / Re: Which is the best suggested tool to rip Vinyl in LOSSLESS quality
Last post by Marin30 -
Also 1 more additional question: when ripping from Vinyl in STEREO, should I expect a difference between L & R channels, or since I am recording from analog to digital both channels should be very similar in terms of frequencies?

Left & Right will be similar but not equal. That's the thing with stereo (and sometimes multichannel), except if the channels are from significantly different sources. Is better to view waveform instead of spectrum to analyze the stereo. Analog/Digital conversion has nothing to do with that.

Thank you for the feedback!
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)
Last post by ApacheReal -
This plugin is the only one that manages tags for radio streaming.

To be able to switch to the 64 bit version of foobar2000 it would be advisable to have the 64 bit version.

I don't see any alternatives.

Is it a requirement to store the tags in a separate container? Is metadata kept in the foobar2000 metadatabase not sufficient?

This plugin allows you to both tag the stream and add a cover.

Create a .tags file


      "@" : "",
      "COUNTRY" : "🌎 World",
      "COUNTRY_LABEL" : "🌎 World",
      "COUNTRY_STATION" : "Germany",
      "GENRE" : "70er Rock",
      "MEDIA" : "📻 Radio",
      "STREAM_NAME" : "ROCK ANTENNE 70er Rock",
      "URL" : ""

After creating the .tags file, you throw it into the playlist and with a double click you have the streaming flow + cover + additional information.
General - (fb2k) / Internet radio
Last post by Jul2323 -
on the internet radio panel , after adding a radio channel on my playlist . i cannot edit the properties ?

it is said : one file could not be updated. this operation is not supported on remote objects ?

any idea ? thanks a lot 
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: m-TAGS component (foo_tags)
Last post by pqyt -
This plugin is the only one that manages tags for radio streaming.

To be able to switch to the 64 bit version of foobar2000 it would be advisable to have the 64 bit version.

I don't see any alternatives.

Is it a requirement to store the tags in a separate container? Is metadata kept in the foobar2000 metadatabase not sufficient?
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ApacheReal -

> The version posted by @yeyo in the web view thread is the best ever.

> I hope to post future updates, in particular the internal image management currently manages the images in the folder they belong to.

Yes I know, I tested it.
> I also saw other interesting things here:


Thank you for the information.
You have a lot of information.

Very nice skin. How to download it?

I have no idea.

I have some difficulty with the Chinese language.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: JScript Panel script discussion/help
Last post by ms1602 -

> The version posted by @yeyo in the web view thread is the best ever.

> I hope to post future updates, in particular the internal image management currently manages the images in the folder they belong to.

Yes I know, I tested it.
> I also saw other interesting things here:


Thank you for the information.
You have a lot of information.

Very nice skin. How to download it?