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Topic: REACT 2 Released (Read 1333831 times) previous topic - next topic
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REACT 2 Released

Reply #500
Hey, we were all noobs at some point. I didn't know squat about lossy/lossless when I first found my here a few years back. I know squat now, though! Like you, I don't blindly accept anything as fact either, but I do accept things as facts when experts explain, and give me good, intelligent reasons why to believe. As you'll come to find out as you peruse through the forums, most of what is discussed here at HA is backed up by proof and not opinion. So, you won't find a lot of BS or untruths circulating around the forum. I'm still learning more each day that I come here, and I appreciate that whenever I have a question, there is someone here that is always willing to help. I try to help others whenever I can, as well. It's a very cool Community with knowledeable, nice members.
Sounds like you learned Earth Science from Homer Simpson. 

Surf's Up!
"Columnated Ruins Domino"

REACT 2 Released

Reply #502
This appeases lame - but not the OS!
The system itself has a lot of trouble communicating with those files. You can't change their filenames, you can't copy them directly (but you can copy the directory...)
It's an incredibly serious bug in Windows - not the first nor the only in the filenames category (codepage problems...)
So, contrary to what I suggested, the 'MS - DOS' should not be integrated to the to the main product, nor - in fact - should it be suggested to users without warning.. It's not the solution's fault, but microsoft's bug, of course.
I suggest that the information about the problem be included in the REACT: Using Short Filenames wiki entry.
Hmmm.... very true.  Guess the best idea is to go with shorter paths. 
Warning added to the wiki article.  While writing I was reminded of a useful command line utility: SUBST.  From the wiki:

One solution to this subsequent issue may be creating a virtual  drive, mapped to a long folder path. This can easily be achieved on the  command line using SUBST, e.g.:

Code: [Select]
SUBST R: "C:\Documents and Settings\My Long Name\My Documents\My Music\My Ripped Music"

You can then access "C:\Documents and Settings\My Long Name\My  Documents\My Music\My Ripped Music\Pixies\Doolittle\01 - Debaser.mp3"  using the virtual path "R:\Pixies\Doolittle\01 - Debaser.mp3".
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #503
I encountered another problem with tracks.
This time, the file itself is created, but it lacks tags.
Here's the cuefile:
Code: [Select]
REM GENRE Classical
REM COMMENT "ExactAudioCopy v0.99pb1"
PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
TITLE "Firebird - 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago"
FILE "Igor Stravinsky - Firebird - 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago.flac" WAVE
    TITLE "Introduction"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 00 00:00:00
    INDEX 01 00:00:33
    TITLE "Le jardin enchanté de Kachtcheď"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 02:32:65
    TITLE "Apparation de l'Oiseau de feu"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 04:19:28
    TITLE "Danse de l'Oiseau de feu"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 06:45:28
    TITLE "Capture de l'Oiseau de feu"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 08:07:05
    TITLE "Supplications de l'Oiseau de feu"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 08:59:73
    TITLE "Jeu des princesses"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 17:14:00
    TITLE "Apparition d'Ivan Tsarévitch"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 19:38:58
    TITLE "Ronde des princesses"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 21:16:08
    TITLE "Lever du jour"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 24:59:33
    TITLE "Carillon féerique"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 26:31:03
    TITLE "Danse de la suite de Kachtchéď"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 32:12:20
    TITLE "Danse infernale"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 32:56:68
    TITLE "Berceuse"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 37:39:40
    TITLE "Disparition du palais"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 42:56:08
    TITLE "Feu d'artifice"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 00 46:09:33
    INDEX 01 46:19:33
    TITLE "Etudes pour orchestre - Danse"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 00 50:13:33
    INDEX 01 50:21:33
    TITLE "Etudes pour orchestre - Excentrique"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 51:20:33
    TITLE "Etudes pour orchestre - Cantique"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 53:31:33
    TITLE "Etudes pour orchestre - Madrid"
    PERFORMER "Igor Stravinsky"
    INDEX 01 57:09:33
and here's the REACT output[codebox]
Aktywna strona kodowa: 1252

flac 1.1.3, Copyright © 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006  Josh Coalson
flac comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  This is free software, and you are
welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.  Type `flac' for details.

Itmp1!542.wav: wrote 235273440 bytes, ratio=0,371
Liczba skopiowanych plików:        1.
Audio CD Image Reader (ACDIR) 0.12 alpha  Copyright © 2003-2005 by Nyaochi

TITLE 01/20 mp3 "Firebird - 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago" & C:\PROGRA~
1\REACT2\tools\lame.exe -V3 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist  - "c:\REACTR~1\MP
3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\01 - Introduction.mp3" & C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.ex
e --pict "{3}C:\Documents and Settings\ibm\Moje dokumenty\Firebird - 4 Etudes -
Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago.jpg"  --artist "Igor Stravinsky" --album "Firebird -
 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago" --title "Introduction" --track 01/20 --
year "1993" --genre "Classical" --comment "Created with EAC/REACT2, 2007-07-21"
--frame TENC:"ibm" --frame TSSE:"LAME 3.97 -V3 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist
" "c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\01 - Introduction.mp3"
LAME 3.97 32bits (
CPU features: MMX (ASM used), SSE (ASM used), SSE2
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 17960 Hz - 18494 Hz
Encoding <stdin> to c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\01 - Introduction.mp3
Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=3) j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (ca. 8.2x) qval=3
metamp3 v0.91 - Copyright © 2006 by Tycho
Updating: c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\01 - Introduction.mp3

TITLE 02/20 mp3 "Firebird - 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago" & C:\PROGRA~
1\REACT2\tools\lame.exe -V3 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist  - "c:\REACTR~1\MP
3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 - Le jardin enchanté de Kachtchei.mp3" & C:\PROGRA~1\REAC
T2\tools\metamp3.exe --pict "{3}C:\Documents and Settings\ibm\Moje dokumenty\Fir
ebird - 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago.jpg"  --artist "Igor Stravinsky"
--album "Firebird - 4 Etudes - Fireworks - Boulez, Chicago" --title "Le jardin e
nchanté de Kachtchei" --track 02/20 --year "1993" --genre "Classical" --comment
"Created with EAC/REACT2, 2007-07-21" --frame TENC:"ibm" --frame TSSE:"LAME 3.97
 -V3 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist" "c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 -
Le jardin enchanté de Kachtchei.mp3"
LAME 3.97 32bits (
CPU features: MMX (ASM used), SSE (ASM used), SSE2
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 17960 Hz - 18494 Hz
Encoding <stdin>
      to c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 - Le jardin enchanté de Kachtchei.
Encoding as 44.1 kHz VBR(q=3) j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (ca. 8.2x) qval=3
metamp3 v0.91 - Copyright © 2006 by Tycho
Code: [Select]
error: could not open file: c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 - Le jardin enc
hanté de Kachtchei.mp3

Usage: C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\metamp3.exe [options] [mp3files]
  --artist <artist>              audio/song artist
  --album <album>                audio/song album
  --track <track>[/total]        audio/song track number
  --title <title>                audio/song title
  --year <year>                  audio/song year of issue (1 to 9999)
  --genre <genre>                audio/song genre name
  --comment [[desc]][{lng}]<text> add user-defined text
  --user-text [[desc]]<text>      add user text frame (TXXX)
  --user-url [[desc]]<URL>        add user URL frame (WXXX)
  --frame <frame:text>            set any T* or W* type frame
  --pict [[desc]][{type}]<file>  add picture artwork
  --save-pict <pict>              pict=[[desc]][{type}]<file>
  --list-pict-types              list possible picture type numbers
  --list-frames                  list Text and URL id3v2.3 frames
  --list-genres                  list standard id3v1.1 genres
  --1                            add id3v1 tag only (default both v1 and v2)
  --2                            add id3v2 tag only (--1 --2 will add both)
  --fit                          add id3v1 + id3v2 if tag does not fit id3v1
  --remove [[desc]]<frame>        remove frame(s). accepts wildcards *,?
  --replay-gain                  calculate and set replay gain tags
  --apply-gain <gain>            change volume. gain=[album|radio]<+dB|-dB>
  --undo-gain                    undo previous apply-gain
  --info                          print detailed mp3/lametag info
  --version                      show version info
  --help                          show this help

now the problem seems to be that the metamp3 wants to write to a file named "c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 - Le jardin enchanté de Kachtchei.mp3", while on the disc it's named "02 - Le jardin enchanté de Kachtcheď.mp3" (the last character not being  a d+', but, as far as i can see a single d').
Apparently, the problem arises from that character, as it appears as well on the other track that contains it. 
Another thing I see here is that there is a charcter (CR, space or whatever)
Code: [Select]
error: could not open file: c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 - Le jardin enc
hanté de Kachtchei.mp3
which is not present in the encoding part
Code: [Select]
Encoding <stdin>
      to c:\REACTR~1\MP3\IGORST~1\_1993_~1\02 - Le jardin enchanté de Kachtchei.
but that might well be an artifact of the notepad.
Might it have anything to do with the codepage?
PS converting form cue/flac to an mp3 in the REACT mp3 directory gives no problems.

EDIT: It's definitlely that weird character - changing the name to katchei made it work

REACT 2 Released

Reply #504
Having a hard time getting REACT to generate flac images.  I do a clean install, then hit F10, and I get a cue file and a .wav, but no flac.  Setting debug=1, it looks like REACT is using the wrong filenames to refer to the cue sheet & log. 

Here's my steps:
1. Clean install of EAC 0.99pb1
2. Clean install of REACT 2
3. Run react & hit yes to install.
4. Alt-F2 to edit react.ini & change ImageExt=flac; and Debug=1.
5. Hit F10.
6. It prompts me for where to save - I hit enter.
7. It chugs for a while and hits the pause at the end of the react script.

At this point, I study the script history and find that flac choked on --tag-from-file:
Code: [Select]
C:\tmp\rip>C:\PROGRA~1\REACT2\tools\flac.exe -5 -f --replay-gain  -T "artist=Goodman, Benny" -T album="Margie" -T totaltracks="20" -T date="" -T genre="Jazz" -T comment="Created with EAC/REACT2, 2007-07-22" -T encoded-by="Rob" -T encoding="Flac 1.1.3 -5 -f" --tag-from-file="cuesheet=C:\tmp\rip\Goodman, Benny - [] Margie.cue" --tag-from-file="eaclog=C:\tmp\rip\Margie.log" "C:\tmp\rip\Gtmp54266.wav" -o "C:\tmp\rip\Goodman, Benny - [] Margie.flac"
ERROR: (--tag-from-file) can't open file for tag value
Type "flac" for a usage summary or "flac --help" for all options

Looking at that directory, I find (note: still haven't hit a key to let the script finish):
Code: [Select]
 Directory of C:\tmp\rip

07/22/2007  01:22 AM    <DIR>          .
07/22/2007  01:22 AM    <DIR>          ..
07/22/2007  01:22 AM             3,358 Goodman, Benny - [] Margie.log
07/22/2007  01:22 AM             2,699 Gtmp54266-react.cue
07/22/2007  01:22 AM       612,888,908 Gtmp54266.wav
07/22/2007  01:22 AM            12,213 Margie.bat

Looks like both --tag-from-file lines point to files that don't exist (or are not yet using those names).  @cuesheet@ resolves to "C:\tmp\rip\Goodman, Benny - [] Margie.cue", but the cue sheet is named Gtmp54266-react.cue, and @eaclog@ resolves to "C:\tmp\rip\Margie.log" but is currently called "Goodman, Benny - [] Margie.log"

If I then fixup the batch file to point to the right files, everything runs exactly as it should.

Soooo: any ideas on how to fix this?  Do I have some version mismatch between EAC & REACT?

REACT 2 Released

Reply #505
Having a hard time getting REACT to generate flac images.  I do a clean install, then hit F10, and I get a cue file and a .wav, but no flac.  Setting debug=1, it looks like REACT is using the wrong filenames to refer to the cue sheet & log. 

Here's my steps:
1. Clean install of EAC 0.99pb1

You are the right place to ask the question - I had my problem solved here.
Basically, the new 0.99 EAC does not work with REACT correctly. You can download a version modified by Syntethic Soul, and provided on this forum - the latest download is available []here[/url]
I had similar problems, and that's what solved it.
Have fun

EDIT: link to sytnth's soul wiki instead of the thread

REACT 2 Released

Reply #506
Ivan.  Good to see you giving back.

FYI: I am maintaining a page in the wiki for my mod, so I'd probably point people there for the latest version.

The wiki article mainly focuses on the Additional Meta Data dialogue, but I did compile a changelog from my posts in this thread, so that could be useful for users to see what the mod includes (perhaps I ought to summarise the good bits into a bullet list of features).

The article can be found here: REACT:Mods

BTW: I can only assume that you latest problem is a codepage issue, and I have no idea how to resolve it.  As you suggest the line feed in the filename is purely a console drawing issue, and nothing to worry about.

Edit: Actually, it may be worth you skimming the metamp3 thread, and trying the beta linked to in that thread.  It is possible that the beta handles other codepages better, but the answer would be in the thread.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #507
I started using React 2 today [the latest mod, to be exact].  However, I have run into a few issues.  I'm hoping someone here can help me figure them out...

1. EAC Log file does not get copied to either my flac image output directory or the lame mp3 track directory.

2. The album art in the flac image folder gets named like this: %artist% - %album%.  I'd prefer if it was just folder.jpg like my mp3 track output folder.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #508
I started using React 2 today [the latest mod, to be exact].  However, I have run into a few issues.  I'm hoping someone here can help me figure them out...

1. EAC Log file does not get copied to either my flac image output directory or the lame mp3 track directory.

2. The album art in the flac image folder gets named like this: %artist% - %album%.  I'd prefer if it was just folder.jpg like my mp3 track output folder.


Pretty sure you can change the album art naming in the ini file in the section UserOutputNames. Look for ImageDir for each file type (FLAC and MP3, which in your case sound like they will be different). Not 100% sure this is the solution, but if you post your ini here it will be more helpful in being able to see what is happening. There is also an option to embed the album art within the tag file.

For the log file - I think this gets specified in EAC - again could be wrong, but check the destination directory set in EAC for log files and see if they are there.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #509
Thanks Ivan and Synthetic Soul - I'm now running just fine with the ssb version.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #510
I started using React 2 today [the latest mod, to be exact].  However, I have run into a few issues.  I'm hoping someone here can help me figure them out...

1. EAC Log file does not get copied to either my flac image output directory or the lame mp3 track directory.

2. The album art in the flac image folder gets named like this: %artist% - %album%.  I'd prefer if it was just folder.jpg like my mp3 track output folder.
Are you definately using 2.0.ssb15?  It sounds like you are using an earlier version - the log file was sorted in b12 and image art in b13.  When you open REACT the running version should be displayed in EAC's title bar.  Out of interest, what version of EAC as well please?
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #511
Pretty sure you can change the album art naming in the ini file in the section UserOutputNames. Look for ImageDir for each file type (FLAC and MP3, which in your case sound like they will be different). Not 100% sure this is the solution, but if you post your ini here it will be more helpful in being able to see what is happening. There is also an option to embed the album art within the tag file.
REACT specifies the filename using "<album>.jpg".  This can't be changed by the user.  The name is set using the basic information set in the EAC main window, as coverdownloader is run before the cfg file is processed, so there's not a lot of option.

For  the log file - I think this gets specified in EAC - again could be  wrong, but check the destination directory set in EAC for log files and  see if they are there.
Yes, EAC specifies the log file name.  Before 0.99 it used "<album>.log", but now it has two separate naming schemes: for tracks it will use "<artist> - <album>.log" but for images it will use the same naming scheme as the image, which may be "<artist> - <album>.log", but may be something like "<artist> - [<date>] <album>.log" (using REACT's default image naming scheme).
I'm on a horse.


REACT 2 Released

Reply #512
I started using React 2 today [the latest mod, to be exact].  However, I have run into a few issues.  I'm hoping someone here can help me figure them out...

1. EAC Log file does not get copied to either my flac image output directory or the lame mp3 track directory.

2. The album art in the flac image folder gets named like this: %artist% - %album%.  I'd prefer if it was just folder.jpg like my mp3 track output folder.
Are you definately using 2.0.ssb15?  It sounds like you are using an earlier version - the log file was sorted in b12 and image art in b13.  When you open REACT the running version should be displayed in EAC's title bar.  Out of interest, what version of EAC as well please?

I have V2.0.ssb15 in the titlebar and the EAC about dialog says version v0.99 prebeta 1.

For the log file - I think this gets specified in EAC - again could be wrong, but check the destination directory set in EAC for log files and see if they are there.

Well, the log file does get output there, but I'd like to have it output to my flac-image directory then.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #513
I have V2.0.ssb15 in the titlebar and the EAC about dialog says version v0.99 prebeta 1.
OK, I've woken up now.

I see now from the image config (you are ripping to images, right?) that the cover is copied using @basename@ to create the final filename.  If you just want 'folder.jpg' (which is what the tracks config uses strangely) you just need to edit REACT-image.cfg so that:

Code: [Select]
IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\"@basename@.jpg"

... becomes:

Code: [Select]
IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\folder.jpg

... in the relevant section for you (flac, wv, etc.).

The log is not copied to the destination folder by default, only embedded in the image.  To move the log to your destination folder just add:

Code: [Select]
MOVE /Y "@eaclog@" %dest%

.. to the relevant section, with the similar lines that move the image and cuesheet.

As you are using FLAC, here's what your FLAC code should probably look like now:

Code: [Select]
IF NOT @ImageExt@==flac GOTO end_flac_image
    SET dest="@ImageDir_Flac@%imageDir%"
    IF NOT EXIST %dest% MKDIR %dest%
    IF %embed_cover%==1 SET Cover_tag=--picture="|image/jpeg|||@cover@"
    @tools@\flac.exe @Opt_Flac@ %RG_Flac% %Cover_tag% %Disc_Flac% -T "%ArtistField%=@cdartist@" -T album="@album@" -T totaltracks="@numtracks@" -T date="@year@" -T genre="@genre@" -T comment="@comment@" -T encoded-by="%USERNAME%" -T encoding="Flac @Ver_Flac@ @Opt_Flac@" --tag-from-file="cuesheet=@cuesheet@" --tag-from-file="eaclog=@eaclog@" "@source@" -o "@image@"
    MOVE /Y "@image@" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "@cuesheet@" %dest%
    MOVE /Y "@eaclog@" %dest%
    IF %have_cover%==1 COPY /Y "@cover@" %dest%\folder.jpg

NB: If you want the log in your MP3 folder as well you may want to use COPY, instead of MOVE, and uncomment to relevant line in the MP3 tracks section.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #514
Edit: Actually, it may be worth you skimming the metamp3 thread, and trying the beta linked to in that thread.  It is possible that the beta handles other codepages better, but the answer would be in the thread.

Well, I was about to give up - the problem is rare and changing the name solves it -  but i decided to give the beta a try - and it seems to work (actually, I just ripped a single problematic track, not the image - but that should make no difference whatsoever). Thank you!
What I'm a bit worried about is that you have to look well into the compression window to learn that something went wrong - wouldn't it be nice to provide some visible error report if there were errors? If one rips a number of cd's, finding the cause of problem might be quite difficult.
BTW - has anyone had any success running REACT on linux/wine? Now that gtkpod supports gapless tags for the lame-encoded mp3 tags, I'm quite seriously considering switching to *buntu. I had foobar and EAC as such running quite nicely in wine.

EDIT: forgot to thank for help...

REACT 2 Released

Reply #515
I need a bit of help configuring REACT ssb15 to add disc numbers to the file structure.  What I'd like to do is conditionally add "Disc x of x" to album directory name if there is more than one disc in the set.

I'm ripping to tracks and using  TrackDir_Flac=@OutRoot@\FLAC\$cdartist$\$album$ [$year$] for flac output and replacing FLAC with MP3 for mp3 output.  Would like to add "Disc $discnumber$ of $totaldiscs$" after the album name if there is more than one disc in a set - ie no disc 1 of 1 in the file structure.

any help with this would be greatly appreciated

REACT 2 Released

Reply #516
The following wiki article details the process necessary:

REACT:Adding Support For Disc Information

The article uses the simple format "Disc @discnumber@" - appending that to the standard path if @totaldiscs@ is greater than one.

You should just be able to follow the article, and change lines like:

Code: [Select]
SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc @discnumber@
SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@

Code: [Select]
SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc @discnumber@ of @totaldiscs@
SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@ of @totaldiscs@
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #517
The following wiki article details the process necessary:

REACT:Adding Support For Disc Information

The article uses the simple format "Disc @discnumber@" - appending that to the standard path if @totaldiscs@ is greater than one.

You should just be able to follow the article, and change lines like:

Code: [Select]
SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc @discnumber@
SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@

Code: [Select]
SET imageDir=%imageDir%\Disc @discnumber@ of @totaldiscs@
SET trackDir=%trackDir%\Disc @discnumber@ of @totaldiscs@

That did the trick... for about half the tracks of disc 1.  Then something happened and the program switched back to not appending Disc x of x onto the path.  Researching why... Perhaps the ini file isn't storing the disc info?

I figured out when it's happening - when the disc is ejected, the metadata dialog resets and the encoding programs lose track of it.  I'm going to try turning off disc eject and see what happens.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #518
I figured out when it's happening - when the disc is ejected, the metadata dialog resets and the encoding programs lose track of it.  I'm going to try turning off disc eject and see what happens.
The meta data does indeed reset when the disc is ejected.

I thought it made sense that values returned to their defaults when the disc changes, so the user doesn't have to worry about resetting the values.

Hmm... I think I have just realised what you are saying.  The disc ejects part ways through the process (once all tracks have been ripped to WAVE) and the meta data is reset, even though the process is mid way through.

Not good.

I guess you are ripping to tracks.  REACT is run each time a track s processed.  Each time it's run it will reload the meta data values from the meta.ini.  Meanwhile, the (initial) instance of REACT that is dealing with EAC has noted the disc change and updated meta.ini.

I will need to resolve this somehow.  Thanks for the report.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #519
I will need to resolve this somehow.  Thanks for the report.
OK, 2.0.ssb16 uploaded.  Please see the wiki for changelog and link.

The dialogue will still reset when a new disc is inserted; however the recorded values in meta.ini will only be updated just before a rip begins.  Therefore, if you insert a new disc while processing a rip, the GUI will be reset and you can start editing the values, but the ini values will stay unchanged until you hit F4 or F10 to begin the new rip, at which point they will be updated to the current GUI values.

All feedback welcome.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #520
tested ssb16, ripping to tracks. No changes in configuration - ripped the wav files and then didn't run the conversions to flac and mp3...  falling back to the ssb15 with no ejection strategy.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #521
tested ssb16, ripping to tracks. No changes in configuration - ripped the wav files and then didn't run the conversions to flac and mp3...  falling back to the ssb15 with no ejection strategy.
Hmmm... it's worked fine for me while testing track ripping.  Confused.

Edit: I've not changed anything near the encoding process - only the meta data dialogue and EAC wrapping.  The whole function that runs with the processing instance of REACT has been untouched.

Edit: I've noticed in testing that @totaldiscs@ (for example) will return "03" instead of "3", as intended.  I have just resolved this an uploaded the new b16.  @totaldiscs@ will now return "3", while $totaldiscs$ will return "03".
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #522
Since switching to EAC 0.99pb1 and ssb16 I am having a problem.  Everything goes great until the extractions is complete.  Nothing happens after the extraction completes.  I use F10 to do an image test & copy.  I get the wav, log, cue, and jpg but none of the other processes begin.  Here is my ini.  Any help would be appreciated.

Code: [Select]
ImageNaming=$artist$ - $album$ [$year$]
VA=Various Artists
CoverDownloader=C:\Program Files\REACT2\coverdownloader\albumart.exe
EAC=C:\Program Files\Exact Audio Copy\EAC.exe
Tools=C:\Program Files\REACT2\tools


ImageDir_Wavpack=@OutRoot@\CD-Images\$cdartist$\$album$ [$year$]
TrackDir_Flac=@OutRoot@\FLAC\$cdartist$\[$year$] $album$
TrackDir_Wavpack=@OutRoot@\WV\$cdartist$\[$year$] $album$
TrackDir_MP3=@OutRoot@\MP3\$cdartist$\[$year$] $album$
TrackDir_AAC=@OutRoot@\AAC\$cdartist$\[$year$] $album$
TrackDir_OGG=@OutRoot@\OGG\$cdartist$\[$year$] $album$
TrackName_SA=$track$ - $title$
TrackName_VA=$track$ - $title$ [$artist$]
TrackName_SA_acdir=$n - $~t
TrackName_VA_acdir=$n - $~t [$~a]

Comment=Created with EAC/REACT2, @curdate@
Opt_Flac=-5 -f
Opt_LameMP3=-V5 --vbr-new --noreplaygain --nohist
Opt_NeroAac=-lc -q 0.21
Opt_iTunesAac=-d -s 2000
Opt_OggEnc2=-q 3.0
Ver_OggEnc2=2.83 Lancer aoTuV b5


REACT 2 Released

Reply #523
Perhaps you could try b15, to see if I have screwed something up with b16.

I'm confused, because b16 works fine on my Win2K PC, and XP laptop; however deltadave has said that b16 is not processing his WAVE files, so it may well be worth a try.
I'm on a horse.

REACT 2 Released

Reply #524
I'm confused, because b16 works fine on my Win2K PC, and XP laptop; however deltadave has said that b16 is not processing his WAVE files, so it may well be worth a try.

Still no joy on ssb16 - it rips to wav, but doesn't go any further than that.  For now, I've fallen back to ssb15 as it works correctly as long as the disc remains in the drive.

This actually got me thinking about another repercussion of doing the disc numbers of a set dynamically - ssb16 wont process correctly in batch mode.  the interface has to be open with the correct numbers in the metadata tags in order for it to work.  Is there any way to have that data go into a tag or data file that is persistent until the rip is processed to flac or ogg or whatever?