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Topic: Feature Request: Play to External Renderer (Read 1904 times) previous topic - next topic
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Feature Request: Play to External Renderer

The mobile app is great. In my view much better then Bubble UPNP or Mconnect that i currently use. I am longtime fan of F2B and rather use it for streaming music to my dedicated streamer.

Could you please consider adding a function "to play to external renderer"?
In other words, to use Foobar2000 for Android mobile to send the music directly to a streaming device connected to the amplifier/speakers? Somewhat similar to What Bubble and some other apps do.

P.S. If this function is already available, please provide instructions on how to use it...

Much appreciated.

Re: Feature Request: Play to External Renderer

Reply #1
Hi, is there any possibility to vote for 'feature request' ideas?
I would vote for this one...