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Topic: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme (Read 86173 times) previous topic - next topic
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Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #50
You mean listing both artists in the filter on the right column of the library panel? It doesn't work, yes.
Supporting the multitags in those filters would cost a lot in term of performance (and a little bit in term of coding time too : )

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #51
I mean the ARTIST filter on the left of the library panel yes.
And yes, having multitags supported would be great, so that all artists are truly listed and not only the first one of any multi-artists track (which is quite common).

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #52
And yes, having multitags supported would be great, so that all artists are truly listed and not only the first one of any multi-artists track (which is quite common).
The only thing i can do is convert the multi-artist tag to one item, where all the artists are listed, separated with a comma. So i did that on the latest build. (so an artist tag like "Elis Regina; Tom Jobim" will be displayed as one artist "Elis Regina, Tom Jobim")
This solution is kind of okey for the artists, but quite shitty for the genre. But I won't support multitags, sorry (unless someone manage to come up with a algorithm to populate an associative array and transform it back to a number indexed array at the end, and all this efficiently. I may give it a try at some point, I may! But on a music library with lot of multitags fields, it will be a performance nightmare whatever I do, I think)

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #53
No need to apologize.
I briefly looked at the panel scripts and I can understand the work it would require (less so the performance impact but I do believe you).

Still a very nice skin though!

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #54
Hello Ottodix,
great theme, love it and appreciate your intense work!!
One thing on version 1.2.3 beta1: the text part of the new track info panel seems to change with a delay of 1 minute after track is changed in library panel, see attached.

Two other questions:
- is it intended that foo_queuecontents is not included, or is there another way to show the content of the playing queue? (of course I can add it myself -  just making sure I did not miss something)
- I highly appreciate the frequency of updates of eole. Sometimes I get lost which version I am currently using. Is there a way to see you version number in foobar or in the file structure? If not, any chance to include the version info e.g. under File->Skin Settings -> Info?
Thanks, MojoBass

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #55
Hello! I was wondering about how I would go about adding a simple equalizer visualizer instead of milkdrops? and maybe a button/tabs to switch between them?

willing to learn new stuff and do it myself.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #57
One thing on version 1.2.3 beta1: the text part of the new track info panel seems to change with a delay of 1 minute after track is changed in library panel, see attached.
I would need a exact exact description of how to reproduce this bug. It looks like you were playing a song by Abba there, playback was paused.
And you then edited another track in the library panel on the middle, Highway to hell by AC/DC ? And the text informations then switched to song ?

Hello! I was wondering about how I would go about adding a simple equalizer visualizer instead of milkdrops? and maybe a button/tabs to switch between them?
I'm sorry, a guide to do this would require a lot of explanation. All buttons are coded in javascript, you can get help on the SMP component topic. And to add a panel, you need to learn about Column UI layout and panel stack splitter. You can also get help on the corresponding topics.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #58
One thing on version 1.2.3 beta1: the text part of the new track info panel seems to change with a delay of 1 minute after track is changed in library panel, see attached.
I would need a exact exact description of how to reproduce this bug.

1. Open Eole and switch to 'Now Playing' panel.
2. Double-click on any title ('title 1') in the right lower titles section to start title 1.
   -> Lyrics, Biography, track info panel picture and text info show correct title 1 info :-)
3. Switch to 'Library' panel and double-click on any title to start playing this title ('title 2')
4. Switch back to 'Now playing' panel:
   -> Lyrics, Biography and track info panel picture show correct info for title 2
   -> Track info panel text part still shows info for 'title 1' until 1 minute playpack of title 2 has passed, then switches to info for 'title 2'

Hope you can reproduce - if not then it is on my side and I would not bother any more
Thanks very much!

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #59
I don't think it's just on your side, but i didn't manage to reproduce it using your instructions. Can you export and send me your columnUI configuration, like that i will use the skin with the exact same settings? If you do so, please reply using a pm message, and we'll continue the discussion from there.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #60
Hi! i've just downloaded Eole and i love it, unfortunately the panels keep crashing and giving me errors related to the file JStheme_common.js

here is a screenshot of both types of error message:

is there anything i can do to stop this?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #61
I think you just need to update your spider monkey component using the latest build, or the dlls provided by the theme

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #63

After removing foo_uie_lyrics3 component i'm having this error when trying to play files from "Show Idle Screen".. anyone knows why? this error does not occur when foo_uie_lyrics3 installed.. however I don't need that component as I'm using Mini Lyrics..

someone know a fix?

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #64
After removing foo_uie_lyrics3 component i'm having this error when trying to play files from "Show Idle Screen".. anyone knows why? this error does not occur when foo_uie_lyrics3 installed.. however I don't need that component as I'm using Mini Lyrics..

Hi! It have nothing to do with foo_uie_lyrics3, it was a bug in this Idle screen. This Idle screen is something i coded a long time ago, and i actually don't use it, so i didn't saw those bugs. You can grab the nightly build there

Is there anyway to switch the positions of artist name and album name in the Library panel?
No, sorry! Not without editing the code

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #65
Hi! It have nothing to do with foo_uie_lyrics3, it was a bug in this Idle screen. This Idle screen is something i coded a long time ago, and i actually don't use it, so i didn't saw those bugs. You can grab the nightly build there

Hi thanks for fixing the bug.. after using the nightly build foobar no longer crash when using "Show Idle Screen".. I don't really use Show idle screen personally just exploring this beautiful theme.. probably the best looking theme I can find on devianart.. thank you for taking your time making this theme :P

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #66
This theme is amazing, thank you.

I'm running into a few issues - my 1080p desktop looks great, but my high dpi (almost 4k) laptop has some elements scrunched up, and most elements are really tiny. It's fixable by changing the DPI settings in the properties of the foobar .exe, but it would be nice for it to be handled in-theme as things generally look cleaner that way (windows scaling adds fuzziness)

Additionally, the search box seems to be slightly glitched - it's outlined in white on two sides.

I've attached screenshots of all of these little issues.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #67
Thanks for the comment!

About high dpi, i know, but too complex to fix, sorry! It would require a lot of work, and i'm not willing to do that.

About the search box look, it's on purpose, i like it that way.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #68
Additionally, the search box seems to be slightly glitched - it's outlined in white on two sides.
I just changed a little bit the outlines of this search box, you can preview it on github, and grab the latest release there

It's a very tiny change visually, but it does look a little bit more "integrated" with the other elements now. It stand out a little bit less, but i guess it doesn't matter, almost all users which install such a theme are advanced users computer-wise. (but in my daily job, i would never design such an interface, it's way too complex : )

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #69
Hey there, thanks for making this awesome theme! I just have one question. Is is possible to edit color or add a slight glow of the currently selected item(s) in the list as it's a bit hard to see at a glance on my setup.

Uploaded the picture(Talking about just selected, not actively playing)

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #70
Thanks for this theme - It's the first one that has convinced me to switch from my current one in over 5 years! A couple of things that would make the transition painless:
> An option to read track ratings from IDv3 tags (the tag in question is "RATING") as opposed to the custom statistics database.
> Queuing tracks by middle clicking on them (adding them to the playback queue). The behaviour I'm looking for is that after the currently playing track is complete, playback switches to the playback queue. It continues to play the items in the queue in order and after all of them have been played, playback switches back to the original playlist.

Would those features be possible to implement?

EDIT: Some bug reports (as I discover them) -
> The behaviour of the "Row Height > Increase/Decrease" buttons in the playlist panel is reversed.
> The main playlist and the one in the right-sidebar seemed to be synchronized even when they are configured to be independent. I have the main playlist set to "Active playlist" (and not following now playing) and the sidebar's to "Playing playlist" (and following now playing). However, any interactions made to the sidebar playlist are mirrored in the main playlist view if both underlying playlists are the same.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #71
Sorry about the double post - Can't seem to be able to edit my previous one anymore.

More bugs:
> The "Library Playback" playlist count in the playlist left sidebar is not updated correctly after making a selection in the Library view.
> Let's say I have two playlists, A with 10 tracks and B with 20. I open A (in the main playlist view) and play track #5. The sidebar playlist (as mentioned in the above post) is set to show the playlist that's the source of the currently playing track. And indeed, it correctly shows A with track #5 highlighted as the currently playing track. I now switch to playlist B and play track #10. Instead of switching to the new playlist and highlighting the 10th track in it, the sidebar playlist remains in the old playlist and highlights the 10th track in it.
> Changes to playlists are not updated until you switch to a different one and back (like when the library selection is changed).

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #72
Glad to see this theme is still alive and kicking. Been using it for 4 or 5 years now and it's been great. Love the new updated version.

Issue that has been frustrating me, however -

This might be a basic Foobar2000 change, but I only noticed it after updating to the new version of Eloe: the Search bar behaves differently. It starts searching as I'm typing, and when I press enter, it just starts auto-playing the very first thing it finds.

I'd like to revert this back to the standard behavior where it doesn't actually start searching until I press Enter. Or at least doesn't start auto-playing when I press enter inside the search bar. Again, I'm not sure if this is a Foobar2000 issue, or a setting within one of the playlist components or the theme itself. I've been looking for some time but my limited experience with Foobar2000 has made it difficult, so I'm down to just asking for help. Pretty much every search bar in every other application to date works by allowing you to press enter and look through the results. This starting on its own is very disorienting and regularly frustrating.

Can anyone advise? Thank you.

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #73
I like to use the left panel to sort by album artist as its usually a lot cleaner. one issue ive ran into though is albums that are sorted as various artists. is there a way to keep the left panel sorting by %album artist% but also include %artist% in results of the same name?

or is there a way to sort by %artist% but say if there's two artists names seperated by a comma then it puts the song in both artists page?

thank you!

Re: Eole, a SMP/ColumnUI theme

Reply #74
I like to use the left panel to sort by album artist as its usually a lot cleaner. one issue ive ran into though is albums that are sorted as various artists. is there a way to keep the left panel sorting by %album artist% but also include %artist% in results of the same name?
Something like -

Code: [Select]
$if($stricmp(%album artist%,Various Artists),%artist%,%album artist%)

(Enter this by right-clicking the left panel on 'Artist' > Group By > Preset 2 (Artist) > Custom titleformat > Grouping pattern)

Depends on your tagging how well it works - multi-value %artist% tags would probably not merge and make a second entry instead.

or is there a way to sort by %artist% but say if there's two artists names seperated by a comma then it puts the song in both artists page?
Unfortunately I think not, see reply #52 above.

In normal foobar though it would be just %<artist>%
