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Topic: Sorting by Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title by the Sort Tags (Read 3965 times) previous topic - next topic
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Sorting by Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title by the Sort Tags

Is there any plan to add the option to use the sort tags for the various tags for the mobile versions? I have both IOS and Android devices and the sorting is only based on the standard tags.

Re: Sorting by Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title by the Sort Tags

Reply #1
As far as I know, Apple's Music app (on iOS) is the only app on any OS that "totally" supports sort tags for Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title.  Even if you look at foobar2000 on Windows, it supports reading and writing to these tags, but their usage is not integrated into the UI there either.  It's a shame.

Even allowing foobar2000 mobile to search on these tags would be helpful.  (e.g., the Artist tag is written in CJK characters, but the Artist Sort tag contains either Hiragana/Katakana (for typing on a keyboard) or transliterating to Latin script alphabet (for typing on a non-Japanese keyboard)).

Re: Sorting by Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title by the Sort Tags

Reply #2
As far as I know, Apple's Music app (on iOS) is the only app on any OS that "totally" supports sort tags for Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title.  Even if you look at foobar2000 on Windows, it supports reading and writing to these tags, but their usage is not integrated into the UI there either.  It's a shame.

Even allowing foobar2000 mobile to search on these tags would be helpful.  (e.g., the Artist tag is written in CJK characters, but the Artist Sort tag contains either Hiragana/Katakana (for typing on a keyboard) or transliterating to Latin script alphabet (for typing on a non-Japanese keyboard)).

GoneMad is using sort tags now, flawlessly.

Re: Sorting by Artist/AlbumArtist/Album/Composer/Title by the Sort Tags

Reply #3
Bumping this topic. Any plans to add sorting tags for browsing a library to Foobar Mobile?