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Topic: [IOS] - respect track# metadata (Read 1567 times) previous topic - next topic
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[IOS] - respect track# metadata

Good morning,

It might be something obvious, but for now, I'm unable to find it.
I've been a fan of foobar2K for a couple of years now, both on desktop and mobile (iPhone IOS version 18.1.1)

I'm using TuneFusion to sync my music libraries from my desktop to my phone, which is working fine on its own.
However, it is not respecting the track # metadata of the numbers.

I have a lot of premixed music, and as such the order is important - A single track may consists of up to 100 titles and I don't want to create manual playlists for each one of them since the metadata is available.

Does anyone know how I can sort a folder on the mobile app based on the track # metadata rather than the alphabetical order it does by default?

Thanks for any tips or advice

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #1
There is no option in the mobile app to sort by anything.

You could add the [track] metadata in the naming scheme of TuneFusion and browse the files in folder mode,

[track] [artist] - [title]

would display the files sorted by track#

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #2
As far as I see and understand, the mobile version always sorts tracks correctly by metadata. The comment from zeremy made me double check my beliefs and I uploaded an album with incorrect directory name and with track numbers stripped from the filenames. The album was perfectly placed in the library, all track numbers visible and shown in correct order.

This thread does not compute. Perhaps share a sample to see what kind of tracks you have a problem with.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #3
As far as I see and understand, the mobile version always sorts tracks correctly by metadata. The comment from zeremy made me double check my beliefs and I uploaded an album with incorrect directory name and with track numbers stripped from the filenames. The album was perfectly placed in the library, all track numbers visible and shown in correct order.

This thread does not compute. Perhaps share a sample to see what kind of tracks you have a problem with.
I think the OP isn't browsing /selecting the files from the internal Library, but selecting either the "foobar2000 Music Folder"  or the "TuneFusion Library" folders
There the files are displayed in alphabetical order and do not respect the track numbers order.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #4
Disc and Track numbers are used when browsing by Album, or even Albumartist/Album.

In Folder view, tags are not considered at all. It is simply based on the folder and file names. If you want to have the Disc and Track number order maintained you need to have these numbers preceding the filenames.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #5
Dear all
@zeremy  --> You are correct, I am/was selecting the music from the Foobar2000 Music folder since I had a similar issue with the Albums not being correctly represented.
Although all the same album, the album name gets disoriented as well where it is being built as [Album] - [Artist]

Will see if I can add an example later today.

But thanks for your input, I will be playing around with the tags today to see if this helps.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #6
@Case @MotleyG

Thanks both for your inputs - I, incorrectly, assumed the folders would have sorting options available.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #7
- Album - ASOT 2024 Yearmix
Screenshot per my Windows folder showing title, track, artists and album
Screenshot per my mobile phone showing that the Album view.

Note: per Zeremy, started to playing around with adding track numbers in front.
It's looking ok for now, which works ok in folder view - I just have to fix the album representation.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #8
@kristofvdo It appears this is a compilation album with a mix of different Artist values for each track. Make sure you include a common Albumartist for every track on this Album to ensure it shows just a single grouped Album in the browser.

Usually for compilation Albums I would use "Various Artists" but in this case you might consider "Armin Van Buuren" as the common name.

Re: [IOS] - respect track# metadata

Reply #9
Thanks @MotleyG - But wouldn't the album normally take the 'Album' metadata rather than Artists?

But yes, to your point I did adjust that metadata earlier this morning to make sure they get in the proper album.
So with combination of your, and Zeremy's response I'm now able to adjust all the info accordingly so it's is usable and playable.

Topic closed in my opinion.
Thanks for the smooth, and efficient responses.
