
Hydrogenaudio Forum => Listening Tests => Topic started by: riki2 on 2010-08-10 10:25:55

Title: Does Listening To Rock Music Make You Eat Faster Than Classical Music?
Post by: riki2 on 2010-08-10 10:25:55

Does eating with rock music on make you eat faster or classical songs?
I was going to test this later but I wanted information about classical and rock music. So if anyone knows some effects of Classical and Rock music please answer. Gladly appreicated(:
Title: Does Listening To Rock Music Make You Eat Faster Than Classical Music?
Post by: Kees de Visser on 2010-08-10 17:05:42
All very unscientific
Here's a bit of science (pity it's a $31.50 article):
Appetite, Volume 47, Issue 3, November 2006, Pages 285-289 (http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6WB2-4K1G51B-60&_user=10&_coverDate=11%2F30%2F2006&_rdoc=1&_fmt=high&_orig=search&_sort=d&_docanchor=&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=e9ba03fb54155c0ba757b8919b775ad3)
Within subject comparisons revealed higher food and fluid intake and longer meal duration while listening to music but no significant differences in music speed or volume.
Title: Does Listening To Rock Music Make You Eat Faster Than Classical Music?
Post by: EazyB-FRAC on 2010-10-02 04:54:51
I think the overanalysis of music tends to make just the effort alone an effort in unintended satire.

Why pay money for research when you can go to Amazon (http://www.amazon.com/Just-Gets-Worse-C/dp/B00000K083/ref=sr_1_5?ie=UTF8&qid=1285986551&sr=8-5) and get it for free?

i got this album a week ago.need i say more.39 brutal,and yummy tracks.i put this on when i was eating lunch.it was fast and extreme.i began to chow super-fast.

Fun, fun stuff. :-) Though I think people who eat too much real fast need a scapegoat for their behavior:

"Oi! Ya put down yer scoop and bucket and shut off that darned AxCx!"

What now? Are we to blame music as the reason some people are fat? And, if so, does that mean that there's music to make one an anorexic? Because sometimes you have to look at the premise from a reverse angle to see its absurdity.

And, yes, I read the previous messages. I still can't help but laugh, though. ;-)

Title: Does Listening To Rock Music Make You Eat Faster Than Classical Music?
Post by: Martel on 2010-10-04 13:07:42
I better don't listen to music while eating (see further) but it definitely makes me WORK faster when I'm listening to some blast-beat black/death metal massacre.
Unfortunately, it also provokes some really aggressive ideas/behaviour in me when walking around in public (and it also makes me walk much faster, actually).

I already talked about it somewhere in here, IIRC.
Title: Does Listening To Rock Music Make You Eat Faster Than Classical Music?
Post by: mixminus1 on 2010-10-04 23:18:32
Once while I was eating dinner, John Cage's 4'33" got stuck on single-track repeat - I almost died of starvation.

Title: Does Listening To Rock Music Make You Eat Faster Than Classical Music?
Post by: cpchan on 2010-10-05 00:05:23
Once while I was eating dinner, John Cage's 4'33" got stuck on single-track repeat - I almost died of starvation.

ROTFL, you owe me a new keyboard by making me spill my coffee . I thought "silence is gold."...