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Topic: Chronflow (Read 482482 times) previous topic - next topic
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Reply #100
That is totally amazing chronial !! I'd love to see it as a foobar component for sure, good job .


As for bugs, I didn't really find any. My transparent .png images show up, but they have a black (or weird stretchy looking) background instead of being transparent. Here is a picture:

Weird color thing. It seems to only do it with alpha blured (or color blue around the edges) of text.

This one was a transparent .png of the CD, but you can see the black cornors.

Also, can we make feature requests?

Btw, I like how you made it so that longer cover art (such a DVD covers) are still long, and not compressed:

Song List:


Reply #101
can anyone make some screen shots the application fails when i choose my music folder


Reply #102
can anyone make some screen shots the application fails when i choose my music folder

I have some shots above if you wanna take a look at those.
Song List:


Reply #103
Nice work there Chronial!

One thing though, and I understand this is an alpha and a WIP, but the CPU usage is extreme when scrolling fast the covers. Do you buffer the images or get them on the fly?


Reply #104
Transparent png images are not implemented - I didn't know anyone would need this. I'll have a look at it.
You can always try a feature request , maybe I'll like it.

@4nt1: How does it fail?

@wolver1ne: I do of course buffer the covers - loading the images is the main task of the component. But the buffer only contains 50 images (20 are displayed on the screen) to keep the memory footprint small.
In addition the application only renders while the display is moving (you can see this in the title bar - the "progress bar" changes each time a frame is rendered). By design of OpenGL Vsynch, cpu usage is always 100% while rendering. But as far as I tested this, your PC keeps nevertheless to run completely smooth.
But this will also be configurable, once there is anything configurable


Reply #105
what am i doing wrong? the application will not start properly. i have to choose the directory and then a window short pops up and closes immediately and nothing else happens.


Reply #106
No error message?


Reply #107
no. sorry. there is only a window with a white cross in a red circle in the upper left corner.

the pi


Reply #108
Tested on my desktop PC with Windows XP and on my Laptop with Vista and XP. Crashes on everyone of these  Both systems are using AMD 64bit processors (Laptop with dual core) and ATi graphics. But it's cool that you released that alpha anyway...

edit: Also crashed on a third system with a Pentium Processor and again ATi graphics...
crashes right after the window where you can select the folder on all three systems

I can't copy the complete error log so

edit2: ok I tried a small folder with only a few images in there and it works and runs quite fluently. Guess my collection is a little too large

edit3: W00t! I tried it with only showing folder.jpg and it works with my whole collection! Awesome!  It's amazing how fast it runs  The buffering is pretty fast and the animation is smooth, even though I only have 512mb ram. Please keep working on it! I don't think I'm the only one desperately waiting for something like this and yours is the best of it's kind I've seen so far. And the spiral effect makes it pretty original too.


Reply #109
Is it supposed to scan in subfolders yet? Because choosing the root of my music directory results in...nothing happening. Only if I choose a directory with files directly in it it works. My directory structure is like <root>/%artist%/%album%-file.ext (with the album art in this dir)


Reply #110
Transparent png images are not implemented - I didn't know anyone would need this. I'll have a look at it.
You can always try a feature request , maybe I'll like it.

Thank you .

As for feature requests, here are just a few ideas that popped into my mind. More brainstorming than "must have features". I just think some of them would be interesting to have .
  • Album name (or in this case filename) over the SELECTED art.
  • Foobar support
  • Have the directory remembered upon each load.
  • Cache each album art picture so they load faster.
  • Choose the dimensions of the pictures
  • Exclusion lists (filename and filetype)
  • Mouse flicks (click, drag, and release button) to the left or right will spin the flow in the desired direction.
  • Transparent .png (or .gif) support
  • Cover image overlay (so we can overlay "shine" effects or something like that)
  • Have the directory chooseable if/when implemented into foobar since not everyone keeps their art WITH their music (me ).
Thanks again for your work with this program, its fun to play with .
Song List:


Reply #111
So, Chronial, is it being developed or not? I was a bit confused by your "can't debug" message the other day - and now you release an alpha version.


Reply #112
I'm still playing around with this, it's so much fun  I second the suggestions by Keikonium. Zooming could be done with CTRL + Mousewheel for example. It would also be nice if there were optional features like motion blur and anti aliasing. Currently it seems to me like the covers are only images mapped to plane, so maybe you could even use real 3d models like cd cases. I'd be glad to help with 3d models or graphics of any kind.


Reply #114
congratulation Chronial, very quick launch with my big collection of albums  (except on 1st load of course, but normal)

and no crashes for me!

keep the good work and think about a foobar panel implementation, please


Reply #115
Chronial youve almost maked me cry... thats beautiful... first start a bit choppy (waitin for covers to cash) but after that... smooth... thanks man... ill lookforward for any foobar working version .)... maybe will have to jump back from dui to whatever ui youll hopefully develop this for


Reply #116
Please try to locate the source of these crashed (might be a specific image file). Your collection can't be too large - it is limited to 4000 covers - anything larger will simply be ignored.
About your requests:
zooming - Nice idea
motion blur - I guess this will force me to use shaders - This will take some time.
anti aliasing - is on the radar, but has very low priority
3d models - sounds good too, but low priority, too

What is "nothing happens"? Does the app close/crash, ask for a new directory or ...?

Album name (or in this case filename) over the SELECTED art.
Was already planed

Foobar support
See above

Have the directory remembered upon each load.
See above - foobar support won't make this needed

Cache each album art picture so they load faster.
not possible - this would make the plugin eat all the memory with any decent collection. But the cache will be adjustable in a foobar release

Choose the dimensions of the pictures
What do you mean by that?

Exclusion lists (filename and filetype)
Also obsolete with foobar integration

Mouse flicks (click, drag, and release button) to the left or right will spin the flow in the desired direction.
This is really hot - will implement that

Transparent .png (or .gif) support
Already requested - on my todo list

Cover image overlay (so we can overlay "shine" effects or something like that)
Will have a look into that

Have the directory chooseable if/when implemented into foobar since not everyone keeps their art WITH their music (me tongue.gif).
I guess I will rather use an approach like the albumimg pannel (using titleformat).

Well, I decided to continue developement - but there will never be any release for a foobar version that runs only on winXP


Reply #118
you can ignore what I've written before about the errors. this only appeared when I started the application without any arguments. When I start it with folder.jpg as argument it works perfectly. I propably got some broken images beside the folder.jpg in some of my folders causing the crashes.


Reply #119
What is "nothing happens"? Does the app close/crash, ask for a new directory or ...?

Well, I start the .exe, the dialog window asks me to choose a directory, and when I select the top level directory nothing happens. The dialog closes, but the app doesn't open any window. I waited for a while thinking it's probably indexing or something but it's not running according to my taskmanager.


Reply #120

Choose the dimensions of the pictures
What do you mean by that?

i think what he means is the size of the pictures

Yes that is what I mean . Right now they look to be... 150x150 or maybe 200x200 pixels? Having this be customizable would be great. So we could have say 500x500 pixels or something like that .

Also, thank you for your reply to my suggestions ^_____^!
Song List:


Reply #121
This is not acceptable ^^. Could you please try to find the images that cause this - I can't allow my component to crash foobar.

No, they are capped to 512x512 (you can see this in the title bar). Or did I get you wrong and you just want to zoom in?

Could you please try it again with this version:

(also implemented mouse flick, but I somehow don't like the way it works at the moment)
Alpha support is also included. This does not yet work perfectly, but I don't know if I will fix this, since I can't see why anyone would want transparent covers after all.


Reply #123

Both, alpha 1 and alpha 2 work great. I'm extremly looking forward to the foobar component. But...

I used your alpha to just browse my images, and it is very, very cool for that task- you can see the images to come, it is really awsome for an overview and the quick visual searching for an image.

So- even if this is the wrong thread, since it is for a foobar component- I think you are thinking to "small". I would love your code working in two ways- one for foobar and one "standalone"... I can perfectly understand that you say "nobody uses transparent covers" which is certainly true... And of course I can understand, that you don't want to dive in to transparency issues, since foobar support is number one.

But don't be to "narrow minded" with your code... it is way to cool to be used only for foobar. I would love to use it in other ways.

So. I'm really looking forward for a foobar component. But, please,  at least think about other (read: standalone) options  I would love to have them

Thank you for your work, again!


Reply #124
Do you maybe have a very old PC? What's your hardware setup?

I have also used it to browse my images - it was a lot of fun ^^. But I'm just not interested in developing an image browser. sry