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Topic: 2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions (Read 42048 times) previous topic - next topic
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2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #25
maybe add JPLAY?

I wonder how many people will choose this...

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #26
There's always room for nitpickery over whether e.g. Squeezebox Controller is a computer running Linux, or just a remote control for the server on your computer. Or whether iDevices are computers. I have no idea whether the troublesome solutions have enough users around here for this to be any issue.

With squeezebox you can play music on the serving computer as well.  One reason to is it's easy to remote control with a web interface.  Maybe "there's an app for that"?

Maybe a different poll would be best for cloud players (Google music etc).  I'm starting to get into being able to say to my tab, "Listen to Leo Kottke," and it starts playing.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #27
I agree on the “maybe”. I am not sure what would be best for 2012, but sooner or later the distinction between cloud/local would very likely be way more interesting than grouping by OS.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #28
How can everyone forget Media Player Classic - Home Cinema and Zoom Player?!

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #29
sooner or later the distinction between cloud/local would very likely be way more interesting
I dunno about the rest of the world, but mobile data plans are still far too expensive in Canada for me to even start considering this. I could use $30 worth of bandwidth playing music at V2 in a day.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #30
Penultimate revision for the Unix list. If you want to add/change anything at this point, tell me what you think should be replaced, not just what should be added. I'm happy with the list as it stands...

Unix (Linux / Mac / BSD / whatever)
mpd (and clients)
mplayer (and forks)

As the Windows list hasn't changed, and I'm especially content with it, I'm going to put that one up now.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #31
with such generalization i would then change

mpd (and clients)
mplayer (and forks)

command line players (specify in the thread)
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #33
Why have you removed Audacious ? Did I miss anything ?
I'm trying to maximize the number of people selecting options that are not "Other". I don't perceive Audacious to be a very highly-used player.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #34
with such generalization i would then change

mpd (and clients)
mplayer (and forks)

command line players (specify in the thread)

I disagree. First of all, mpd is not a commandline player- it is a daemon that can be controlled by multiple frontends be it graphical or not. I can even control it from my Android device.

Also, although mplayer is commandline based, there are multiple GUI frontends for it. There is even one included in the mplayer source tree called GMPlayer (gtk+ based). It is build if you pass the "--enable-gui" switch when running "./configure".

The separation between backend and frontend is a common design pattern in the Unix/Linux world.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #35
Penultimate revision for the Unix list. If you want to add/change anything at this point, tell me what you think should be replaced, not just what should be added. I'm happy with the list as it stands...

Another popular choice is xmms2 plus client.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #36
mpd is not a commandline player- it is a daemon that can be controlled by multiple frontends be it graphical or not.

That was already explained 3 times before in this thread and i happily corrected myself, also there are other non-daemons, like moc (Lets cover more ground), so whats your point?

The separation between backend and frontend is a common design pattern in the Unix/Linux world.

I always thought everything is just quickly hacked together, thanks for that wisdom.
PANIC: CPU 1: Cache Error (unrecoverable - dcache data) Eframe = 0x90000000208cf3b8
NOTICE - cpu 0 didn't dump TLB, may be hung

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #37
mpd is not a commandline player- it is a daemon that can be controlled by multiple frontends be it graphical or not.

That was already explained 3 times before in this thread and i happily corrected myself, also there are other non-daemons, like moc (Lets cover more ground), so whats your point?

My point is that mpd should not be lumped into "command line players (specify in the thread)" like you suggested. Mpd only exposes an API for client programming. By itself mpd is useless without a client. If you are interested, here is a list.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #38
My point is that mpd should not be lumped into "command line players (specify in the thread)"
By itself mpd is useless without a client.

But the suggestion is to take mpd OUT of the list, and CLI players IN. As far as I see, you just provided a worthy argument for the first part of this.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #40
But the suggestion is to take mpd OUT of the list, and CLI players IN. As far as I see, you just provided a worthy argument for the first part of this.

Actually, I favour a modified version of Canar's original choice item- "mpd (and clients)". Something like:

[blockquote]mpd (and clients, please specify clients in the thread)[/blockquote]

Personally, I use multiple clients for different purposes. A GUI frontend for regular playing, a commandline frontend for scripting and an Android frontend for remote control.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #41
I saw the windows poll posted.. any eta on the unix one?

I don't use windows so I've been waiting for the unix poll.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #42
Aimp3 here, winamp as a fallback,  I use flac for my own encodes(storage) and vorbis for my mobile needs.....

not a fan of the foobar2k, never has suited me well, i use dbpoweramp to rip+encode tho

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #43
An important miss for me here is MusicBee

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #45
IMHO MediaMonkey isn't a Winamp derivate anymore. Maybe it was in the beginning (1.x) but since 3.x it's clearly a separate standalone player which has nothing to to with winamp - except that it still supports plugings from it AFAIK.

2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #46
Since Banshee is the default player on the most popular *nix distribution these days (not counting mac) surely that should be included? Also +1 for Google Play, new but I'd be curious if anyone uses it yet


2012 Audio Player Poll Suggestions

Reply #47
Unix poll is up. Closing this thread.