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Topic: [Not My Release] ELPlaylist (Read 551744 times) previous topic - next topic
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[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #800
@Ssenna : bugs reporting


i found two bugs in ELPlaylist (i think there are present foir a long time ...) but i finally take the time to report them and i hope you'll be alble to fix them

Check colored area on the screenshot below, them check details under it

same when i double-click or click on a track row for selecting it or playing it

2) next bug is a display bug, a glitch line when scrollbar is set to "Hide" (and elp pseudo transparency turned off) on the bottom area of a playlist, the empty space under the last row, there is a vertical thin line, check the yellow circle on the screenshot.

Thanx by advance for taking this report in consideration, i hope you will fix at least the first bug that interact with the behaviour, the second one is less important!



[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #801
Is there a command to tell to $findfile() to search to my foobar profil (appdata/roaming/foobar2000)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #803
^ %el_user_profile_path% 

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #804
Thanks it works

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #806
Hello.  I'm hoping someone can clarify group collapsing behavior for me.

In a hierarchy of groupings, I would like child groups to be collapseable.  At present, I can collapse root groups and I can hide child group headers based on whether the parent is collapsed, but when expanded, all child groups are expanded and display tracks and the child groups are not themselves collapseable.  In other words, I want to either never see tracks or to only see them when I double click on the deepest child group.  This is a pretty obvious application for elplaylist and screenshots I've seen seem to suggest this is possible.  What am I missing?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #807
... In other words, I want to either never see tracks or to only see them when I double click on the deepest child group.  This is a pretty obvious application for elplaylist and screenshots I've seen seem to suggest this is possible.  What am I missing?

afaik it's not possible in ELPlaylist, i'm curious to see the screenshots you're talking about ...

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #808
i'm curious to see the screenshots you're talking about ...

There's one example in this thread:

It appears that it's what's happening in that screenshot, doesn't it?  There are artist and album level groupings, but everything is collapsed except a single album level (child) grouping, its siblings snug in their collapsed states.  The original post came with code, but I didn't spot anything unusual in it which might account for the behavior so I figured it was done using some combination of settings.  Being told that this is impossible is such a shock to my psyche that I need to lie down now.  Everything I ever dreamed of, destroyed!

(Unless of course you can recommend another panel which has the power to present a complex library view but allows you to determine its appearance.)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #809
ok, i've maybe misunderstood your need, because what i see on this screenshot is possible i think, i'll try to do it and post here the solution asap (not today)

ok, quick tested, it works you would,

example, here, i group artist, album and discs if multi-discs found, and i explain which options to tick in behaviour tab to autocollapse groups :

group format field is : %album artist% ||| $if(%album%,$ifgreater(%totaldiscs%,1,%album% ||| %discnumber%,%album%),%artist%)

and if not enough, check this tutorial i made in 2009 about subgroups in ELPlaylist:


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #810
Ah, I see.  Indeed, this I already could achieve and now I see that it's also what's going on in the screen shot.  What I want is to be able to do both that AND to be able to collapse the artist tier, and you are right, it simply doesn't seem possible. 

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #811
yep! clicking higher level to expand it will always expand subgroups too depending of it (childs)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #812
Hi I have a question
It's possible to see the header with subgroups in focused mode.
Because me I have only the subgroups, not the header, and only 1 subgroup by 1, the 2nd subgroup doesn't appear or appear when it's playing.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #813
2) next bug is a display bug, a glitch line when scrollbar is set to "Hide" (and elp pseudo transparency turned off) on the bottom area of a playlist, the empty space under the last row, there is a vertical thin line, check the yellow circle on the screenshot.

I can confirm a similar visual glitch.  The scrollbar doesn't have to be set to "hide" -- it happens just as readily with the scrollbar visible.  Transparency fixes it, but of course that slows down ELPlaylist by a great deal.  The height of the glitch line, which is two pixels wide, white and flush with the scrollbar (or edge) depends on the height of the window itself.  At certain heights (multiples of the line-height, I think) it disappears; it's appears as the eastern edge of the last line IF the last line is shorter than the line height as specified in settings.

Perhaps related: the scrollbar itself is weird, too.  Depending on the panel size, the scrollbar's width fluctuates by one (odd looking) vertical pixel line. It's easy to see when resizing the window because it will cause it to rapidly flicker and change width: the glitched scrollbar width is triggered when the panel is an odd number of pixels wide OR high -- it only displays correctly if both height and width are even numbers.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #814
is it possible to use context submenu to set grouping options?

i have such example:
COMMAND:View/ELPlaylist/Expand all groups
COMMAND:View/ELPlaylist/Collapse all groups

instead of expand/collapse groups i would like to do something like that:
COMMAND(or context or whatever): ... /group by/artist (or album or ...)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #815
My right click context menu has the group by option. It offers 'group by' for presets defined in the grouping tab (you have to define your own presets). There are other context menu options in the behaviour tab.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #816
sorry, i forgot to mention that i want to make a button with such command (group by something)

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #817
Unfortunately I do not believe that the right click context commands can be used in buttons. If the right click really is not good enough, you may be able to use a panel stack splitter button to switch between different instances of el_playlist that have different group by settings - thus you would need more than one el_playlist in your layout. One other option is that it is possible to associate specific playlists with 'group by' presets if that's of any use to you.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #818
I have encountered what I think is unusual behavior from the Minimum row number of group field.

I wanted to add a single extra row below every top-level group and I figured the simplest way to do this was this:

However, this has no effect.  What's interesting is that this following version DOES work for second-level groups:

Putting in a single number for all groups does work for all groups including top-level:

Yet putting in any kind of qualifier to target the top level group fails, even when I try to identify it using a method other than %el_group_depth%:

Even if I try to do it in reverse it fails:

Any idea what I'm missing here?  Why can't I add a row to top-level groups without also adding rows to child groups?

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #819
Hi all,

I'd like to add a second column for composers.

Now I have:
Column 1 on with text: $if(%length%,$if(%band%,$if($stricmp(%band%,%artist%),,[$upper(%artist%) $char(9679) ]),[$upper(%track artist%) $char(9679) ]),[$upper(%artist%) $char(9679) ])%title%[ '('%subtitle%')']

and the second column would be for composers.

This is my problem:
1) The column should be ON only if the genre is classical so I wrote under the line COLUMN.TWO.ON:
$if(%genre%=classical,1,0) but isn't working
2) The WIDTH of the column should be at least 158px otherwise the WIDTH of the composer name.
For example: if the composer is Franz Liszt the column should be the width of the name, if the compoers are Johann Sebastian Bach, Charles Gounod the column should be 158px.

Is that possible?
Can you help me?

Thank you!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #820
Can you help me?

Hello Perocat.  To compare the value of a field to a string, you generally use $strcmp().  There are no single-character operators like - + or = in title formatting script.


Without knowing more about what you mean by columns (are you sure you're using EL Playlist?), I can't offer any definitive advice on the second point.  But I can alert you to the existence of $max(), which returns the largest value of those listed.  For example, $max(158,200) would return 200, but $max(158,60) would return 158.  It is likely that your solution will have to make use of this function.

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #821
Can you help me?

are you sure you're using EL Playlist?

Hello Kwazulu,

thank you very much for your reply 
I post you a print screen of the window so you can understand better what I mean. The command: $if($strcmp(%genre%,'classical'),1,0) is doing what I want, if the genre is classical the composers column is visible, otherwise no!

On the line: COLUMN.TWO.WIDTH I can choose the width of the column. The width should be at least 158px but if the composer name is shorter than 158px than should be the lenght of the composer name!

I hope that with these info you can help!

Thank you very much!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #822
It looks like you need to get the textwidth of the composer with one of the following methods, depending on how you are drawing the text (see foo_uie_elplaylist.txt that comes with the foo_uie_elplaylist download for more info):

$gettextwidth(text, FONTNAME, SIZE, OPTIONS)

Then something like the following should work, if I correctly understand what you are trying to achieve.


[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #823

Perfect it's just what I want! Thank you very much!

[Not My Release] ELPlaylist

Reply #824
Perfect it's just what I want! Thank you very much!

Just another problem...

Now I have:  $ifgreater($gettextwidth(%composer%),170,170,gettextwidth(%composer%)).

With these setting the column has not a regualr size on each album, but modify on the composer lenght.

Now I would like to have a fixed column width every album, so the largest composer name should define the column width

For ex.: if I have in the same album: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz List and Antonio Vivaldi; Mozart who has the longest name should define the column width

Is that possible?

Thank you!