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Recent Posts
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by ilovefb2k -
@oops : thanks a lot for the default values list, and the additional stuff for 0.1.3!

I was excited about the upcoming compatibility with AIMP skins.  Does this include both the analog versions from the aimp_analogMeter.dll group and the LVU.dll plugin's digital group?

Attached with permission is a re-design of the DejaVU Vertical meter, originally done by hiccup for the new MusicBee VUMeter plugin and later adapted by him for use with Foobar's BIN files, working very well with your plugin!  The zip includes two different color schemes:

hi @sveakul ,
the sky is the limit, especially for those are creative.
it looks extremely promising, DUI is perfect for this.

can we use this preset ?
AAC - Tech / Re: AAC frames and ADTS frames
Last post by Klymins -
According to the information on this page, there may be anywhere from one to four AAC frames in each ADTS frame.

I didn't catch that information in the first read, thank you!

...that's that horribly wrong page ChatGPT gave with the results to furthr look into :)

I think this page isn't wrong, why do you think it's wrong @itisljar ? Also, I think I have to say that ChatGPT almost never gave a link to me as a citation, and it would be great if it was programmed to do that.
Other Lossy Codecs / Re: Can I make my own psychoacoustics audio codec?
Last post by includemeout -
IMO, there's no need for any TOS provision.

People should just apply the commonsensical "Do not feed the troll." (Which hasn't unfortunately been the case here) and let them tire themselves out, that's all.

Whether they're just another village idiot or a 12-year-old whose hormone-induced attention-seeking compels them to do so, they've bound to give up sooner or later, if shown "the hand" and let talking to themselves.
MP3 / Re: An MP3 encoder without a cutoff point
Last post by Klymins -
For me lame seems to show a different behavior for 48000 and 44100 than for other sampling frequencies. I generated a stereo sweep from 0.9 bandwidth to max at sampling frequencies: 48000, 44100, 32000, 22050, 16000 and 11025. Then I encoded them with "lame -b 32 --lowpass -1". Only 48000 and 44100 preserved the signal at the top:
[attach type=image]32959[/attach]

Yes, and GXLame apparently does not have this problem but it has another problem: it encodes the high frequencies without as much attention as lower frequencies. And I think that's ironic that LAME supports cutoffless encoding at the sampling rates those need that the least.
3rd Party Plugins - (fb2k) / Re: foo_vis_vumeter
Last post by sveakul -
@oops : thanks a lot for the default values list, and the additional stuff for 0.1.3!

I was excited about the upcoming compatibility with AIMP skins.  Does this include both the analog versions from the aimp_analogMeter.dll group and the LVU.dll plugin's digital group?

Attached with permission is a re-design of the DejaVU Vertical meter, originally done by hiccup for the new MusicBee VUMeter plugin and later adapted by him for use with Foobar's BIN files, working very well with your plugin!  The zip includes two different color schemes: