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Topic: foo_discogs (Read 1466243 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #50
Haha, I know you just changed this in the last version, but personally (and I assume lots of other people are in this boat) I tag tracknumber with just one digit, instead of padding it out to "04" or "07".  If it's convenient, would you mind sticking a checkbox or something in for that?  If not, don't bother, as I can always just go back with masstagger afterward.  (I think the one-digit tracknumber is something FB2K encourages, since that's how "auto track number" numbers things.)


Reply #51

I was thinking, if you make the album covers download automatically in the future versions like you said can you also make it possible to update all the tags of all the albums tagged with your plugin with one touch of a button. Cause I don't really know if the updating now goes automatically if you play a song but it's quite timetaking to go and look every time when a thing has changed on a album or when a cover has come available on discogs so a button to update all in once should be nice. and maybe make it possible to just type the whole url in the field that also goes a bit quicker. I mean when I'm tagging 1500 albums selecting the code everytime gets a bit annoying. I was also thinking of tagging all my music with your plugin but I don't have that much time for checking for new covers etc.that's why...

You're going to be happy because I just added batch album art update (work on tagged releases with foo_discogs). You can update art on:

- releases that have no art yet because you didn't fetch art at tagging time or there was no art on discogs at that time
- all releases, whether they already have art or not.

Also you can select if you want to retrieve all available art (sometimes there's something like 3 or 4 scans availables) or only the first picture.

As for tag update you can already do it via discogs->update tags. It will update all tags that have update (and write) checked in "edit tag mappings".

Also when you select discogs->write tags, the release id will be fill for you if you previously tagged the release with foo_discogs provided you didn't disable write on "release id link" in tag mappings (not recommended)

Very nice  if that comes out your program is very close to perfection for my needs big thanks!! also nice of you to reply that quick and explain stuff


Reply #52
Haha, I know you just changed this in the last version, but personally (and I assume lots of other people are in this boat) I tag tracknumber with just one digit, instead of padding it out to "04" or "07".  If it's convenient, would you mind sticking a checkbox or something in for that?  If not, don't bother, as I can always just go back with masstagger afterward.  (I think the one-digit tracknumber is something FB2K encourages, since that's how "auto track number" numbers things.)

I'm tempted to restore single digit numbers everywhere without it being an option. Does anybody absolutly wants double digit track numbers ?


Reply #53
I prefer double digit, please!


Reply #54
Single digit for me 

Two suggestions/wishes:
- To be able to format a separator/delimiter for multiple artists.
I write multiple artists like this: Artist1, Artist2
Someone else might want to write it like this: Artist1 & Artist2
You get the idea.

- Keyboard shortcuts would be really helpful!

Other than that, superb!


Reply #55
Single digit for me 

Two suggestions/wishes:
- To be able to format a separator/delimiter for multiple artists.
I write multiple artists like this: Artist1, Artist2
Someone else might want to write it like this: Artist1 & Artist2
You get the idea.

- Keyboard shortcuts would be really helpful!

Other than that, superb!

Is there *any* good reason to do that, rather than have multiple artist tags and then use $meta_sep() in your code to format it however you like?  Serious question - if there is, then shoot, but I can't think of why you would want that.


Reply #56
Code: [Select]
Illegal operation:
Code: C0000005h, flags: 00000000h, address: 00E28E22h
Access violation, operation: read, address: 0000004Ch
Call path:
This is the first crash logged by this instance.
Code bytes (00E28E22h):
00E28DE2h:  57 8D 78 01 8A 10 83 C0 01 84 D2 75 F7 2B C7 50
00E28DF2h:  8B 41 14 56 50 6A 00 E8 52 DE FF FF F7 D8 1B C0
00E28E02h:  83 C0 01 5F C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 8B C6
00E28E12h:  57 8D 78 01 8A 10 83 C0 01 84 D2 75 F7 2B C7 50
00E28E22h:  8B 41 14 56 50 6A 00 E8 22 DE FF FF F7 D8 1B C0
00E28E32h:  F7 D8 5F C3 CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC CC 83 78
00E28E42h:  18 10 8B 50 14 72 17 8B 40 04 52 50 8B 41 14 50
00E28E52h:  6A 00 E8 F7 DD FF FF F7 D8 1B C0 F7 D8 C3 52 83
Stack (0013EC00h):
0013EBE0h:  A98BAA44 00000020 A98BAD3C BF986924
0013EC00h:  00000000 087293E8 00E25BDC 9924A82F
0013EC10h:  00000000 087293E8 00E558D8 046A1F38
0013EC20h:  00E558D8 0013ECD8 00000000 00E26899
0013EC30h:  00000000 00000006 09440488 00000006
0013EC40h:  9924A87B 00000000 087293E8 00000000
0013EC50h:  046A1F38 087295B4 0013EC8C 00E27576
0013EC60h:  087295B8 00000000 0013EC8C 00000002
0013EC70h:  00000000 00000000 0000000F 9924A81F
0013EC80h:  0013EEC8 00E476A8 00000000 00E2538B
0013EC90h:  0013ECF4 00000000 9924A8A3 00000009
0013ECA0h:  03F7B1E0 0013EEF4 00000000 77D1C665
0013ECB0h:  003E0C82 046A1F38 00000000 004DEB74
0013ECC0h:  00E4CED0 00000000 094404B0 00000001
0013ECD0h:  087293E8 0004035A 00000084 32313300
0013ECE0h:  00003030 77D1EB3E 00722448 00000000
0013ECF0h:  0000000F 00E4CFE0 094209D8 00000006
0013ED00h:  00000006 00F27318 00000025 00000025
0013ED10h:  00000001 0879FEE8 00000000 00000001
EAX: 00000000, EBX: 00000038, ECX: 00000038, EDX: 00000000
ESI: 00E4C713, EDI: 00E4C714, EBP: 0013ECF4, ESP: 0013EC00
Crash location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h

Loaded modules:
foobar2000   loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
ntdll loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
kernel32 loaded at 7C800000h - 7C8FE000h
COMCTL32 loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
msvcrt   loaded at 77BE0000h - 77C38000h
ADVAPI32 loaded at 77F40000h - 77FEB000h
RPCRT4   loaded at 77DA0000h - 77E31000h
GDI32 loaded at 77E40000h - 77E87000h
USER32   loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
SHLWAPI   loaded at 77E90000h - 77F06000h
SHELL32   loaded at 7C9C0000h - 7D1E0000h
ole32 loaded at 774A0000h - 775DD000h
shared   loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
comdlg32 loaded at 76350000h - 7639A000h
IMM32 loaded at 76330000h - 7634D000h
wbsys loaded at 66500000h - 6650A000h
MSCTF loaded at 746A0000h - 746EB000h
apphelp   loaded at 77B00000h - 77B22000h
msctfime loaded at 75250000h - 7527E000h
foo_abx   loaded at 00B20000h - 00B53000h
foo_albumlist loaded at 00B70000h - 00BB7000h
OLEAUT32 loaded at 770E0000h - 7716C000h
foo_autoplaylist loaded at 00BE0000h - 00C10000h
foo_cdda loaded at 00C30000h - 00C66000h
foo_converter loaded at 00C90000h - 00CF9000h
foo_custominfo   loaded at 00D20000h - 00DA5000h
foo_cwb_hooks loaded at 00DD0000h - 00DFE000h
foo_discogs   loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
gdiplus   loaded at 4EB80000h - 4ED23000h
libcurl   loaded at 00E70000h - 00E89000h
WS2_32   loaded at 71A30000h - 71A47000h
WS2HELP   loaded at 71A20000h - 71A28000h
WINMM loaded at 76AF0000h - 76B1E000h
foo_dsp_soundtouch   loaded at 00F30000h - 00F3F000h
MSVCP80   loaded at 7C420000h - 7C4A7000h
MSVCR80   loaded at 78130000h - 781CB000h
foo_dsp_std   loaded at 00F60000h - 00FA1000h
foo_infobox   loaded at 00FD0000h - 01010000h
foo_input_std loaded at 01030000h - 01144000h
foo_masstag   loaded at 01170000h - 011C0000h
foo_menu_addons   loaded at 011E0000h - 011FE000h
foo_msnalt   loaded at 01210000h - 01229000h
foo_playcount loaded at 01250000h - 01264000h
foo_rgscan   loaded at 01280000h - 012C8000h
foo_run   loaded at 012F0000h - 0131B000h
foo_uie_albumart loaded at 01340000h - 01372000h
foo_uie_albumlist loaded at 013A0000h - 013DF000h
foo_uie_explorer loaded at 01400000h - 0143C000h
UxTheme   loaded at 5B190000h - 5B1C8000h
foo_uie_queuemanager loaded at 01460000h - 01499000h
mscoree   loaded at 79000000h - 79045000h
msvcm80   loaded at 7C4C0000h - 7C53D000h
mscorwks loaded at 79E70000h - 7A3D1000h   loaded at 790C0000h - 79BA6000h
mscorjit loaded at 79060000h - 790B3000h
rsaenh   loaded at 0FFD0000h - 0FFF8000h loaded at 7A440000h - 7ABFE000h loaded at 7ADE0000h - 7AF74000h
foo_uie_quicksearch   loaded at 03BF0000h - 03C38000h
foo_uie_single_column_playlist  loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
foo_uie_tabs loaded at 03CC0000h - 03CEA000h
foo_uie_trackinfo_mod loaded at 03D10000h - 03D66000h
foo_ui_columns   loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
foo_ui_std   loaded at 03E40000h - 03E97000h
foo_unpack   loaded at 03EC0000h - 03EEE000h
foo_utils loaded at 03F10000h - 03F49000h
CLBCATQ   loaded at 76F90000h - 7700F000h
COMRes   loaded at 77010000h - 770DD000h
VERSION   loaded at 77BD0000h - 77BD8000h   loaded at 7AFD0000h - 7BC56000h
SETUPAPI loaded at 778E0000h - 779D7000h
cscui loaded at 779E0000h - 77A36000h
CSCDLL   loaded at 765A0000h - 765BD000h
USERENV   loaded at 76970000h - 76A24000h
DSOUND   loaded at 73E80000h - 73EDC000h
WINTRUST loaded at 76BF0000h - 76C1E000h
CRYPT32   loaded at 77A40000h - 77AD5000h
MSASN1   loaded at 77AE0000h - 77AF2000h
IMAGEHLP loaded at 76C50000h - 76C78000h
wdmaud   loaded at 72C90000h - 72C99000h
msacm32   loaded at 72C80000h - 72C88000h
MSACM32   loaded at 77BB0000h - 77BC5000h
midimap   loaded at 77BA0000h - 77BA7000h
KsUser   loaded at 73E50000h - 73E54000h
dciman32 loaded at 73B30000h - 73B36000h
xpsp2res loaded at 20000000h - 202D5000h
netapi32 loaded at 6FF20000h - 6FF74000h
browseui loaded at 75F20000h - 7601D000h
shdocvw   loaded at 77720000h - 77890000h
CRYPTUI   loaded at 76880000h - 76904000h
WININET   loaded at 771B0000h - 7727E000h
Normaliz loaded at 08570000h - 08579000h
iertutil loaded at 5DCA0000h - 5DCE5000h
WLDAP32   loaded at 76F20000h - 76F4D000h
rarext   loaded at 085A0000h - 085CC000h
ntshrui   loaded at 76940000h - 76966000h
ATL   loaded at 76AD0000h - 76AE1000h
tmdshell loaded at 085F0000h - 08606000h
mswsock   loaded at 719D0000h - 71A10000h
DNSAPI   loaded at 76EE0000h - 76F07000h
winrnr   loaded at 76F70000h - 76F78000h
rasadhlp loaded at 76F80000h - 76F86000h
hnetcfg   loaded at 61200000h - 61259000h
wshtcpip loaded at 71A10000h - 71A18000h
mscorlib.resources   loaded at 05F60000h - 05FAC000h
ieframe   loaded at 7E1E0000h - 7E7A9000h
PSAPI loaded at 76BB0000h - 76BBB000h
urlmon   loaded at 61410000h - 61534000h
DBGHELP   loaded at 59E70000h - 59F11000h

Stack dump analysis:
Address: 00E25BDCh, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E558D8h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E558D8h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E26899h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E27576h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E476A8h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E2538Bh, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 77D1C665h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallWindowProcW" (+0000001Bh)
Address: 004DEB74h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00E4CED0h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 77D1EB3Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+0000003Bh)
Address: 00E4CFE0h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E4CFB4h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E48D7Fh, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E214B2h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 00E4C890h, location: "foo_discogs", loaded at 00E20000h - 00E5D000h
Address: 10002DD2h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
Symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+00000032h)
Address: 00410D9Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 03C57462h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 004A882Ah, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 77D20B9Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DestroyMenu" (+00000000h)
Address: 03C57493h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 00FFFFEBh, location: "foo_infobox", loaded at 00FD0000h - 01010000h
Address: 03C96F9Ch, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 004DF180h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 03C961B0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C9627Ch, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C961ECh, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C913E8h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C5676Ch, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C91498h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C557DDh, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C55760h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 03C55760h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C55760h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D2418Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000002B2h)
Address: 03C55760h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D241B0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000002D5h)
Address: 77D23FD9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000000FEh)
Address: 03C55760h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 77D1B50Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001D0h)
Address: 77D1B42Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000000F1h)
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 77D23F5Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+0000007Fh)
Address: 77D194BEh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongA" (+00000061h)
Address: 77D1B42Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000000F1h)
Address: 77D1B393h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000057h)
Address: 77D184FCh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Address: 77D185A4h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Address: 77D1B3F9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000000BDh)
Address: 77D1B393h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000057h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D1B3B0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000074h)
Address: 773E0D72h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034ED2h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 77D241DCh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+00000301h)
Address: 77D241A9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000002CEh)
Address: 03DE1E71h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 77D18B26h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowThreadProcessId" (+000000A6h)
Address: 03D87220h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 77D188D1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000002Bh)
Address: 77D188DAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000034h)
Address: 03D87220h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 03D87398h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 03D87220h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 03D87220h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 03D87220h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 03D87220h, location: "foo_ui_columns", loaded at 03D80000h - 03E1B000h
Address: 77D18816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 77D1885Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000193h)
Address: 77D1882Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000163h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 77D18816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 77D1B51Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001E0h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D18830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D1C63Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "IsWindowUnicode" (+000000A1h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D1C665h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallWindowProcW" (+0000001Bh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 03C55432h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C55760h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D1B51Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001E0h)
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 77D23F5Ah, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+0000007Fh)
Address: 77D194BEh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongA" (+00000061h)
Address: 77D1B42Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000000F1h)
Address: 77D1B50Ch, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000001D0h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D241B0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000002D5h)
Address: 77D241A9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000002CEh)
Address: 77D23FD9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "PrivateExtractIconExW" (+000000FEh)
Address: 03C90CC8h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D18816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D18830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D1D17Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnumDisplayMonitors" (+0000021Ch)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D184FCh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Address: 77D185A4h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Address: 77D1B3F9h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+000000BDh)
Address: 77D1B393h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000057h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D1B3B0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DefWindowProcW" (+00000074h)
Address: 773E0D72h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034ED2h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 7C90EE18h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "strchr" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C910738h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000164h)
Address: 7C910732h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000015Eh)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 7C9105D4h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000000h)
Address: 7C910738h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000164h)
Address: 7C910732h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+0000015Eh)
Address: 7C9106ABh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+000000D7h)
Address: 7C9106EBh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlAllocateHeap" (+00000117h)
Address: 03C90CC8h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 7C911BFFh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlInitializeCriticalSection" (+000000D2h)
Address: 7C911E2Eh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlInitializeCriticalSection" (+00000301h)
Address: 0046988Eh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 7C910E91h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "wcsncpy" (+00000402h)
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 77D18816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 77D18830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D18830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D1C63Fh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "IsWindowUnicode" (+000000A1h)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D1C665h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallWindowProcW" (+0000001Bh)
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 03C55432h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 773E0C82h, location: "COMCTL32", loaded at 77390000h - 77493000h
Symbol: "Ordinal384" (+00034DE2h)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 746DE548h, location: "MSCTF", loaded at 746A0000h - 746EB000h
Address: 746B0E78h, location: "MSCTF", loaded at 746A0000h - 746EB000h
Symbol: "TF_UninitSystem" (+00000A0Fh)
Address: 746B0E71h, location: "MSCTF", loaded at 746A0000h - 746EB000h
Symbol: "TF_UninitSystem" (+00000A08h)
Address: 77D1EAF2h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+000000C3h)
Address: 77D1EA9Eh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+0000006Fh)
Address: 77D1EAADh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+0000007Eh)
Address: 7C91056Dh, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "RtlFreeHeap" (+00000130h)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D1EAB0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+00000081h)
Address: 77D1EAADh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+0000007Eh)
Address: 77D1EBF3h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+000000F0h)
Address: 77D1EC03h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+00000100h)
Address: 7C90EAE3h, location: "ntdll", loaded at 7C900000h - 7C9B6000h
Symbol: "KiUserCallbackDispatcher" (+00000013h)
Address: 746B0DE9h, location: "MSCTF", loaded at 746A0000h - 746EB000h
Symbol: "TF_UninitSystem" (+00000980h)
Address: 77D1EAC1h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "EnableMenuItem" (+00000092h)
Address: 03C90CC8h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D18734h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000006Dh)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D18816h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+0000014Fh)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D18830h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetDC" (+00000169h)
Address: 77D189CDh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+00000127h)
Address: 03C54CE0h, location: "foo_uie_single_column_playlist", loaded at 03C50000h - 03CA4000h
Address: 77D1EC03h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "CallNextHookEx" (+00000100h)
Address: 77D31B4Dh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "AppendMenuA" (+0000006Eh)
Address: 77D40467h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DeregisterShellHookWindow" (+000001CFh)
Address: 77D189F0h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "GetWindowLongW" (+0000014Ah)
Address: 77D18A10h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DispatchMessageW" (+0000000Fh)
Address: 77D2E097h, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "IsDialogMessageW" (+000000DBh)
Address: 0042FE48h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 77D1DAEAh, location: "USER32", loaded at 77D10000h - 77DA0000h
Symbol: "DestroyWindow" (+00000000h)
Address: 004BEB9Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 0042FEBAh, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 014317DAh, location: "foo_uie_explorer", loaded at 01400000h - 0143C000h
Address: 10002DD2h, location: "shared", loaded at 10000000h - 10029000h
Symbol: "uCallStackTracker::uCallStackTracker" (+00000032h)
Address: 004C0510h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00430A19h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C07D0h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C767Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 004C767Ch, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h
Address: 00400000h, location: "foobar2000", loaded at 00400000h - 004F3000h

Version info:
foobar2000 v0.9.4

Additional info:
Columns UI 0.1.3 beta 1v5  (foo_ui_columns)
MSN Now Playing (alt) 2.4  (foo_msnalt)
Track info panel mod 0.7.1 beta [Dec  2 2006 - 01:31:40]  (foo_uie_trackinfo_mod)
Album list panel 0.2.1 beta 4  (foo_uie_albumlist)
Special file info box 2.0.4  (foo_infobox)
CD Audio Decoder 2.1.1  (foo_cdda)
SoundTouch DSP 0.1  (foo_dsp_soundtouch)
foo_custominfo 0.1.2  (foo_custominfo)
ABX Comparator 1.3.1  (foo_abx)
Album List 3.2.0  (foo_albumlist)
Menu Addons 0.3.4  (foo_menu_addons)
Single Column Playlist Display 0.4 beta [Nov  3 2006 - 14:03:22]  (foo_uie_single_column_playlist)
FLAC decoder 1.1.0  (foo_input_std)
Tabbed panel modified 0.2.5  (foo_uie_tabs)
Discogs Tagger 0.21  (foo_discogs)
RAR reader 1.1  (foo_unpack)
Play Count 1.9.2  (foo_playcount)
Converter 1.0.1  (foo_converter)
Default User Interface 0.9acc  (foo_ui_std)
Masstagger 1.6  (foo_masstag)
Autoplaylist Manager 1.0  (foo_autoplaylist)
cwbowron's title format hooks 1.0.13 [Oct  2 2006 - 09:06:52]  (foo_cwb_hooks)
Explorer Tree 1.04.6b  (foo_uie_explorer)
Album Art Panel 0.2.1  (foo_uie_albumart)
Quick Search Toolbar 2.8g  (foo_uie_quicksearch)
Queue manager panel 0.2.1  (foo_uie_queuemanager)
ReplayGain Scanner 2.0.2  (foo_rgscan)
Standard DSP array 1.0  (foo_dsp_std)
ZIP/GZIP reader 1.0  (foo_unpack)
WMA Decoder 1.1  (foo_input_std)
foobar2000 core v0.9.4  (Core)
Standard Input Array 1.0  (foo_input_std)
Playlist tools 0.5.7  (foo_utils)
Run services 0.3.2  (foo_run)

I get a crash when checking to many boxes with the refresh tag on update option


Reply #57
Single digit for me 

Two suggestions/wishes:

- To be able to format a separator/delimiter for multiple artists.
I write multiple artists like this: Artist1, Artist2
Someone else might want to write it like this: Artist1 & Artist2
You get the idea.

This could be done, however discog already include a join field between artist which can be different
between release (&, and etc) and I suppose reflect the delimiter on the physical release).
So you're sure you want to be able to delimit all your artist regardless of discogs delimiter ?

- Keyboard shortcuts would be really helpful!



Reply #58
I've not actually used this plugin yet but its looks amazing! i just had a query. Currently my %title% tag contains the title followed by any featured artists "When the music stops feat d12" I wondered how your plugin handles this as i had a quick look on discogs and this is how it is displayed

16 When The Music Stops (4:29)
       Co-producer - Denaun Porter
          Producer - Eminem
          Rap [Featuring] - D12


Reply #60
This could be done, however discog already include a join field between artist which can be different
between release (&, and etc) and I suppose reflect the delimiter on the physical release).
So you're sure you want to be able to delimit all your artist regardless of discogs delimiter ?

Ah, that´s true. However I´d still like to request this feature. For me the ARTIST field and the writings on the cover is not the same thing.


Reply #61
I've not actually used this plugin yet but its looks amazing! i just had a query. Currently my %title% tag contains the title followed by any featured artists "When the music stops feat d12" I wondered how your plugin handles this as i had a quick look on discogs and this is how it is displayed

16 When The Music Stops (4:29)
       Co-producer - Denaun Porter
          Producer - Eminem
          Rap [Featuring] - D12

tried it now is it possible to have as a feature "append featuring to title"?


Reply #63
all! except the discogs rating, votes, submitter, wanted, owned, totaltracks and track

Found it!! it will crash on update on all tags filled from track info ("artist", 'track number", "track title", "artist link"), something you were the first to test

I've not actually used this plugin yet but its looks amazing! i just had a query. Currently my %title% tag contains the title followed by any featured artists "When the music stops feat d12" I wondered how your plugin handles this as i had a quick look on discogs and this is how it is displayed

16 When The Music Stops (4:29)
       Co-producer - Denaun Porter
          Producer - Eminem
          Rap [Featuring] - D12

tried it now is it possible to have as a feature "append featuring to title"?

In the current version foo_discogs do not parse roles (Featuring, Producer, etc). Maybe in the future but it's not a priority.



Reply #64
Maybe a settings to map the combo box to "Style", "Genre" or "Style and Genre" ?

How about two mappings, one for genre and one for style. And add option for genre box to include styles if someone prefers only one tag

I'm tempted to restore single digit numbers everywhere without it being an option. Does anybody absolutly wants double digit track numbers ?

Please leave double digits as an option.

Also I'd like to use %BAND% instead of %album artist% so could you make this changeable? And although easy to remove manually, a check box to disable compilation=1 would be nice.


Reply #65

Maybe a settings to map the combo box to "Style", "Genre" or "Style and Genre" ?

How about two mappings, one for genre and one for style. And add option for genre box to include styles if someone prefers only one tag

Yeah Style and Genre will be separated again in next version. I just have to find a good way to present the information in the Release dialog (combos), so all combination are possible since there not 2 users who have the same need


I'm tempted to restore single digit numbers everywhere without it being an option. Does anybody absolutly wants double digit track numbers ?

Please leave double digits as an option.


Also I'd like to use %BAND% instead of %album artist% so could you make this changeable? And although easy to remove manually, a check box to disable compilation=1 would be nice.

I'll do that as it's easy to implement, and forcing write of %album artist% and %compilation% was not very good


Reply #66
Hey bubbleguuum,

your plug-in sounds very interesting to me... unfortunately the links seem to be broken.
could u please re-upload the dll?



Reply #67
it's up again
tnx alot


Reply #68
V0.25 IS OUT.  See first post for changelog. It will reset your tag mappings so if you modified the defaults you'll have to edit them again


Reply #69
Hey, when I tag this release, I get:

TRACKNUMBER:  1, 2, 3, 4

What's up with the "Vinyl"?  Is that a bug, or intentional?  Usually I would just want to label TOTALTRACKS as 4, like any normal release.


Reply #70
The retrieve album art functionality crashes my Foobar now..


Reply #71
Hey, when I tag this release, I get:

TRACKNUMBER:  1, 2, 3, 4

What's up with the "Vinyl"?  Is that a bug, or intentional?  Usually I would just want to label TOTALTRACKS as 4, like any normal release.

found the bug, thanks!! redownload the v0.25, it's corrected

The retrieve album art functionality crashes my Foobar now..

More details please ? which release ? Does this crash when fetching art when tagging a release or on the batch update of art ? WHat do you have in configuration panel in "Album Art" as location ?


Reply #72
More details please ? which release ? Does this crash when fetching art when tagging a release or on the batch update of art ? WHat do you have in configuration panel in "Album Art" as location ?

It happens when I highlight all 13 tracks of a record that's already been tagged with Discogs and select "Update Album Art". I get a Runtime error and Foobar crashes.

Save path = $replace(%path%)folder


Reply #73

More details please ? which release ? Does this crash when fetching art when tagging a release or on the batch update of art ? WHat do you have in configuration panel in "Album Art" as location ?

It happens when I highlight all 13 tracks of a record that's already been tagged with Discogs and select "Update Album Art". I get a Runtime error and Foobar crashes.

Save path = $replace(%path%)folder

your save path make it crash...$replace(%path%) evaluate to "", that's not what you want.
Put "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder" instead.
I'll to have to prevent from malformed titleformat script though...


Reply #74
your save path make it crash...$replace(%path%) evaluate to "", that's not what you want.
Put "$replace(%path%,%filename_ext%,)folder" instead.
I'll to have to prevent from malformed titleformat script though...

That works, but it names the file folder_1.jpg. How do I get it just to name it folder.jpg?