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Topic: Library view keep automatically closing open nodes (Read 860 times) previous topic - next topic
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Library view keep automatically closing open nodes

I don't know where to post this. I really enjoy using Foobar, but I can't find a solution to one problem.

Nodes in the Library view keep automatically closing open nodes, even if the auto collapse is turned off. It happens no matter where my mouse pointer is. After few seconds after opening, then node closes. Please advise me. I must be missing something simple.

Re: Library view keep automatically closing open nodes

Reply #1
I guess you are using the Eole theme? You should probably ask the theme author in the Eole discussion thread or over on Github / Eole issues page. (The theme uses customized library viewer scripts so the issue is probably not related to foobar in general and the author (Ottodix) is probably the only one to know anything about it)


Re: Library view keep automatically closing open nodes

Reply #2
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.