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Topic: foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7 (Read 947793 times) previous topic - next topic
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foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #300
Great component Florian, keep up the good work.

Just wondering if there is any interest in making foo_audioscrobbler submit information from streams so that those tracks will be scrobbled as well? I think this would be a handy feature, and I don't know why the Last.FM client doesn't support it yet either.

Hear any thoughts on this would be great.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #301
Now it works perfect as usual. 

I only changed the ".jpg" to ".*" in the Album Art Panel sources. 
And now I also can open the audio CD without any "I/O error (win32 #xyz).

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #302
Worlking fine, here in 0.9.5

I decided to uninstall my 0.9.5 and start over with a new installation and now 0.9.5 and audioscrobbler 1.3.9 are getting along perfectly 
I really have no idea what was causing the problems before, must have been something on my end, but hey all is good now

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #303
I'm using the latest foobar beta (0.9.5 beta 1) and Audioscrobbler 1.3.9. I keep getting the 'Cannot connect to server' error, while at the same time older foobar and foo_audioscrobbler seem to be submitting just fine. So it isn't an issue with my connection or server. This isn't a firewall issue, either. Any ideas?

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #304
I'm using the latest foobar beta (0.9.5 beta 1) and Audioscrobbler 1.3.9. I keep getting the 'Cannot connect to server' error, while at the same time older foobar and foo_audioscrobbler seem to be submitting just fine. So it isn't an issue with my connection or server. This isn't a firewall issue, either. Any ideas?

In my case I believe it might have been a firewall issue. I have two Foobar installs, one running the latest beta, the other When I did a reinstall of 0.9.5 my firewall asked me if I wanted to update my rules for Foobar. Since then it's working fine. So I think either for some reason I didn't get this same firewall rule update request or I accidentally dismissed it, I'm not sure. So in case you haven't tried yet I would suggest to remove your firewall rule(s) for foobar and starting over.


foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #305

I'm using the latest foobar beta (0.9.5 beta 1) and Audioscrobbler 1.3.9. I keep getting the 'Cannot connect to server' error, while at the same time older foobar and foo_audioscrobbler seem to be submitting just fine. So it isn't an issue with my connection or server. This isn't a firewall issue, either. Any ideas?

In my case I believe it might have been a firewall issue. I have two Foobar installs, one running the latest beta, the other When I did a reinstall of 0.9.5 my firewall asked me if I wanted to update my rules for Foobar. Since then it's working fine. So I think either for some reason I didn't get this same firewall rule update request or I accidentally dismissed it, I'm not sure. So in case you haven't tried yet I would suggest to remove your firewall rule(s) for foobar and starting over.

Im my case it's not firewall issue - same foobar installation (0.9.5b1) and if I use foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.6 it works, when I switch to 1.3.9 it keeps telling me that it cant connect to server... So there must be some problem with new version I guess...

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #306

I'm using the latest foobar beta (0.9.5 beta 1) and Audioscrobbler 1.3.9. I keep getting the 'Cannot connect to server' error, while at the same time older foobar and foo_audioscrobbler seem to be submitting just fine. So it isn't an issue with my connection or server. This isn't a firewall issue, either. Any ideas?

In my case I believe it might have been a firewall issue. I have two Foobar installs, one running the latest beta, the other When I did a reinstall of 0.9.5 my firewall asked me if I wanted to update my rules for Foobar. Since then it's working fine. So I think either for some reason I didn't get this same firewall rule update request or I accidentally dismissed it, I'm not sure. So in case you haven't tried yet I would suggest to remove your firewall rule(s) for foobar and starting over.

Im my case it's not firewall issue - same foobar installation (0.9.5b1) and if I use foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.6 it works, when I switch to 1.3.9 it keeps telling me that it cant connect to server... So there must be some problem with new version I guess...

.95b2+1.3.9 work fine here

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #307
I've just released foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.10 which fixes a random DNS problem that was responsible for the "Cannot connect to server" messages.

You can get it via the first post of this topic.

Kind regards,

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #308
I've just released foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.10 which fixes a random DNS problem that was responsible for the "Cannot connect to server" messages.

Installed it, works fine so far, but has a funny line at the first start:  "Startup time : 13799wk 4d 5:01:41.952348" - after a second start of foobar the line looks normal again. I use foobar

My problem with the brackets is still there (see page 12 of this thread), I hope you can fix this too.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #309
thanks, it works now ! 

I've just released foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.10 which fixes a random DNS problem that was responsible for the "Cannot connect to server" messages.

You can get it via the first post of this topic.

Kind regards,

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #310
Installed it, works fine so far
Sorry to say this but i should have tested it more... It's not working at all. With every song I hear the lastfm site tells me, that the song was wrong tagged and could not be added.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #311
Installed it, works fine so far
Sorry to say this but i should have tested it more... It's not working at all. With every song I hear the lastfm site tells me, that the song was wrong tagged and could not be added.

I had now enough time to play with the new plugin. It works with all songs besides the ones tagged as [:SITD:]. If I play a song of this artist lastfm tells me, the song was wrong tagged and could not be added and this warning stays there till I click on it. That's why I thought this warning was for all songs, but it's only for songs of [:SITD:].

Removing the brackets is still the only way to get it working. lastfm's recenttracks.txt shows me:
1194295673,[:SITD:] – Curtain Raiser

So I still think the brackets should be okay and the plugin causes the problem. Anybody else having a problem with brackets?

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #312
I don't know if it's possible but is there any way to grab the play count for a particular song from and retag the mp3 with it?

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #313
I had now enough time to play with the new plugin. It works with all songs besides the ones tagged as [:SITD:]. If I play a song of this artist lastfm tells me, the song was wrong tagged and could not be added and this warning stays there till I click on it. That's why I thought this warning was for all songs, but it's only for songs of [:SITD:].

This is because of the spam filter on's side, nothing to do with the plugin. Have you tried tagging the files with MusicBrainz? If the plugin submits a MB Track ID it will by-pass the filter, or you can wait until finish their own fingerprinting.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #314
I had now enough time to play with the new plugin. It works with all songs besides the ones tagged as [:SITD:]. If I play a song of this artist lastfm tells me, the song was wrong tagged and could not be added and this warning stays there till I click on it. That's why I thought this warning was for all songs, but it's only for songs of [:SITD:].

This is because of the spam filter on's side, nothing to do with the plugin. Have you tried tagging the files with MusicBrainz? If the plugin submits a MB Track ID it will by-pass the filter, or you can wait until finish their own fingerprinting.

Actually I use musicbrainz to get the track information within EAC, which I use for ripping my CDs.
I tagged some mp3s now again and got the additional musicbrainz information (musicbrainz_trackid and many more) in the id3tag, but there is no difference, I still get the error message on my lastfm site.
It is still working with "[:SITD:] & Painbastard" though, although there are brackets in the artists name.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #315
Citizen, can you please send me one of this problematic tracks to my contact email for further analysing this issue.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #317
Citizen, can you please send me one of this problematic tracks to my contact email for further analysing this issue.

Okay, I sent you the smallest file I have of this artist. Thank you!

I've tried it and encountered the same problem.

A quick chat with someone from the staff gave some insight to this issue: at the moment they are blocking all artists in square brackets. So this is not an issue with the component, but a general limitation of the service.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #318

Citizen, can you please send me one of this problematic tracks to my contact email for further analysing this issue.

Okay, I sent you the smallest file I have of this artist. Thank you!

I've tried it and encountered the same problem.

A quick chat with someone from the staff gave some insight to this issue: at the moment they are blocking all artists in square brackets. So this is not an issue with the component, but a general limitation of the service.

Uhh... thanks for that information... weird... so I will blame lastfm. Thanks!

EDIT: But it's working with an artist name  '[:SITD:] & Painbastard' - there are square brackets and it's working! weird lastfm....   

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #319
I looked at some of my mp3s I have and noticed that the MB trackID has been written to UFID which, from a quick look at the wiki, foobar does not support. Thus MB trackIDs are not currently possible to submit, unless the MBtagger changes to storing it in a TXXX frame, like all the other data it adds.

This only appears to be a mp3 problem as I get the field MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID on ogg and flac files. IMO I would say this is an inconsistency with the tagger, and/or a limitation with foobar's tagging support.

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #320
I've just released foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.11 which fixes a crash caused by wrong handling of MusicBrainz Track IDs and a problem where successfully submitted tracks are submitted again in rare cases.

You can get it via the first post of this topic.

Kind regards,

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #321
Unfortunately there was a problem with the last version 1.3.11 that that prevented foobar2000 from closing correctly in certain circumstances.

The new release of foo_audioscrobbler 1.3.12 fixes this problem and removes the title formatting field for the cache size (because title formatting isn't intended for global data).

You can get it via the first post of this topic.

Kind regards,

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #322
Version w/o installer is still 1.3.11
Thinking Outside The Box

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #323
Version w/o installer is still 1.3.11

In foobar it does report as 1.3.11. However, in Windows Explorer, it says its 1.3.12... so which one is it really?
Song List:

foo_audioscrobbler 1.4.7

Reply #324

Version w/o installer is still 1.3.11

In foobar it does report as 1.3.11. However, in Windows Explorer, it says its 1.3.12... so which one is it really?

I forgot to bump the version number within the component. It's fixed now, thanks!