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Topic: vbr he-aac in mono? (Read 4849 times) previous topic - next topic
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vbr he-aac in mono?


Is it possible to convert mono wav file into mono he-aac in vbr? When I convert the file in foobar with nero plugin result is always 2 channel file no metter what setting I use (even the downmix to mono setting does not help).

Can anybody advice on how to make mono he-aac vbr files?

Thank You


vbr he-aac in mono?

Reply #1
Your HE AAC file IS mono, the decoder just outputs upmixed stereo. This is because of parametric stereo, which is always signalled implicitly. Because of that, the decoder upmixes ALL mono files to stereo, even if there is no PS in the file.


vbr he-aac in mono?

Reply #2

Thank you for so fast reply


Re: vbr he-aac in mono?

Reply #3
possibly an out-of-day issue. I guess it is not the problem of the Nero encoder, after HeAAC V1, most of the DAW or Player recognize it as the dual channel, even it is mono in mediainfo.