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Topic: explanation of different types of MP3 codecs (Read 2559 times) previous topic - next topic
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explanation of different types of MP3 codecs

Long back I remember reading an article of the different types of mp3 codecs used in various encoding software, iTunes, RealPlayer, etc. but I can't for the life of me find anything relating to that on Google. Does anyone know of a resource that would help me?

Re: explanation of different types of MP3 codecs

Reply #2
Thanks for the link I'll check it out

Re: explanation of different types of MP3 codecs

Reply #3
Trying to do anything specific?
And so, with digital, computer was put into place, and all the IT that came with it.

Re: explanation of different types of MP3 codecs

Reply #4
No, nothing specific. I just wanted to know more about the history of mp3 codecs; nerdy stuff.